Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

Why is someone labeled a "truther" for simply questioning the governments statements?

It is a tool used to marginalize their opinion. Just like calling someone a "conspiracy theorist" after the Warren Commission Report was released.
My brother worked for NASA for over 30 years and he still thinks to this day that we didn't land on the moon.

What do you think about that?

Imagine how strange it would be if Columbus made a few trips over to the Americas (Or East Indies as he thought) and then Spain just suddenly stopped funding new explorations after 4-5 years?

Isn't that what we pretty much did with The Moon?
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I for one don't think that our government is smart enough to pull the wool over too many peoples eyes. Too many people will talk for a clever plot to bring down the world trade center towers to ever succeed. Never land a man on the moon and stage a Hollywood production to cover it up?

Hell, our stupid Secret Service idiots can't even keep people from jumping the fence of the white house and getting through the front door.
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I for one don't think that our government is smart enough to pull the wool over too many peoples eyes. Too many people will talk for a clever plot to bring down the world trade center towers to ever succeed. Never land a man on the moon and stage a Hollywood production to cover it up?

Hell, our stupid Secret Service idiots can't even keep people from jumping the fence of the white house and getting through the front door.

I disagree. I believe they can. With enough intentional blunders to make the masses think just that.
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I for one don't think that our government is smart enough to pull the wool over too many peoples eyes. Too many people will talk for a clever plot to bring down the world trade center towers to ever succeed. Never land a man on the moon and stage a Hollywood production to cover it up?

Hell, our stupid Secret Service idiots can't even keep people from jumping the fence of the white house and getting through the front door.

How are you so sure that some of the people that are talking right now aren't spilling the beans... but they are just being marginalized as "kooks", "conspiracy theorists" or "Truthers"?
Imagine how strange it would be if Columbus made a few trips over to the Americas (Or East Indies as he thought) and then Spain just suddenly stopped funding new explorations after 4-5 years?

Isn't that what we pretty much did with The Moon?
I'm pretty sure that we didn't use boats, though.

Wait, I missed this because I have volprof on ignore, but you quoted him.

The US has one of the most transparent governments this world has ever seen..

That is some serious delusion right there.
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I disagree. I believe they can. With enough intentional blunders to make the masses think just that.

I work for corporate America. I have friends that work for government entities. Our government is infinitely more F'd up than our more than F'd up multi-national companies.
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Wait, I missed this because I have volprof on ignore, but you quoted him.

That is some serious delusion right there.

I stand by that comment. Just because you are spoiled by your Western privilege and demand that everything your govt. does be perfect doesn't mean we don't have one of the more transparent govts. in history.

I'm sorry facts are so against you.
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I work for corporate America. I have friends that work for government entities. Our government is infinitely more F'd up than our more than F'd up multi-national companies.

I know this to be true. I have worked for them. (Contractor).

He's not going to answer.

Of course I won't answer it in a timely enough fashion for your tastes. You see, I have other engagements outside of VN like a family.

Sad you're missing that in your life as it might make you somewhat of a more tolerable person. Anyway...

The answer is yes, the fires inside could have caused structural failure. Now what's more likely? Fires caused the collapse or hours after the crash of the aircraft they decided to explode that building?

Because the fires inside obviously wouldn't have set off the detonators of the explosives or anything.
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Imagine how strange it would be if Columbus made a few trips over to the Americas (Or East Indies as he thought) and then Spain just suddenly stopped funding new explorations after 4-5 years?

Isn't that what we pretty much did with The Moon?

Kinda accurate, kinda not.

See the space exploration thread.
The answer is yes, the fires inside could have caused structural failure. Now what's more likely? Fires caused the collapse or hours after the crash of the aircraft they decided to explode that building?

Because the fires inside obviously wouldn't have set off the detonators of the explosives or anything.

So you telling me that WTC 7 was brought down by a regular office fire?

Is this to be expected of any other skyscraper? Are regular offices fires expected to cause them to collapse?
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Since we have so many structural experts in this thread I have a question. I need to span 17.5' on a deck, would I need to 2ply or 3ply 2x12s to be safe?

You can't span 17 feet with 2x12s...if you're being serious. Would need a pressure treated PSL 5and a halfx12. Those are expensive. Surely in that 17 foot span you can get a post in the ground or to something solid and cut that span down to 12 feet so you CAN use 2x12s? Then double would be fine for the band, single joists if 2x12s and spanning 12 feet or less. Post a pic and I will be happy to help.
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So you telling me that WTC 7 was brought down by a regular office fire?

Is this to be expected of any other skyscraper? Are regular offices fires expected to cause them to collapse?

Regular office fires typically do not include structural damage to the building or the spontaneous out break of fire on numerous floors throughout the building or having no functioning sprinkler system due to a 110 story skyscraper collapsing across the street and severing the water main
Regular office fires typically do not include structural damage to the building or the spontaneous out break of fire on numerous floors throughout the building or having no functioning sprinkler system due to a 110 story skyscraper collapsing across the street and severing the water main

What structural damage?

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