Pride of the Southland

I wonder why UT has put their band on the back burner. I mean it has been a real source of pride in the university. I feel that a great UT band could really benefit the football team in years to come. I remember in the late 90's no one could out play and march UT it seemed. I just wish it would return.
I'd say the simple answer is the Directors in conjunction with higher standards at Admissions.

And FWIW, I absolutely loved Sousa. Always had a fun time with him.
for at least the last 3-4 years, the visiting band has usually been a lot louder and more diverse in their song selection.

the pride has lost its savvy, IMO. wonder if that has anything to do with our performance on the field? thoughts?
And someone needs to tell them it is okay to play more than living on a prayer and Rocky Top.
As a former member of The Pride of the Southland, I'm glad to see the love for the band. Maybe Hammy's feelings are different, but I remember Dickey giving a speech during a band camp visit where he said as long as the team won, we weren't really needed. I remember being really offended. I know the games are about the team, but I always felt we were a part of the overall game experience. What would a game be without the sounds of Rocky Top?
As I've said in the past, I'll continue to say. The direction the Pride plays doesn't help things. Acoustics in Neyland are awful and the sound hits the field fine, but escapes really easily. The Opposing band is more audible because they play on the side with the mini-roof. That traps their sound.
As I've said in the past, I'll continue to say. The direction the Pride plays doesn't help things. Acoustics in Neyland are awful and the sound hits the field fine, but escapes really easily. The Opposing band is more audible because they play on the side with the mini-roof. That traps their sound.

What you are saying makes sense. I just can't remember a time opposing team's bands just out blaired our squad as I have seen over the last 4 years or so.
What you are saying makes sense. I just can't remember a time opposing team's bands just out blaired our squad as I have seen over the last 4 years or so.

The other acoustics aspect that could make it seem lopsided (other than the opposing band simply being louder) is where you're sitting. If your seats happen to be around T-V, you have a better chance of hearing the opposing band. They're more angled toward you, and the roof will give them an automatic boost.

Not saying what you're claiming doesn't have merit, just that it could be closer than it appears, strictly because of acoustics
The other acoustics aspect that could make it seem lopsided (other than the opposing band simply being louder) is where you're sitting. If your seats happen to be around T-V, you have a better chance of hearing the opposing band. They're more angled toward you, and the roof will give them an automatic boost.

Not saying what you're claiming doesn't have merit, just that it could be closer than it appears, strictly because of acoustics

During 98 and 99 we had season tickets in the nose bleeds about 2 rows down from the V in the vols sign. I noticed the we heard the band quite well except we were hearing the acoustics bouncing off of the other side of the stadium. Singing rocky top was a little difficult because people were singing with the band, but we were hearing the echo. I always remembered the band outplaying other bands; however, considering the seasons we were having then my memory may be biased to the perfect experience.
During 98 and 99 we had season tickets in the nose bleeds about 2 rows down from the V in the vols sign. I noticed the we heard the band quite well except we were hearing the acoustics bouncing off of the other side of the stadium. Singing rocky top was a little difficult because people were singing with the band, but we were hearing the echo. I always remembered the band outplaying other bands; however, considering the seasons we were having then my memory may be biased to the perfect experience.

No clue...Since my freshman year, I've either been playing in the band, or sitting in the adjacent student sections. There, I can't even tell there is another band until halftime.
Does not even match Blue Devils or Cavaliers. BD's have won like 8 years in a row
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+1000. Scouts are always good but BD have the trophies. Cavies sometimes are scary the shows they put on.

There were 3 POTSB guys that marched for the Scouts one summer. When they came back one said the rule of thumb is NEVER ride the guard bus. NEVER. If you know who "four" is, then you know who said it
+1000. Scouts are always good but BD have the trophies. Cavies sometimes are scary the shows they put on.

There were 3 POTSB guys that marched for the Scouts one summer. When they came back one said the rule of thumb is NEVER ride the guard bus. NEVER. If you know who "four" is, then you know who said it

I can only think of 1 person who would have marched Scouts. Same person who wears Packers track suits.
Scouts never really won anything but they always seemed to be a fan favorite. They never shyed away from from showing off (screaming trupmets, solid percussion).

When it came to technical stuff, I was always a Cadets guy. Phantom was cool, too.
I don't know much about the technical side of the marching band but I've always thought UT's band sounded very good whereas UF's and Bama's sound like horns blaring non-stop. Although, those 2 bands get the crowd into it!

However, I'll never forget the Outback Bowl after the '07 season when we played Wisconsin. That band was awesome. I don't know how many members they have but their band was loud and clear. Very entertaining.

I, too, have noticed UT's band having fewer members the last few years. It's nice to know they'll be back above 300 this year.
I'd say the simple answer is the Directors in conjunction with higher standards at Admissions.

And FWIW, I absolutely loved Sousa. Always had a fun time with him.

I didn't know you were in the band. Much props crusse. I bought a CD of the band once when the band was selling them at the stadium. I wore that BIA out, and got mad sitting in traffic for several hours at the stadium, and threw it out the window. Do you know where I could possibly find another at?
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POTS, FTR. I half way like Stanfords band, but nobody beats the POTS band in my eyes. NOBODY.
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Does not even match Blue Devils or Cavaliers. BD's have won like 8 years in a row
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I agree, but I just like Madison because they're just so fun to watch. They play to the crowd, not the judges, that's why they don't have the hardware that other high profile corps do.
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I know I'm not in band here anymore because of class scheduling issues and whatnot. With limited course numbers offered, I can't afford to do band and skip out on something in my major. The fact that nearly everyone in a power position in the PotSB is kind of a prick doesn't help either. Major power trips go on and it doesn't help the atmosphere or attitudes of anyone involved, which means less and less rejoin the next year. Oh well, still love our band. I do and don't miss it. I miss the trips, miss the games, miss the people. Don't miss the whopping 500 dollars I got a year from them for 7 hours of practice a week, plus weekends.
You've hit the nail on the head with the Sousa comment. I am a second year member of the POTSB and the problem really is Sousa. When i was in High School he didn't really care enough to come hear us, but rather just waited for audition dates for us to come to him. If you're ever around a decent HS Band program, you'll see that many University directors will come "recruit" musicians as well as send in their assistant directors to do workshops with the entire HS's band in hopes of finding more talent. My senior year involved one visit from Dr. Stanley, who is an assistant director of bands at UTK, but other than that Sousa never really shows his face in public, at least in many people's cases in the band. I personally would support a

This is unfortunately true. I was in a Knox County band program and never once saw a recruiting poster in the band room or one of the UT directors. The first time I ever saw Dr. Sousa was when I walked into the band room to audition for the Pride. When the number dipped low enough in 09 they started to recruit. I didn't march this past season so I'm not sure if it continued or not. I do know that the only exposure I had to the Pride that helped me make up my mind was when I saw the Pride on Game days. However, that's not going to be enough for everybody. If the program wants to bulk up they have to be more active in recruiting locally and across the state, maybe even going so far as mailing recruiting posters to band programs all across the Southeast. This isn't necessarily a slam on Dr. Sousa. He's a super smart guy and is also very likable; it's more of a criticism of the organization's recruiting techniques, or lack thereof.

It's not. I'll be in it next year and it's still gonna have around 300. Spring game was voluntary
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Unless you have a pretty excuse, the Orange and White game is mandatory. Granted there are quite a few people who have excuses, but I could not have just missed an Orange and White game because I wanted to and then expect to be let off the hook. (By the way the first time you open the T will be incredible.)

Less woodwind and more brass.

This actually happened in 2008. The woodwind numbers have been slowly creeping back up, but they cut them way back for 2008.

Also, the using of microphones to spread the band sound around the stadium is disgraceful. That was always one of my biggest problems...

Neyland's acoustics aren't exactly ideal. I imagine they do that so people from the first row to the folks leaning against the top railing can can hear the Pride all the way around. It's especially handy for people sitting way up high on the East end of the stadium, since most of the time the Pride faces the West sideline.

I'm also a little surprised about all the corps mentions. I love drum corps and figured I was either the only one here who liked it or was in a very tiny minority.
I'm also a little surprised about all the corps mentions. I love drum corps and figured I was either the only one here who liked it or was in a very tiny minority.

There's a few of us DCI geeks around, whether-or-not we're willing to admit it. Had plenty of good times when Night Beat rolled into Charlotte.
There's a few of us DCI geeks around, whether-or-not we're willing to admit it. Had plenty of good times when Night Beat rolled into Charlotte.

I'm a DCI geek....not ashamed. I guarantee anyone that hasn't witnessed a DCI performance before will get goose bumps if they ever get to see a good corp in person. My high school hosts a show every summer...I hope I'm able to go this year.
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