Qanon -The Storm

Obama was one of the most worthless presidents we've ever had. My health insurance sky rocketed after ACA hit. Deductibles went from around $1k per family member to over $4k. That's a fact. The insurance I have now is over $6k per family member and I'm paying $1500 per month for it. Yeah, it's the "affordable" care act 😒
^^^^ this, I'll add that my retirement rarely gained during Obama's presidency and it has doubled since Trump's been in office. Also, gas prices are half of what they were when Obama and Bush were Presidents. I don't understand the hate for Trump and I really don't understand the love for Biden. I can't afford for Biden to be president.
I believe I already answered. I don't support violence of any kind and yes, I've studied that movement also.

No clue why everyone keeps asking me about BLM, though, I'm not associated with them anymore than I am you guys. I just have an interest in human behavior.
Didn't realize such a simple question would spawn such response. From defensiveness to subject changes...everything but a simple answer.🤷‍♂️

Please accept my sincere apology for my false assumption. Thought you had defended BLM in past, my bad.
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Ask inconvenient questions and they duck you completely like @ajvol01 or whine about being mocked.

Prancing around like they're the only free thinking objective ones but can't seem to fathom the reality of having been duped. It will be interesting to watch the reaction and excuses if Trump loses. Storm season is about to end.

Since you are replying to his reply to me I figure you are also pointing this at me. I made a mistake and I apologized to him, something I rarely ever see anyone do here.
Hopefully my apology to him will satisfy you.
I looked, anything specific?

There was just an acct that was posting very odd, inappropriate pics, with hash tags that would make them show up on people's feeds if they were trying to follow the Biden story. Looked like Parler ban hammered it very quickly, thankfully, but it was odd as all get out.

I don't know how else to describe it.
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There was just an acct that was posting very odd, inappropriate pics, with hash tags that would make them show up on people's feeds if they were trying to follow the Biden story. Looked like Parler ban hammered it very quickly, thankfully, but it was odd as all get out.

I don't know how else to describe it.
I'm glad I missed it. Or it missed me.
Good work. Agencies have been doing this for years.

Nothing to do with Q or Trump. lmao

Don't know, or care, if Trump, or Q, or anything, glad we still see some type of real, just sime human decency.......what is seemingly righteousness.

No D, or R, just a sign of what most every human feels in their hearts and souls as right or wrong.

Keep it up til this stuff ain't around.
Please accept my sincere apology for my false assumption. Thought you had defended BLM in past, my bad.

No problem and thank you.
No desire to hide any intent or to debate, my concern is genuine. I'll share why but not try to force my info on anyone. Theories and their impacts have been a personal interest for a long time.

1. The satanism and child theft angle is one of the most reoccurring themes in history, because it's tried and true to work. Everyone knows the more recent theories and if you're at least my age (46) you remember it's grip on the 80's. Wasn't politicians at the time but the basis was identical, as it has been repeatedly in history. A secret cult stealing our children, sex allegations and sacrifices. Daycares were attacked, teachers arrested and lives destroyed on mere accusations. All convictions overturned later of course but some spent up to 14 years before their appeals were heard. Hard to believe that happened in the US, in what has to be considered modern times but that's why the method is so effective.

2. Fyi only. When you follow the 'who' does much of the information delivering and often the best presentation of Qanon, it will lead you to an unusually high number of heads of multi level media marketing firms. Never under the business names of course but you will always end at location with the "opportunity" to invest, support or purchase anything from a product to a class or a subscription. Lile I said fyi only, maybe it's just a coincidence but worth sharing.

I will not ask anyone to change their minds and I don't find VN members to be a particularly dangerous crowd, lol. I only ask that you follow what you initially believed - This was a 100% an endeavor that would be handled. So if Trump leaves office, this election or next, without said storm, people at least consider alternative thinking.
Please, *IF* I'm correct, at least give pause before just accepting that he was "thwarted" and not push a narrative where citizens need to take action.
I hope this is a fair request and not seen as offensive to other's opinions.
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No problem and thank you.
No desire to hide any intent or to debate, my concern is genuine. I'll share why but not try to force my info on anyone. Theories and their impacts have been a personal interest for a long time.

1. The satanism and child theft angle is one of the most reoccurring themes in history, because it's tried and true to work. Everyone knows the more recent theories and if you're at least my age (46) you remember it's grip on the 80's. Wasn't politicians at the time but the basis was identical, as it has been repeatedly in history. A secret cult stealing our children, sex allegations and sacrifices. Daycares were attacked, teachers arrested and lives destroyed on mere accusations. All convictions overturned later of course but some spent up to 14 years before their appeals were heard. Hard to believe that happened in the US, in what has to be considered modern times but that's why the method is so effective.

2. Fyi only. When you follow the 'who' does much of the information delivering and often the best presentation of Qanon, it will lead you to an unusually high number of heads of multi level media marketing firms. Never under the business names of course but you will always end at location with the "opportunity" to invest, support or purchase anything from a product to a class or a subscription. Lile I said fyi only, maybe it's just a coincidence but worth sharing.

I will not ask anyone to change their minds and I don't find VN members to be a particularly dangerous crowd, lol. I only ask that you follow what you initially believed - This was a 100% an endeavor that would be handled. So if Trump leaves office, this election or next, without said storm, people at least consider alternative thinking.
Please, *IF* I'm correct, at least give pause before just accepting that he was "thwarted" and not push a narrative where citizens need to take action.
I hope this is a fair request and not seen as offensive to other's opinions.
Hey, that stuff about the daycares and satanism/pedophiles had a lot more truth than you understand. Read up on Ted Gunderson (former high level FBI). He researched it and was involved in cases and found proof that it did occur. Then read up on Michael Acquino. Temple of Set - Wikipedia
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No problem and thank you.
No desire to hide any intent or to debate, my concern is genuine. I'll share why but not try to force my info on anyone. Theories and their impacts have been a personal interest for a long time.

1. The satanism and child theft angle is one of the most reoccurring themes in history, because it's tried and true to work. Everyone knows the more recent theories and if you're at least my age (46) you remember it's grip on the 80's. Wasn't politicians at the time but the basis was identical, as it has been repeatedly in history. A secret cult stealing our children, sex allegations and sacrifices. Daycares were attacked, teachers arrested and lives destroyed on mere accusations. All convictions overturned later of course but some spent up to 14 years before their appeals were heard. Hard to believe that happened in the US, in what has to be considered modern times but that's why the method is so effective.

2. Fyi only. When you follow the 'who' does much of the information delivering and often the best presentation of Qanon, it will lead you to an unusually high number of heads of multi level media marketing firms. Never under the business names of course but you will always end at location with the "opportunity" to invest, support or purchase anything from a product to a class or a subscription. Lile I said fyi only, maybe it's just a coincidence but worth sharing.

I will not ask anyone to change their minds and I don't find VN members to be a particularly dangerous crowd, lol. I only ask that you follow what you initially believed - This was a 100% an endeavor that would be handled. So if Trump leaves office, this election or next, without said storm, people at least consider alternative thinking.
Please, *IF* I'm correct, at least give pause before just accepting that he was "thwarted" and not push a narrative where citizens need to take action.
I hope this is a fair request and not seen as offensive to other's opinions.

Good post. Also, beware of Russian involvement. Lt. General H.R. McMaster published a book this year called "Battlegrounds". In it, he explains how Russian agents and a Russian internet agency called Internet Research Agency, a front for the GRU (one of the Kremlin's intelligence arms) uses the internet to sow political and social discord in the United States. In 2016, an election year, it reached 126 million people on Facebook, posted 10.4 million tweets on Twitter, uploaded more than 1,000 videos to YouTube, and connected with more than 20 million users on Instragram. How many Americans do you think they've reached this year?

Their strategy is to identify and create divisive content and market the content by creating "click farms" to manufacture popularity and draw attention to extreme messages. Their aim is to make the user feel like a large number of Americans are against them. They also contribute financially to extremists groups.... I'm not making this stuff up. This is straight out of the book and it was written by a retired US Army general.

Another interesting fact from the book... this agency, the IRA, began creating content in 2015. Of 1,107 videos, an astonishing 1,063 was related to BLM and police brutality.
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