Pride of the Southland

I wish we had a band.
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you dont? seriously. When I was in the POTSB, it was before the annex of SC and Ark so I never saw SC. In the few times I've been to Knoxville, I cant recall seeing the USC band.
you dont? seriously. When I was in the POTSB, it was before the annex of SC and Ark so I never saw SC. In the few times I've been to Knoxville, I cant recall seeing the USC band.

We have one, it's just not very good. We usually bring the full band to Knoxville, but we didn't in '09, I guess because of I-40 being knocked out. However, we have a new director, so maybe she can fix it. It sounded really good at the spring game.
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We have one, it's just not very good. We usually bring the full band to Knoxville, but we didn't in '09, I guess because of I-40 being knocked out. However, we have a new director, so maybe she can fix it. It sounded really good at the spring game.
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IMO, its not an overnite fix. More of a generation fix. The POTSB rep was developed my Dr Julian who started there in the early 60s. By the time the 70s came in the band started to be an intragal part of the football game. It grew from there. Even if this new girl can 'fix' it, you might be much older before you see a differnce. That is, if she last that long.
IMO, its not an overnite fix. More of a generation fix. The POTSB rep was developed my Dr Julian who started there in the early 60s. By the time the 70s came in the band started to be an intragal part of the football game. It grew from there. Even if this new girl can 'fix' it, you might be much older before you see a differnce. That is, if she last that long.

Oh, I don't expect it to resemble the POTSB or the UGA Redcoat Band by August. It would be nice if it at least sounded better, though. I'd love for our band to be half as good as the POTSB. UT is fortunate to have such a great band to compliment their great football program.
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:lolabove: Wow! That was some of the WORST choreography I have ever seen!

This thread reminds me of the last Alabama game we played in Neyland. I was in the student section watching as the Alabama band began to perform and was laughing with the other students about the fact that they couldn't march in a straight line.

Just then there was a problem with the mikes and we got a clear listen at a lone saxaphone player playing HORRIBLY out of tune and off the beat. My section covered their ears and tried very hard to stop laughing (failing miserabley) :eek:lol:

Then the Pride of the Southland Band came out and performed beautifully, my section gave them a standing ovation :loco:
Chinese folks are pretty decent, but I think you meant descent.

As to the smaller size of the band, I hear there's been an influx of Pygmy immigrants to the Knoxville area
Edit: my phone did that typo for me me the auto-correct. I just did a crap proof reading job.
Pygmy folks are good people too :biggrin:

Chinese folks are great people, I was just trying to get some laughs, and yes I meant desent
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The band will be slightly larger this Fall than last year. The Pride let in 180 Freshman for next year. The 2010 season had about 280 members, but the 2011 season will have 300 members. The band in 1998 had 330 members because it was easier to get into UT then. The band will be able to increase in numbers over the next few years because a new music building is being built. It has been really hard to get even 100 new freshman in each year because of the academic requirements, that has changed this year with easier entrance into UT for marching band students. Pride of the Southland members will now(as of 2011) be treated as student athletes in UT admissions.
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If you are in the band or gonna be...hats off to you. We appreciate what u do and the honor you guys give this university. However, u and every other member should seriously light a fire under your directors to try and push for more members. You guys are awesome, but when other schools have 80-100 more performers, it makes the hard work you guys do go unnoticed to other programs. With the money and tradition we have here at UT, there is no reason we cannot suit as many as bama,LSU,Florida, UGA,S.CAROLINA,AUBURN,ETC.

I agree it'd be nice to have more, especially a strong brass sound. When compared though to SC and AU we are better and still have one of the best in the country. I'll be doing mellophone and there's alot of them this coming year and next same with low brass. Might as well have a drum corp perform. Watch Blue Devils Drum'll need new shorts
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A friend of mine was telling me about remembering shows in college at mtsu. I asked you actually remember it?? Which he replied oh yes I remember all 4 shows we did. 4? Well yeah - one a year. WTF. We did that by the first sec game
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I agree it'd be nice to have more, especially a strong brass sound. When compared though to SC and AU we are better and still have one of the best in the country. I'll be doing mellophone and there's alot of them this coming year and next same with low brass. Might as well have a drum corp perform. Watch Blue Devils Drum'll need new shorts
Posted via VolNation Go Cadets
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I agree it'd be nice to have more, especially a strong brass sound. When compared though to SC and AU we are better and still have one of the best in the country. I'll be doing mellophone and there's alot of them this coming year and next same with low brass. Might as well have a drum corp perform. Watch Blue Devils Drum'll need new shorts
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Madison Scouts FTW.

YouTube - The Madison Scouts 1996 Part 2
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Also, the using of microphones to spread the band sound around the stadium is disgraceful. That was always one of my biggest problems...
Thanks to all who responded to my original post. Great informative replies as well as good humor. I do think more powerful brass similar to these great drum and bugle corps such as the Madison Scouts , The Blue Devils , The Phantom Regiment and others performed by the Pride would really add to the game day experience. The Pride is still among the Elite but dwindling numbers will undeniably affect their ability to match the volume and power of the larger college bands......JMO
:lolabove: Wow! That was some of the WORST choreography I have ever seen!

This thread reminds me of the last Alabama game we played in Neyland. I was in the student section watching as the Alabama band began to perform and was laughing with the other students about the fact that they couldn't march in a straight line.

Just then there was a problem with the mikes and we got a clear listen at a lone saxaphone player playing HORRIBLY out of tune and off the beat. My section covered their ears and tried very hard to stop laughing (failing miserabley) :eek:lol:

Then the Pride of the Southland Band came out and performed beautifully, my section gave them a standing ovation :loco:


YouTube - Ohio's Band in Neyland Stadium
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Sousa's heart is not where it needs to be to run UT's band program. He has interviewed for at least two other SEC jobs and IMO lost interest in the program in the early to mid 2000s. Those of you speaking about his lack of recruiting are absolutely correct. There is a lot of talent in the HS band programs in East Tennessee and it's not being recruited to UT. I loved my time in the band and would do it again if given the chance. I'm really quite disappointed in the diminution of the program and hope it gets back on solid ground soon.
I don't know, but Alabama and Notre Dame have much bigger and --consequently-- louder bands. It's a shame IMO. It can be hard to hear the POTSMB.

It's true. I remember going to the UT bama game last year, and bama had way more sound and a much bigger band. I think under no circumstance should an opposing teams band come in to neyland and be louder, larger, or out perform our band.
Seems like UT band had no rivals during the 80s under the leadership of Dr. Julian. Times have seemed to change that.
As a high school director I know for a fact that two years ago, one of my students, who placed second chair trumpet in the All-State band....and who auditioned for a scholarship at UT (and did receive one) only ended up being denied admission to UT due to his ACT score not being high enough to make the cut. His was in the 20's...but UT wants it to be above 27 now. Admission standards have gotten soooo much tougher than when I was there back in the 70's. Only through the hard work by the band staff and trumpet teacher, was my student finally accepted to UT. I think it's pretty sad when the band staff offers a student a scholarship only to have the University turn the student away. If the band staff offers a scholarship to a student, the University should not be able to deny their admission. I sincerely hope this situation had been resolved to the bands benefit.

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