Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

I watched a video on YouTube last night on 9/11. They were discussing the initial impact of the planes into the building. They said the buildings swayed much more than from high winds and that the shock waves went from top to bottom three times.
I'm sure some physics prodigy has calculated the impact force of the plane and the resulting dispersement through the structure of the building.
A fully loaded jet at 600 mph has to pack a huge amount of kinetic energy.
This video also said that the fire in the building reached nearly 2000 degrees and pointed out the exact point in which first tower collapse began.
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I watched a video on YouTube last night on 9/11. They were discussing the initial impact of the planes into the building. They said the buildings swayed much more than from high winds and that the shock waves went from top to bottom three times.
I'm sure some physics prodigy has calculated the impact force of the plane and the resulting dispersement through the structure of the building.
A fully loaded jet at 600 mph has to pack a huge amount of kinetic energy.
This video also said that the fire in the building reached nearly 2000 degrees and pointed out the exact point in which first tower collapse began.
People act like the tower was like a Jenga stack and the airplanes were like putting a piece back in carefully and suddenly it collapses. The lack of basic scientific knowledge in our country is laughable.
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Jet fuel burns at 1400°. Office furnishings, significantly lower.

I'm a country boy that's used a torch and a welder. The amount of heat and time it takes to heat up a piece of 1" metal is significant.

These trusses were 18" x 36" and 4" thick. The amount of time and heat to melt or make these trusses malleable just isn't there...
Jet fuel burns at 1400°. Office furnishings, significantly lower.

I'm a country boy that's used a torch and a welder. The amount of heat and time it takes to heat up a piece of 1" metal is significant.

These trusses were 18" x 36" and 4" thick. The amount of time and heat to melt or make these trusses malleable just isn't there...

Well, that is yet another variable that we seem to have overlooked. Just how long would it take to get that piece of steel glowing orange at 1800 degrees like in that guys video?
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Jet fuel burns at 1400°. Office furnishings, significantly lower.

I'm a country boy that's used a torch and a welder. The amount of heat and time it takes to heat up a piece of 1" metal is significant.

These trusses were 18" x 36" and 4" thick. The amount of time and heat to melt or make these trusses malleable just isn't there...

Well there we go. Dude has welded before so therefore, we defer to your opinion. Thank god we finally have definitive evidence.
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Ever noticed that some 9-11 Truthers are the same loons that believe aliens helped construct the Pyramids?

I notice that people usually throw blanket insults when they aren't capable of proving their position in an argument. Especially blanket insults that aren't really true. Argue the facts of 9/11. There are plenty of compelling arguments to support both sides. No need to talk about pyramids.
Respect to to yoh my brother.

I have local inspectors that inspect all my stuff with the IBC being the standard, then have 3rd party structural engineers that have to sign off on everything I build so I can't ignore you

Anytime the architects draw something that is impossible to build and I have to make a change in the field I have to document it and get a stamped letter for an "as built" approval from the engineer of record. These GCS in Charlotte usually only use 2 engineering firms, SCA or SCG so I have a good relationship with them and they go along with whatever I need to do in the field to make things work.

That said, I am not an old school house framer that tries to cut corners or make up my own rules on the fly. That would get shot down instantly and we would be rebuilding it at a loss. Anytime I have to make a change I over build the crap out of whatever it us and build in as much redundancy as possible. That's how I keep the respect and cooperation of the engineers. Archit3cts are clueless. They just draw pretty pictures and never think about things like gravity, deflection, physics

I never have any problems with the engineers. Owners and architects can be a pain in the butt. might be an architect? Lmao...hope you are a good one that doesn't ignore physics my brother. There is 1 arch. Firm in Charlotte that draws 90% of the apartments built here and they do a crap job. It seems like they have 1 or 2 architects and about 100 draftsman that actually do everything...and do it poorly. They copy and paste all the details and cut sheets from project to project and they won't work...elevation doesn't match the Floorplan...which doesn't match the cut...which doesn't match it's own detail. It's a nighmare. I have 122 pages of architectural prints,not structural, on my current project and they are garbage. Well over 100 RFI have have been submitted on my behalf. Absolutely ridiculous.

working to become an architect, project manager as it is. and that is ridiculous on the RFIs. I have a couple friends in NC but none that work in Charlotte or work on apartments much.

and we haven't had anything fall down yet. we got one project that has about as many RFIs as yours does but all of our responses have been see Drawing X on sheet Y. the guy refuses to even look at our drawings beyond the elevations. seems to think he can wing it.

We love good contractors and hate bad ones. good ones make our job so much easier, and profitable. the others not so much.
I notice that people usually throw blanket insults when they aren't capable of proving their position in an argument. Especially blanket insults that aren't really true. Argue the facts of 9/11. There are plenty of compelling arguments to support both sides. No need to talk about pyramids.

9/11 truthers are idiots. Yes, it's a blanket statement. But it's the truth.
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Jet fuel burns at 1400°. Office furnishings, significantly lower.

I'm a country boy that's used a torch and a welder. The amount of heat and time it takes to heat up a piece of 1" metal is significant.

These trusses were 18" x 36" and 4" thick. The amount of time and heat to melt or make these trusses malleable just isn't there...

its not about the gorrang trusses. its about their anchors. the things could have been 4 feet thick solid steel beams yet if you take away the supports holding it up it still comes crashing down. look for the weakest member, that is where the failure starts.
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9/11 truthers are idiots. Yes, it's a blanket statement. But it's the truth.

How can you decide that they are idiots? Questioning the motives behind an attack of that magnitude is reasonable, whether they are wrong or right. Completely dismissing them as idiots makes no sense to me.
How can you decide that they are idiots? Questioning the motives behind an attack of that magnitude is reasonable, whether they are wrong or right. Completely dismissing them as idiots makes no sense to me.

because we have live video of airplanes crashing into the buildings and then buildings falling down. I don't even understand how this event is debatable.
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because we have live video of airplanes crashing into the buildings and then buildings falling down. I don't even understand how this event is debatable.

Personally I just question the funding and motives behind the pilots that hijacked the planes. The theory of explosives isn't my fight but there are a lot of engineers and designer that claim foul play. Call them idiots if you will, but I'm not very good at Jenga, so I don't have a dog in that fight and I would rather be an expert on a subject before I call someone else an idiot.
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working to become an architect, project manager as it is. and that is ridiculous on the RFIs. I have a couple friends in NC but none that work in Charlotte or work on apartments much.

and we haven't had anything fall down yet. we got one project that has about as many RFIs as yours does but all of our responses have been see Drawing X on sheet Y. the guy refuses to even look at our drawings beyond the elevations. seems to think he can wing it.

We love good contractors and hate bad ones. good ones make our job so much easier, and profitable. the others not so much.

Nice. I would be embarrassed if I submitted RFU and the reply was to look at my plans on page x. If 5hat happened big deal when I have 120 pages of architectural. More than once would be humiliating. Lol. If I were more adept at posting pics I would show you some examples of how the elevation/cut/details don't match eachpther..and don't match the floorplans. It's crazy. Most of the time now I just go with the elevations out here unless it's not feasible. Copy and paste is lazy and dumb in a lot of cases. I can see where it saves the arch a lot of time, but it causes a lot of problems in the field. The firm that dominates apartments in Charlotte is Housing Studio. They suck. You can tell by how maNY mistakes they have in the plans that it must be kids straight out of school that are doing all the work. I have heard from a couple of sources that Staffing at the firm is the culprit. 5hese owners continue to use them however...I just don't see why. They must be significantly cheaper than the other firms around here...
How can you decide that they are idiots? Questioning the motives behind an attack of that magnitude is reasonable, whether they are wrong or right. Completely dismissing them as idiots makes no sense to me.

i didn't just wake up in the morning and dismiss it. i thought through the arguments and looked at the evidence. additionally, a cover up of that magnitude suggests far more competency than is available.

sorry, but if you believe that this plot was executed in perfect unison as part of some grand conspiracy, you're a fool.

they could have just blown up the buildings and achieved the same effect. instead, they went to Hollywood lengths for more action and drama!
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i didn't just wake up in the morning and dismiss it. i thought through the arguments and looked at the evidence. additionally, a cover up of that magnitude suggests far more competency than is available.

sorry, but if you believe that this plot was executed in perfect unison as part of some grand conspiracy, you're a fool.

they could have just blown up the buildings and achieved the same effect. instead, they went to Hollywood lengths for more action and drama!
If you think that a terrorist act of that magnitude happened without our government having even the slightest clue of it, then you are an even bigger fool.
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