Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

I think the US government had something to do with it. To what extent exactly, I have no clue. Maybe they didnt have any involvement.

This is a bizarre way to start the foundation of an argument. I hope you can understand why anything that follows is hard to swallow.
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Here is the problem. There should be no debate about the planes. They hit the towers and the pentagon. I am willing to concede everything else is up for "debate." Once you start questioning the planes, which many truthers do, then there is no reason to discuss with that person because they live in LaLa land.

There are many professional pilots and engineers that refute that argument.

Do some research with an open mind. Professionals that know so much more than you and i, have put there reputations on the line to claim as much.

This is just one...

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers | EU
Right. Every single eye witness account lines up with the official report. I see the word "most" being used. So that means not all. Which by extension means that there are disagreements amongst people.

Spin the grand conspiracy crap like other idiots before you have if you like. It doesnt change anything. Like I said, question anything and you're a conspiracy nut. Oh yeah your friend legitimizes everything. Its sad that you and some others cannot even entertain the possibility that the official reports that were given could be wrong. Closed minded and idiotic.

Let's pretend you're Spock and driven by logic..... Which is more logical? Is it the mega super secret controlled demolition of three skyscrapers or what can be explained with pictures, videos and eyewitness accounts?

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Let's pretend you're Spock and driven by logic..... Which is more logical? Is it the mega super secret controlled demolition of three skyscrapers or what can be explained with pictures, videos and eyewitness accounts?

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I have learned that logic cannot be applied to the government. Just to be fair, there are eyewitness accounts that point to other theories than what we have been told. Now are those eyewitnesses somehow less credible than the others? If so, why? How can we state definitively that those who question the official reports are wrong? As I have said, we likely dont have access to all information pertinent to 9/11. There are redacted pages that have been made unavailable. There may be much more that is being kept from us. So what are we basing our opinions on? Just the evidence we have right? Well if we dont have ALL the evidence, then how can we make a true logical opinion?
Link is so ridiculous that my computer turned off when I clicked on it

Like a damn fool, I clicked on it. The absolute idiocy spewing from that information (term used very loosely) and from the links provided within is at the level of comedy. It's the kind of stuff Wiley Coyote would come up with to fool the Road Runner.
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Wtf....9/11 wasn't some damn David Copperfield's World of Magic event

The whole official 9/11 narrative would be easier to believe had there been actual video of the planes hitting the towers of had the plane that hit the pentagon actually flown over thousands of people stuck on 395 in morning rush hour.
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The whole official 9/11 narrative would be easier to believe had there been actual video of the planes hitting the towers of had the plane that hit the pentagon actually flown over thousands of people stuck on 395 in morning rush hour.

I know.... Too bad millions didn't see it actually happen.
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Architects and Engineers On 9/11! Excellent Must See! - YouTube

This is an honest question. Why is everyone in this video (structural engineers, physicists, mettalurgists, chemical engineers, architects) just wrong? Why are their opinions less valid than what the NIST report says?

Why are the eyewitnesses who said they heard explosions wrong? Firefighters, medics, regular people and police officers all said they heard explosions. Why is that? Why is it that people were at ground zero and said it reminded them of demolition? Why did some experts in the field of controlled demolition say it was CD? I know other CD experts have said it wasnt, but why would their opinion be more valid? Why didnt NIST test for explosives? Why didnt NIST do a full and proper investigation?

There is conflicting information out there that begs the question of what really happened. We dont know what really happened. And thats sad. Remember: "it is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."- Benjamin Franklin
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Architects and Engineers On 9/11! Excellent Must See! - YouTube

This is an honest question. Why is everyone in this video (structural engineers, physicists, mettalurgists, chemical engineers, architects) just wrong? Why are their opinions less valid than what the NIST report says?

Why are the eyewitnesses who said they heard explosions wrong? Firefighters, medics, regular people and police officers all said they heard explosions. Why is that? Why is it that people were at ground zero and said it reminded them of demolition? Why did some experts in the field of controlled demolition say it was CD? I know other CD experts have said it wasnt, but why would their opinion be more valid? Why didnt NIST test for explosives? Why didnt NIST do a full and proper investigation?

There is conflicting information out there that begs the question of what really happened. We dont know what really happened. And thats sad. Remember: "it is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."- Benjamin Franklin

The same people on here saying that there is no possible way our govt could have covered this up without somebody talking/leaking are the very same ones that dismiss any information from people that would be the so-called talkers/leakers. We've had people on the inside that would have intimate information about the details of this get shouted down.

Why can't the 9/11 cynics at least admit that some of the people that they claim should have blown the whistle on this perhaps are doing it in the truther movement?
Like a damn fool, I clicked on it. The absolute idiocy spewing from that information (term used very loosely) and from the links provided within is at the level of comedy. It's the kind of stuff Wiley Coyote would come up with to fool the Road Runner.

Why can't you be more open-minded instead of the [insert livestock of choice] that you are?

Anyone with half a brain knows that planes didn't hit the World Trade Centers. Those were tapes by a Hollywood producer that the CIA fed to the media. Haven't you ever seen "Wag the Dog," [insert livestock of choice]?

It just kills me how incapable of critical thought so many of you are.

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The same people on here saying that there is no possible way our govt could have covered this up without somebody talking/leaking are the very same ones that dismiss any information from people that would be the so-called talkers/leakers. We've had people on the inside that would have intimate information about the details of this get shouted down.

Why can't the 9/11 cynics at least admit that some of the people that they claim should have blown the whistle on this perhaps are doing it in the truther movement?

It's useless trying to debate with people who don't have the capacity or willingness to see anything different. The official government story of 9/11 is outrageously full of holes, and most logical people, if interested, will delve into the subject and can see for themselves.

Instead, this contingent relies on blind faith that our government could never be compliant in anything that would harm US citizens in order to springboard their warmongering agenda.

It's the same people who defend our government for supporting the likes of ISIS and terrorist countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The same ones that unthinkingly absorb the Russophobia and islamophobia like sponges. The same ones that make Wile E. Coyote jokes because they have nothing else. It's useless...
It's useless trying to debate with people who don't have the capacity or willingness to see anything different. The official government story of 9/11 is outrageously full of holes, and most logical people, if interested, will delve into the subject and can see for themselves.

Instead, this contingent relies on blind faith that our government could never be compliant in anything that would harm US citizens in order to springboard their warmongering agenda.

It's the same people who defend our government for supporting the likes of ISIS and terrorist countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The same ones that unthinkingly absorb the Russophobia and islamophobia like sponges. The same ones that make Wile E. Coyote jokes because they have nothing else. It's useless...
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I bet some of the truthers believe the Denver airport is a front for the New World Order with their underground tunnels
Why the WTC then? It would be been much easier and less of a financial hit to pick another target.

The psychological impact it allowed. New York city and the wtc's were a symbol of American might and financial strength. Being played out in the media center of the world....

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