Pride of the Southland

I'm a DCI geek....not ashamed. I guarantee anyone that hasn't witnessed a DCI performance before will get goose bumps if they ever get to see a good corp in person. My high school hosts a show every summer...I hope I'm able to go this year.
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yep, I'm in the club too. Been to many a final (Atlanta, Buffalo, Dallas) along with countless other shows. Had the privilege of my brother marching with Phantom then the Cadets for 2 yrs then was an instructor for the Cadets for a year after aging out. I can actuall say I've had the Cadets brass practice in my mom and dad's back yard.

Didnt get to go to MTSU last year but am hoping to go again this summer. Two years ago I took my wife to see a DCI show for the first time and she was blown away. This from a girl that not only knows nothing of marching but is from another country.

Oh, and I've heard my bro tell stories about being on the bus. We all might have been crazy while in HS and POTSB but corps take it to a whoooole different level.
I went to my first finals this past August. Making that trip again this year. Lucas Oil isn't exactly great acoustics wise, but you don't melt to your seat, so I can deal with some echo.
I can't imagine marching a show there in August. I've been to Orlando in July in shorts and a t-shirt and thought I was going to roast. I would have a heat stroke if I had to throw on a corps uniform then run around a football field for 12 minutes while playing at the same time. I'm sweating just thinking about it.
In the early 90s the finals were at the old Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Keep in mind this is mid August. Probably uppper 90s if not 100s in the day time pure Texas heat and that was in the daytime. "No problem" we thought. "It'll get cooler when the sun goes down". It didnt. Just as hot, just a muggy. I was dripping with so much sweat that I leaned on a lightpole and I could feel a small current of electricity running thru me. No more Dallas in August for me.
And the old Cotton Bowl absolutely sucked to watch drum corps.
In the early 90s the finals were at the old Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Keep in mind this is mid August. Probably uppper 90s if not 100s in the day time pure Texas heat and that was in the daytime. "No problem" we thought. "It'll get cooler when the sun goes down". It didnt. Just as hot, just a muggy. I was dripping with so much sweat that I leaned on a lightpole and I could feel a small current of electricity running thru me. No more Dallas in August for me.
And the old Cotton Bowl absolutely sucked to watch drum corps.

that sounds unbareable
POTS member in 1974. Condredge Holloway's senior year. We went to three away games, LSU, Ole Miss in Memphis, and Vandy. The only game we didn't go to was Auburn, thank goodness.

I haven't really noticed the band's smaller size, but I don't get to see the band live every year as I live near Orlando (behind enemy lines).

I have no idea about funding for the band, but I do know that in 1974 we got $5 per meal for our road trips. Either that or the band would just pay for our meals when we would stop at a cafeteria and we could get anything we wanted. (That was in the days before there was a hamburger joint on all four corners of intersections.) I could make money off the road trips with $5 per meal because Big Macs were 40 cents and soft drinks were a dime. Well, I didn't make any money off the LSU trip because we stayed in New Orleans. Bourbon Street, you know. :)
POTS member in 1974. Condredge Holloway's senior year. We went to three away games, LSU, Ole Miss in Memphis, and Vandy. The only game we didn't go to was Auburn, thank goodness.

I haven't really noticed the band's smaller size, but I don't get to see the band live every year as I live near Orlando (behind enemy lines).

I have no idea about funding for the band, but I do know that in 1974 we got $5 per meal for our road trips. Either that or the band would just pay for our meals when we would stop at a cafeteria and we could get anything we wanted. (That was in the days before there was a hamburger joint on all four corners of intersections.) I could make money off the road trips with $5 per meal because Big Macs were 40 cents and soft drinks were a dime. Well, I didn't make any money off the LSU trip because we stayed in New Orleans. Bourbon Street, you know. :)

how rowdy would the band get on bourbon street?
how rowdy would the band get on bourbon street?

Heck, it wasn't the band, it was Dr. Julian! True story: On Friday night, three or four of us had been down on Bourbon Street (me, a fairly naive 18-year-old freshman from a small town). It wasn't real late, but after midnight. We decided to call it a night and were walking back toward the hotel. As we turned the corner off Bourbon Street, we see Dr. J headed down there. We said hello to him and kept walking. Here we were teenage guys calling it a night and Dr. J was just heading down to party central!

But, I do remember seeing some of the older guys in the band harassing some of the female impersonators who were hanging outside their clubs on Bourbon Street. I had never seen anything like those clubs. Heck, I had no idea that guys dressed up like girls. The things I learned in the POTS!
This is unfortunately true. I was in a Knox County band program and never once saw a recruiting poster in the band room or one of the UT directors. The first time I ever saw Dr. Sousa was when I walked into the band room to audition for the Pride. When the number dipped low enough in 09 they started to recruit. I didn't march this past season so I'm not sure if it continued or not. I do know that the only exposure I had to the Pride that helped me make up my mind was when I saw the Pride on Game days. However, that's not going to be enough for everybody. If the program wants to bulk up they have to be more active in recruiting locally and across the state, maybe even going so far as mailing recruiting posters to band programs all across the Southeast. This isn't necessarily a slam on Dr. Sousa. He's a super smart guy and is also very likable; it's more of a criticism of the organization's recruiting techniques, or lack thereof.

Unless you have a pretty excuse, the Orange and White game is mandatory. Granted there are quite a few people who have excuses, but I could not have just missed an Orange and White game because I wanted to and then expect to be let off the hook. (By the way the first time you open the T will be incredible.)

This actually happened in 2008. The woodwind numbers have been slowly creeping back up, but they cut them way back for 2008.

Neyland's acoustics aren't exactly ideal. I imagine they do that so people from the first row to the folks leaning against the top railing can can hear the Pride all the way around. It's especially handy for people sitting way up high on the East end of the stadium, since most of the time the Pride faces the West sideline.

I'm also a little surprised about all the corps mentions. I love drum corps and figured I was either the only one here who liked it or was in a very tiny minority.
What did you like more, the first time opening the T, or the first 8-count bow?
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What did you like more, the first time opening the T, or the first 8-count bow?
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Definitely the first time opening the T. The first circle drill in Neyland is something amazing as well, but the first time feeling the field rumble is something else.
Definitely the first time opening the T. The first circle drill in Neyland is something amazing as well, but the first time feeling the field rumble is something else.

I just don't know. The sense of accomplishment that comes over you as you're down for those 4 counts...chills just went through my body thinking about it
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Just thought of a Circle Drill story from '09 actually (more of a Ryder story, but it had to do with Circle Drill). We were rehearsing and I totally blew a set and he called me for it. I heard my name over the speakers and knew I had messed up. After we went back and ran it again, I nailed it. Ryder comes on and yells at me again. This time I look up and realize he isn't yelling at me. He is yelling at someone on the totally opposite side of the field who he thinks is me. I was laughing too hard to tell him I was on the opposite 35 yard line. A few weeks later we were rehearsing on game day with hats. well my hat was slightly too big so the whole open your mouth when you bow thing didn't totally work so i had to hold my hand on it. Well we did the first bow and I opened my mouth, but didnt get my hand up in time so off went the hat. When we hit the UT sequence, I was bottom of the T right down in front. I wasn't Jacob anymore, I was just "YOU!". He knew my name, he just never matched the face with it.
Just thought of a Circle Drill story from '09 actually (more of a Ryder story, but it had to do with Circle Drill). We were rehearsing and I totally blew a set and he called me for it. I heard my name over the speakers and knew I had messed up. After we went back and ran it again, I nailed it. Ryder comes on and yells at me again. This time I look up and realize he isn't yelling at me. He is yelling at someone on the totally opposite side of the field who he thinks is me. I was laughing too hard to tell him I was on the opposite 35 yard line. A few weeks later we were rehearsing on game day with hats. well my hat was slightly too big so the whole open your mouth when you bow thing didn't totally work so i had to hold my hand on it. Well we did the first bow and I opened my mouth, but didnt get my hand up in time so off went the hat. When we hit the UT sequence, I was bottom of the T right down in front. I wasn't Jacob anymore, I was just "YOU!". He knew my name, he just never matched the face with it.
That was after me, but I had a similar story. As I said, freshman year was my first time marching. Obviously I was pulled from Pregane and Halftime immediately. I got a call from Robbie (the black suit in charge of spot placement) Wednesday night before the first game. "You're in Pregame." Yikes. 1 rehearsal, morning practice, and it's Gameday. Friday I did bad, but got a pass. Saturday morning we're in the interlocking UT. I'm on the front sideline, and Ryder calls for the whistle. "Him. Get him out of there." I was pulled. I was so close. I went back to the sideline, sulking as inconspicuously as I could. They run the set again, and Sousa runs over, calls for the whistle, and screams, "No. Not that one. The one behind him." I'm back in. I nail it.
After rehearsal, Sousa seeks me out and personally apologizes to me, "I'm very sorry. That will never happen again." I nailed Pregame for my first time ever marching, on Shields-Watkins Field, in front of 107,000.
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This is the DCI show that is being held at my high school in Sevierville if any of you are interested here in the Knoxville area. It looks like a pretty solid line-up.

Sevierville, TN (Sevier County High School)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Drums Across America

Performing Corps:
Order of performance will be released closer to the event.
The Cavaliers -Rosemont, IL
The Academy -Tempe, AZ
Troopers -Casper, WY
Colts -Dubuque, IA
Spirit of Atlanta -Atlanta, GA
Crossmen -San Antonio, TX
Music City -Nashville, TN
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This is the DCI show that is being held at my high school in Sevierville if any of you are interested here in the Knoxville area. It looks like a pretty solid line-up.

Sevierville, TN (Sevier County High School)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Drums Across America

Performing Corps:
Order of performance will be released closer to the event.
The Cavaliers -Rosemont, IL
The Academy -Tempe, AZ
Troopers -Casper, WY
Colts -Dubuque, IA
Spirit of Atlanta -Atlanta, GA
Crossmen -San Antonio, TX
Music City -Nashville, TN
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I've actually road tripped to Sevierville in the early 90s to see a show. Great venue and glad to see yall still do it every year.

Good line up for sure but I think I'll hold out for M-boro (Friday 7/29)

Blue Devils - Concord, CA
Blue Stars - La Crosse, WI
Bluecoats - Canton, OH
Carolina Crown - Ft. Mill, SC
Phantom Regiment - Rockford, IL
Santa Clara Vanguard - Santa Clara, CA
The Cadets - Allentown, PA
The Cavaliers - Rosemont, IL

THAT is one heck of a line up.
I've actually road tripped to Sevierville in the early 90s to see a show. Great venue and glad to see yall still do it every year.

Good line up for sure but I think I'll hold out for M-boro (Friday 7/29)

Blue Devils - Concord, CA
Blue Stars - La Crosse, WI
Bluecoats - Canton, OH
Carolina Crown - Ft. Mill, SC
Phantom Regiment - Rockford, IL
Santa Clara Vanguard - Santa Clara, CA
The Cadets - Allentown, PA
The Cavaliers - Rosemont, IL

THAT is one heck of a line up.

Yeah, M-Boro always has an awesome line-up....they do the tour of champions shows.
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