PSA: Support Spyre and The Volunteer Club

The dam break is coming, I can feel it. The greater Volnation fanbase will be getting on board this season, I do have confidence!

I hope so. I really don’t get why more fans are not donating. For example. I subscribe to a YouTube channel called Talkin Vawls. They are cool guys who do a cool show. I think they are over 25k subscribers. If just all of those have $5 per month. That would give Spyre 1.5 million every year. And that’s just 25k people.

I would seriously like your opinion. Why do you think more people aren’t donating?
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I hope so. I really don’t get why more fans are not donating. For example. I subscribe to a YouTube channel called Talkin Vawls. They are cool guys who do a cool show. I think they are over 25k subscribers. If just all of those have $5 per month. That would give Spyre 1.5 million every year. And that’s just 25k people.

I would seriously like your opinion. Why do you think more people aren’t donating?
I would also like to know this. I have posted my opinion on it but I'd like to hear from people more involved than I am.
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I would also like to know this. I have posted my opinion on it but I'd like to hear from people more involved than I am.

Here is what I don’t understand. I mean how many people are on VN and VQ? How many members pay $10 per month at VQ? VQ has been around longer than VN (I think). So along with YouTube, Instagram and Twitter between both sites I would
Be willing to bet there has to be close to maybe 3k followers/subscribers. Well of each one gave $5 that’s an extra $180k for Spyre every year.

I understand why a non die hard football fan would not donate. But Neyland sells out more often than not and we are already sold out the allotment of season tickets for this season. That’s 70,500 tickets. I am positive that if all those people can afford the ticket prices, they could afford $5 per month. If just the season ticket holders donated $5 per month, it would generate $4.2 million per year for Spyre.
Here is what I don’t understand. I mean how many people are on VN and VQ? How many members pay $10 per month at VQ? VQ has been around longer than VN (I think). So along with YouTube, Instagram and Twitter between both sites I would
Be willing to bet there has to be close to maybe 3k followers/subscribers. Well of each one gave $5 that’s an extra $180k for Spyre every year.

I understand why a non die hard football fan would not donate. But Neyland sells out more often than not and we are already sold out the allotment of season tickets for this season. That’s 70,500 tickets. I am positive that if all those people can afford the ticket prices, they could afford $5 per month. If just the season ticket holders donated $5 per month, it would generate $4.2 million per year for Spyre.
Yeah, and I get why the numbers are lower proportionally. NIL is still new and something like Spyre is fairly abstract to most no-die hard fans...but 2,900 seems low, like REALLY low. So for a fanbase that prides itself on not only it's loyalty but it's engagement even when times are bad, it seems like when times are good we'd be killing it and seeing the numbers climb so slowly is a little disheartening. I know some Spyre reps have talked about getting the word out more effectively this year but I would really like to hear their opinion about what is truly holding us back.

Also, I should point out that my concern is not that Spyre is shady or mismanaging the funds they are getting, they seem to have a good reputation in the CFB industry as far as being well run. My only concern is why the numbers are so low, why growth is slow, and what can be done to remediate it (if anything.
Auburn has a lot of big money donors, like most SEC and other power 5 schools do. One donor recently gave 57 mill by himself and he's worth Billions. NIL money won't ever be a problem for the Vols, for Auburn, For GA, Mizzou etc..

Where are our big money donors? Why can’t they pony up like these other schools? What’s stopping them? You say NIL won’t ever be a problem but yet we get out bid.
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Yeah, and I get why the numbers are lower proportionally. NIL is still new and something like Spyre is fairly abstract to most no-die hard fans...but 2,900 seems low, like REALLY low. So for a fanbase that prides itself on not only it's loyalty but it's engagement even when times are bad, it seems like when times are good we'd be killing it and seeing the numbers climb so slowly is a little disheartening. I know some Spyre reps have talked about getting the word out more effectively this year but I would really like to hear their opinion about what is truly holding us back.

Also, I should point out that my concern is not that Spyre is shady or mismanaging the funds they are getting, they seem to have a good reputation in the CFB industry as far as being well run. My only concern is why the numbers are so low, why growth is slow, and what can be done to remediate it (if anything.

From what I’ve found, there are a few “easy” objections people fall on after they finally learn what The Vol Club is.

1. - “I don’t believe in players being paid so I’m not contributing to that. Good for them but it won’t be my money.”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this.

2. - “My $5 won’t make a difference and there aren’t enough perks for that level and I can’t afford $300 a year.”

I hear something along these lines a lot too, just an overall shrug of shoulders discounting the impact they can make mixed with either inability to enjoy the perks (say you live far away) or not being able to hit the $300 level.). I try to remind in the end you are giving money primarily to go to our players and help be part of the team NOT for the perks but they are just a nice added bonus.

3. - “That seems shady, I won’t do that till it’s more transparent or the University is tied to it more closely.”

These are just the general skeptics in life that question everything and no matter what you say just say there isn’t enough facts.

4. - “I’ve never heard of that at all I’ll check it out”

Being so foreign to the whole concept and Club due to lack of great marketing still outside of the HARDCORE TN fan section they need more time to wrap their minds around it.

I hope that paints a little bit of the picture of what we hear. It’s why the grassroots nature of the Captains program has been so vital for us to grow a NET of 600 members over the dog days of summer. It’s taken direct relationships and conversations to keep growing.

As I keep saying I think that’s changing and really going to a lot soon with what’s to come.

We need every Vol Fan to join and certainly hope you all reading this do!
Where are our big money donors? Why can’t they pony up like these other schools? What’s stopping them? You say NIL won’t ever be a problem but yet we get out bid.
From what people at Spyre are saying on here it seems like the big money donors are actually the ones dishing out the cash and Tennessee needs more $5-$25 a month subscribers to balance the Vol Club out as it’s extremely top heavy. I agree Tennessee is less aggressive than a lot of these other schools but Idk if that’s because of the big money donors or if it’s because the staff
No it’s not. Do you donate? If so, do you feel your donations are really doing anything?

Yes. Here’s why:

We signed a Top 10 class last cycle (including landing the #1 player in the country and the next great UT QB as well as beating out Bama for the next Al Wilson due in no small part to NIL)

We are on track to sign another Top 10 class

We crushed the portal, landing a starting LT; starting TE (for all practical purposes); starting Slot WR; rotational OG; starting LB; rotational players at DL and CB. We don’t land ANY of them without an NIL offering that is as competitive as any in the country

Perhaps as importantly, we’ve lost NOBODY to the portal that we really wanted to keep. That doesn’t happen by accident and required our program to have the resources to match what many schools were offering many of our players

So, yes. Absolutely. What I would LOVE is for TVC to have 10k members and the ability to “overpay” for literally every recruit while also keeping the locker room happy and healthy. That’s up to all of us to make happen.
Yes. Here’s why:

We signed a Top 10 class last cycle (including landing the #1 player in the country and the next great UT QB as well as beating out Bama for the next Al Wilson due in no small part to NIL)

We are on track to sign another Top 10 class

We crushed the portal, landing a starting LT; starting TE (for all practical purposes); starting Slot WR; rotational OG; starting LB; rotational players at DL and CB. We don’t land ANY of them without an NIL offering that is as competitive as any in the country

Perhaps as importantly, we’ve lost NOBODY to the portal that we really wanted to keep. That doesn’t happen by accident and required our program to have the resources to match what many schools were offering many of our players

So, yes. Absolutely. What I would LOVE is for TVC to have 10k members and the ability to “overpay” for literally every recruit while also keeping the locker room happy and healthy. That’s up to all of us to make happen.

Join The Volunteer Club

I wouldnt say we crushed it. We did above average and will be extremely competitive in every game we play. This is year three, what Huep has been able to do from a stability perspective as well flipping this roster is nothing short of amazing.

That said, this program shouldnt necessarily have to scramble to land OT and DT. I really like this class. and where its headed. Its gone and gotten exactly what it absolutely had to have, thus far. That said, DL is JUST as important as #OT//C/OG/WR/TE.

We may have to land some of these upper echelon top 100 guys that dont necessarily fit our system perfectly.

Like ive said, I think we land a couple more DL, one more WR. And call it a day, head for the portal.
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Why? I thought we have an elite NIL? Why does it need altering?
lol, you don't understand the difference between Spyre and the Tennessee State Legislature?
Spyre can only operate under the laws of the state it operates in, no amount of "eliteness" is going to change that.
See the TAMU "12th man" collaboration that just got struck down by the IRS. its the same issue, the laws are completely separate from what the NCAA will allow.
lol, you don't understand the difference between Spyre and the Tennessee State Legislature?
Spyre can only operate under the laws of the state it operates in, no amount of "eliteness" is going to change that.
See the TAMU "12th man" collaboration that just got struck down by the IRS. its the same issue, the laws are completely separate from what the NCAA will allow.

Don’t bother.

He loves bashing Spyre even though he’s still donating to them. Lol
Yes. Here’s why:

We signed a Top 10 class last cycle (including landing the #1 player in the country and the next great UT QB as well as beating out Bama for the next Al Wilson due in no small part to NIL)

We are on track to sign another Top 10 class

We crushed the portal, landing a starting LT; starting TE (for all practical purposes); starting Slot WR; rotational OG; starting LB; rotational players at DL and CB. We don’t land ANY of them without an NIL offering that is as competitive as any in the country

Perhaps as importantly, we’ve lost NOBODY to the portal that we really wanted to keep. That doesn’t happen by accident and required our program to have the resources to match what many schools were offering many of our players

So, yes. Absolutely. What I would LOVE is for TVC to have 10k members and the ability to “overpay” for literally every recruit while also keeping the locker room happy and healthy. That’s up to all of us to make happen.

Join The Volunteer Club
Great post. GBO!
May I suggest a podcast. Talking all things Vols... live shows on commitments... outspoken host with something to say... players and coaches both past and present ... Super chats... Podcast two or three times a week.
So who decides what to offer the recruit is it Spyre or do the coaches suggest the amount? I donate every month just because I want to help out ,but me knowing the process on how it works is like putting.a blind man running a school crossing....
So who decides what to offer the recruit is it Spyre or do the coaches suggest the amount? I donate every month just because I want to help out ,but me knowing the process on how it works is like putting.a blind man running a school crossing....

I think we can fairly assume that it’s not Spyre making the decisions
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