Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

If you think that a terrorist act of that magnitude happened without our government having even the slightest clue of it, then you are an even bigger fool.

psh...of course the government knew about it. then they were concerned that the plot would fail, so they sent out their two best ace teams to plant some explosives in WTC 1 and 2. Unfortunately, one of the teams got confused and wired up WTC 7, too.

they then kidnapped some saudis and forced them to hijack a jet from dulles. they needed some records taken out at the pentagon and this would be the perfect cover (some morons think this was actually a missile...nope). they herded all of the people on the flights into a single plane and dove it into the ground in Pennsylvania.
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If you think that a terrorist act of that magnitude happened without our government having even the slightest clue of it, then you are an even bigger fool.

dude, they don't even check the social media of obvious muslim immigrants coming from known muslim terrorist countries, WTF
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Nice. I would be embarrassed if I submitted RFU and the reply was to look at my plans on page x. If 5hat happened big deal when I have 120 pages of architectural. More than once would be humiliating. Lol. If I were more adept at posting pics I would show you some examples of how the elevation/cut/details don't match eachpther..and don't match the floorplans. It's crazy. Most of the time now I just go with the elevations out here unless it's not feasible. Copy and paste is lazy and dumb in a lot of cases. I can see where it saves the arch a lot of time, but it causes a lot of problems in the field. The firm that dominates apartments in Charlotte is Housing Studio. They suck. You can tell by how maNY mistakes they have in the plans that it must be kids straight out of school that are doing all the work. I have heard from a couple of sources that Staffing at the firm is the culprit. 5hese owners continue to use them however...I just don't see why. They must be significantly cheaper than the other firms around here...

they must use CAD. that level of wrong is not possible with the program we use (revit). and a lot of those big firms that only do one thing, don't really do them well. just cheap with a lot of copy and paste as you mentioned.
How can you decide that they are idiots? Questioning the motives behind an attack of that magnitude is reasonable, whether they are wrong or right. Completely dismissing them as idiots makes no sense to me.

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Some people call those who question anything looney, idiots or conspiracy nuts. I have been called that in this thread because I question the veracity of the information we have been given. My contention is nobody has been given ALL pertinent information regarding 9/11. So basically all we have to form our opinions with is what the government has allowed us to see.

Maybe we have seen everything. I could be wrong. But at least I can admit that fact. Some on here are such ardent supporters of the official reports, that they cannot fathom it being erroneous. And thats sad.
Personally, and this may just be me, but I think Ben Carson's ancient Hebrew Egyptian pyramid grain operators were probably behind the attacks. They were upset that Americans had built stout rival grain storage bins.
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Personally, and this may just be me, but I think Ben Carson's ancient Hebrew Egyptian pyramid grain operators were probably behind the attacks. They were upset that Americans had built stout rival grain storage bins.

You're not blaming Cheney? :eek:lol::eek:lol::eek:lol:
It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Some people call those who question anything looney, idiots or conspiracy nuts. I have been called that in this thread because I question the veracity of the information we have been given. My contention is nobody has been given ALL pertinent information regarding 9/11. So basically all we have to form our opinions with is what the government has allowed us to see.

Maybe we have seen everything. I could be wrong. But at least I can admit that fact. Some on here are such ardent supporters of the official reports, that they cannot fathom it being erroneous. And thats sad.

It's a big leap from not having ALL the information to a grand conspiracy. You trying to paint yourself as some kind of marauder for the truth is comical.

Most of the alternate theories out there require one to make many more leaps of faith than the "official reports". The official reports have the added benefit of matching most of what people saw on TV and eye witness accounts. And as I've mentioned previously, one eye witness account from a friend of mine.
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It's a big leap from not having ALL the information to a grand conspiracy. You trying to paint yourself as some kind of marauder for the truth is comical.

Most of the alternate theories out there require one to make many more leaps of faith than the "official reports". The official reports have the added benefit of matching most of what people saw on TV and eye witness accounts. And as I've mentioned previously, one eye witness account from a friend of mine.

Right. Every single eye witness account lines up with the official report. I see the word "most" being used. So that means not all. Which by extension means that there are disagreements amongst people.

Spin the grand conspiracy crap like other idiots before you have if you like. It doesnt change anything. Like I said, question anything and you're a conspiracy nut. Oh yeah your friend legitimizes everything. Its sad that you and some others cannot even entertain the possibility that the official reports that were given could be wrong. Closed minded and idiotic.
Right. Every single eye witness account lines up with the official report. I see the word "most" being used. So that means not all. Which by extension means that there are disagreements amongst people.

Spin the grand conspiracy crap like other idiots before you have if you like. It doesnt change anything. Like I said, question anything and you're a conspiracy nut. Oh yeah your friend legitimizes everything. Its sad that you and some others cannot even entertain the possibility that the official reports that were given could be wrong. Closed minded and idiotic.

You sure are sensitive about the subject. :cray:

I've opened my mind again and am ready to entertain the possibility that there is something else behind curtain 2.

Please explain to me what you believe the truth is to the events of 9/11.
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Right. Every single eye witness account lines up with the official report. I see the word "most" being used. So that means not all. Which by extension means that there are disagreements amongst people.

Spin the grand conspiracy crap like other idiots before you have if you like. It doesnt change anything. Like I said, question anything and you're a conspiracy nut. Oh yeah your friend legitimizes everything. Its sad that you and some others cannot even entertain the possibility that the official reports that were given could be wrong. Closed minded and idiotic.

since when does every eye witness account for anything line up 100%? This doesn't even happen at crime scenes.

Regardless I'm not sure what there is too debate. Planes with muslim terrorists flew into the buildings and destroyed them. Those are indisputable FACTS no matter what some nut job website claims. Now if you want to debate the reasons why they did it or who funded them, etc then have at it.
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Are you conspiracy guys really serious? If so, LOFL

Not buying the govt story hook line and sinker does not make one a conspiracy guy.

It's not like I, believe the conspiracy that LEO's have a plan to conspire against minoritys.
since when does every eye witness account for anything line up 100%? This doesn't even happen at crime scenes.

Regardless I'm not sure what there is too debate. Planes with muslim terrorists flew into the buildings and destroyed them. Those are indisputable FACTS no matter what some nut job website claims. Now if you want to debate the reasons why they did it or who funded them, etc then have at it.

Are folks claiming planes didn't fly in to the towers? If so, they need to watch the videos. It's with out a fact true.

I would like to know who funded it...
Are folks claiming planes didn't fly in to the towers? If so, they need to watch the videos. It's with out a fact true.

I would like to know who funded it...

There are claims of planted explosives, government operatives, missiles to the Pentagon. The truther movement is bizarre.

I would like to see the redacted pages of the 9/11 commission report. They are obviously hiding something but I don't believe it goes to the ends proclaimed by a lot of the truther fanatics.

Which is why I'm 100% open to hearing BOT's belief of the 9/11 truth.
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since when does every eye witness account for anything line up 100%? This doesn't even happen at crime scenes.

Regardless I'm not sure what there is too debate. Planes with muslim terrorists flew into the buildings and destroyed them. Those are indisputable FACTS no matter what some nut job website claims. Now if you want to debate the reasons why they did it or who funded them, etc then have at it.

I'm going to give you a little insight. I once thought like you. Would have none of the crazy talk that is labelled conspiracy.

However, after several years of putting up a wall to any such thought, I decided to dig in and see for myself. I've found out that most everything involving 911 can be disputed, and some of it involving mountains of evidence and testimony. Everything from the financing, to what kind of planes and who piloted them can be argued, and should be, imo.

Our government has created a system that automatically dicredits and demonizes anyone that refute their agenda toward anything. It's done by using the term "conspiracy theorist". It's used as a demeaning term against any backlash to our governments corrupt and hypocritical ways.

Humans should think outside the box more and not make robotical assumptions. Keeping a closed mind is what's crazy...
since when does every eye witness account for anything line up 100%? This doesn't even happen at crime scenes.

Regardless I'm not sure what there is too debate. Planes with muslim terrorists flew into the buildings and destroyed them. Those are indisputable FACTS no matter what some nut job website claims. Now if you want to debate the reasons why they did it or who funded them, etc then have at it.

I agree 100%.
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You sure are sensitive about the subject. :cray:

I've opened my mind again and am ready to entertain the possibility that there is something else behind curtain 2.

Please explain to me what you believe the truth is to the events of 9/11.

I think the US government had something to do with it. To what extent exactly, I have no clue. Maybe they didnt have any involvement. I hope they didn't. What do i believe the truth is? I honestly do not know. The only things I know for sure are: planes hit the towers, they fell and building 7 collapsed. Apart from that, there is a lot of information that you and I are not privy to, so I cannot make a definitive judgement either way.

I just find the notion that those who state there is no way the government could have had a hand in it and keep it a secret to be silly. Equally silly is the notion that there can be no other explanation for what happened other than the official reports. Anything is possible.
I'm going to give you a little insight. I once thought like you. Would have none of the crazy talk that is labelled conspiracy.

However, after several years of putting up a wall to any such thought, I decided to dig in and see for myself. I've found out that most everything involving 911 can be disputed, and some of it involving mountains of evidence and testimony. Everything from the financing, to what kind of planes and who piloted them can be argued, and should be, imo.

Our government has created a system that automatically dicredits and demonizes anyone that refute their agenda toward anything. It's done by using the term "conspiracy theorist". It's used as a demeaning term against any backlash to our governments corrupt and hypocritical ways.

Humans should think outside the box more and not make robotical assumptions. Keeping a closed mind is what's crazy...

Here is the problem. There should be no debate about the planes. They hit the towers and the pentagon. I am willing to concede everything else is up for "debate." Once you start questioning the planes, which many truthers do, then there is no reason to discuss with that person because they live in LaLa land.
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