Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

probably for the same reason we fans fight over whether we are good or not. Neither affects the outcome and people see what they want to see. And I would pretty much guarantee an engineer knows more than me. I did the math based on the as-built drawings and the pretty well convinced me. as you said its my opinion, but their opinion isn't any more valid than mine in this case.

and what about all the experts coming out and saying it is what it is? seems like you are as quick to dismiss them on nothing more than a hunch and some internet skulldrudgery, while I have a background and some real knowledge on the situation.

You are the one who quickly dismissed the experts who disagree with the ones who do agree. I have never discredited or ignored any of the experts who agree with 9/11. I honestly do not know who is right and neither do you. As I have stated, we do not have access to every piece of information relevant to 9/11. Therefore, none of us can make any real claims. Only speculation.

You can say people see what they want to see all you want, but that doesn't mean those who disagree aren't right. The bottom line is this, there have been experts who disagree with the 9/11 reports. Are their explanations correct? Who knows? we will likely never know with absolute certainty what really happened on 9/11. To say that the US government doesn't have the capability to cover something like this is fallacious. To blindly say that those who are exercising different opinions are seeing what they want or are just conspiracy nuts is also fallacious.
So far in this thread, I've read the following comments:

"Idiot", "Numbnutz", "Peckerhead" and a desire for the return of "parachute pants".

All we need now is a "split ride/room" for this thread to be epic. Lol

The desire for parachute pants? Lol

Had a pair in middle school...skaters delite...
I can't believe I keep dignifying this thread, but this is where I am. It's not that I give no credit to skepticism of the government's actions in and around 9-11. As I've stated, I believe the Bush administration was extremely unscrupulous during that time, despite multiple warnings from the intelligence establishment. I do not, however, think there is any evidence that should warrant any of us to think that the government (or some other powers that be) were willingly in on it.

Given how many people would have had to know of the operation to make it succeed, there's simply no way it could remain a secret indefinitely. Given that and given the fact we really have no evidence otherwise, I'm going to stick with the official narrative: that planes hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists brought down the Twin Towers.

We've seen in Russia what actually happens when a government actually invents "terrorism" to achieve its ends, and too many people get involved in a plot like this. We know pretty much for a fact that a Kremlin/Yeltsin/Putin alliance was behind the 1999 apartment bombings there, yet we have no such evidence (a smoking gun like the FSB caught red-handed with bombs at a complex) for 9-11. It's just simply implausible that an operation this big could be kept quite for this long if it were in fact not what it appears to be. The 1999 Moscow bombings are nearly proof of that, although I admit anything is possible.

One, there is no way you can definitively say that the government could not keep this a secret indefinitely. That is your opinion only. Secondly, just because we have no certifiable evidence that proves otherwise doesn't mean none exists.

So basically your opinion is that planes took down the towers. Since you see no evidence that refutes that theory, then in your eyes that has to be right. Other people have questioned the veracity and accuracy of the evidence you use to form your opinion. It doesn't mean they are wrong. Stop pretending like your opinion is more certifiably correct than anyone elses.
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One, there is no way you can definitively say that the government could not keep this a secret indefinitely. That is your opinion only. Secondly, just because we have no certifiable evidence that proves otherwise doesn't mean none exists.

There is no way the government could keep something of this scale a secret indefinitely.

Trust me, this is an absolute fact.

So basically your opinion is that planes took down the towers. Since you see no evidence that refutes that theory, then in your eyes that has to be right. Other people have questioned the veracity and accuracy of the evidence you use to form your opinion. It doesn't mean they are wrong. Stop pretending like your opinion is more certifiably correct than anyone elses.

No, fires caused by the aircraft striking them took down the towers.
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one, there is no way you can definitively say that the government could not keep this a secret indefinitely. That is your opinion only. Secondly, just because we have no certifiable evidence that proves otherwise doesn't mean none exists.

So basically your opinion is that planes took down the towers. Since you see no evidence that refutes that theory, then in your eyes that has to be right. Other people have questioned the veracity and accuracy of the evidence you use to form your opinion. It doesn't mean they are wrong. Stop pretending like your opinion is more certifiably correct than anyone elses.

× 1000
So there is no possible way that any other theory, besides the one the government provided, can be correct about the collapse?
You don't have a picture of Cheney planting explosives? Wanna buy one?

He's an incredibly evil man, and I have no doubt that he shed no tears on 9-11. But I doubt even he is that evil a bastard. It provided him a great opportunity to use the power of the people of the United States to help out his business partners, but, no, I do not think he actively created that opportunity.
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There is no way the government could keep something of this scale a secret indefinitely.

Trust me, this is an absolute fact.

No, fires caused by the aircraft striking them took down the towers.

Here's the problem. I saw it live on tv like most of you.

There's not a nano percentage of evidence that refuted the official story, yet a mountain...
One, there is no way you can definitively say that the government could not keep this a secret indefinitely. That is your opinion only. Secondly, just because we have no certifiable evidence that proves otherwise doesn't mean none exists.

So basically your opinion is that planes took down the towers. Since you see no evidence that refutes that theory, then in your eyes that has to be right. Other people have questioned the veracity and accuracy of the evidence you use to form your opinion. It doesn't mean they are wrong. Stop pretending like your opinion is more certifiably correct than anyone elses.

Look, if you want to live your life in a fantasy world, you go right ahead. We'll all chip in and get you a few dolls and a Barbie Dream House for Christmas too. Just let us know what address to ship them to.
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Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation

What happens when the angle clips supporting the floor joists fail?


This doesn't explain WTC 7.

What would have caused the top floors on WTC 7 to fall on each other from the top down?
This! There is no logical explanation. It's like the several buildings surrounding the wtc's that remained upright.

Office fires was the excuse of the voice. That's laughable...

This appears to be the first time a 9/11 Truther has used the word "logic" in conjunction with anything 9/11 related.
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I'll be more than happy to answer when you explain what the purpose was for control demolishing an empty building.
Red Butler already answered that earlier today.

I'll give you the best plausible theory to your 3rd question. WTC7 was where the Securities and Exchange Commision's investigation offices were located. As evident in the 2008 crash, there was probably a lot of shady stuff in the finance sector, involving very powerful entities during that time period.

That still doesn't prevent you from answering how WTC 7 could have suffered the same type of catastrophic failure when it didn't suffer any damage from a plane crash or "jet fuel".
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For real?

You honestly think the government could keep something like that a secret?

The US has one of the most transparent governments this world has ever seen, despite what privileged self-hating, degenerate Westerners think. Our security establishment is so demoralized and/or infiltrated by outside intelligence services (Snowden is just the tip of the iceberg) we can't even fart without the public getting access and demanding to know what it smelled like. And yet absolutely no shred of evidence to implicate the American government, or anyone other than al-Qaeda for that matter, in the attacks.

I'll amend my comments by saying it is possible that our government could pull off an event like 9-11 and never get caught, but I would place that probability at somewhere around 0.01% at best.
My brother worked for NASA for over 30 years and he still thinks to this day that we didn't land on the moon.

What do you think about that?
The US has one of the most transparent governments this world has ever seen, despite what privileged self-hating, degenerate Westerners think. Our security establishment is so demoralized and/or infiltrated by outside intelligence services (Snowden is just the tip of the iceberg) we can't even fart without the public getting access and demanding to know what it smelled like. And yet absolutely no shred of evidence to implicate the American government, or anyone other than al-Qaeda for that matter, in the attacks.

I'll amend my comments by saying it is possible that our government could pull off an event like 9-11 and never get caught, but I would place that probability at somewhere around 0.01% at best.


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