Projected SEC Standings

In 116 years of playing football we've never lost more than 7 games in a single season, yet these jokers have us possibly going 3-9? As "bad" as we are supposed to be, we still have 4 wins almost by just showing up....
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No way on God's green earth does Vandy finish ahead of us. It's one thing to win A GAME, but week in and week out, they are not going to finish ahead of us.
4th is a good, realistic goal..... kills me to type that but its true. at this point in our development finishing behind SC, Uf and UGA is a given. cant fall behind the other guys though. 4th this year, top two next year and contend for a SEC title year 3. thats the progression im thinking.

Next year is the year we got to be patient, we will be better this year than next we will have to replace the entire OL and most of the DL, year 3 when we will take a Leap toward the top of the pack.
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AM has alot better chance than 5 heck they kicked nicks little azz in his own backyard last year got them at home plus Johnny football AM might roll instead of the green tide.
Next year is the year we got to be patient, we will be better this year than next we will have to replace the entire OL and most of the DL, year 3 when we will take a Leap toward the top of the pack.

i will go out on a limb and say tennessee is better in 2014 than 2013
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they did in 2011 and 2012

In 2011?

You mean that year when they lost to DOOLEY then got stomped my Butch Jones and his Big East football team in a Bowl game?

Yeah.....they didnt finish ahead on anything that year.
they did in 2011 and 2012

They are better than we are right now people dont wont to except it but them brains to the west are a little ahead of us didnt think it would happen in my life time but it has now it is time to put them back in there place carry peaces of card board sighs around saying you will work for us when we are beating them 40 to 0 in the third quarter remember those days i do it was not that long ago.:)
They are better than we are right now people dont wont to except it but them brains to the west are a little ahead of us didnt think it would happen in my life time but it has now it is time to put them back in there place carry peaces of card board sighs around saying you will work for us when we are beating them 40 to 0 in the third quarter remember those days i do it was not that long ago.:)

"Dem brains to the west" are certainly ahead of you in the English language.
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They are better than we are right now people dont wont to except it but them brains to the west are a little ahead of us didnt think it would happen in my life time but it has now it is time to put them back in there place carry peaces of card board sighs around saying you will work for us when we are beating them 40 to 0 in the third quarter remember those days i do it was not that long ago.:)

vandy is better than normal. but, not better than tennessee.

dooley lost his team in each of the last two years and still beat vandy in 2011.

vandy finished better because they play hard for 60 minutes all 12 games
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vandy is better than normal. but, not better than tennessee.

dooley lost his team in each of the last two years and still beat vandy in 2011.

vandy finished better because they play hard for 60 minutes all 12 games

This is the sad truth. Good things are ahead, however. Vandy might be lucky to beat us 2 more times in the next 30.
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vandy is better than normal. but, not better than tennessee.

dooley lost his team in each of the last two years and still beat vandy in 2011.

vandy finished better because they play hard for 60 minutes all 12 games

Finally something we can agree on. Gator to vol.
Was just on the BAMA website... they rated the top 3 OTs they will face this year, 2 of them are VOLS. James and Richardson. Get em' boys!!!!!
Next year is the year we got to be patient, we will be better this year than next we will have to replace the entire OL and most of the DL, year 3 when we will take a Leap toward the top of the pack.

i see your point but i still think next year will be better. we will lose the o-line, thats a given but im hoping the young guys weve got show the talent they have. skill positions will benefit from being in year 2 of the new offense. we will have two new rb's in hurd and paulk (freshmen i know but what other position can freshmen come in and dominate as easily as rb?) the secondary will be better i think. Dline and Lb will be rough. I really think we need some quality juco dline, LB and Oline. they could go a long way to making year two pretty solid....
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i will go out on a limb and say tennessee is better in 2014 than 2013

While I disagree, believing we lose too much talent from the 2013 group, I admit you could be right. The remnant of the 2013 team will have already undergone Jones training so will be easier to coach further. The incoming group won't have to unlearn anything from the previous UT coaching regime. So will be ripe for being Butchized.
So again, while I think too much will be lost from the OL and DL both and given we're thin there still, Jones might end up with an overachieving team. One thing I do think is he will have reliable QBs next year.
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They are better than we are right now people dont wont to except it but them brains to the west are a little ahead of us didnt think it would happen in my life time but it has now it is time to put them back in there place carry peaces of card board sighs around saying you will work for us when we are beating them 40 to 0 in the third quarter remember those days i do it was not that long ago.:)

I love your enthusiasm, and I agree with a lot of things you post. But with that said, reading your posts makes my eyes hurt. I'm seriously not trying to be an a**...but Dude, punctuation and simple grammar go a long way toward making your point easier to understand...if not just easier to look at. I apologize if I offend anyone, I have just gotten a headache from this stuff today.
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