Queen Elizabeth II has passed.

Relax, ace. The Queen of England is an important figure, whether you appreciate that fact or not.
No, she's not. The world will keep moving without her, just like the other 150k I mentioned. I'll never understand why people get so absorbed in someone dying because they happened to be born into a "Royal Family" and loaded down with privilege/significance they did nothing to earn or deserve.
Keep up. One of your Lib Kin actually broke that ice in Post 40.

I'm keeping up. I know what's happening. I don't think you do. Somebody had misinformation about why they left the royal family and he corrected the misinformation with what we know about it. Stick your fingers in your ears if you can't handle the facts.
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I'm keeping up. I know what's happening. I don't think you do. Somebody had misinformation about why they left the royal family and he corrected the misinformation with what we know about it. Stick your fingers in your ears if you can't handle the facts.

Oooh, tough guy. Did you hit your keys like really hard typing all that.

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Sorry, not following here. What actually happened to cause fear at whom would be offended by what R-word? Who is he that should have let who would let everybody carry on what in ignorance?

A lot of questions here.

Somebody was confused about why Markle and bo left the royal family. K-Town gave their explanation that was race related, and then everybody started freaking out like K-Town is playing the race card to win an argument or something. Then somebody turned that into the white man's burden, LOL.

Now we're all caught up.
Somebody was confused about why Markle and bo left the royal family. K-Town gave their explanation that was race related, and then everybody started freaking out like K-Town is playing the race card to win an argument or something. Then somebody turned that into the white man's burden, LOL.

Now we're all caught up.
Ok. Although I thought he pretty much was playing the race card and may have been the initial respondent to his comment.

I think Markle left because she was not going to be the center of attention and Kate was more popular than she was. JMO on that.
Ok. Although I thought he pretty much was playing the race card and may have been the initial respondent to his comment.

I think Markle left because she was not going to be the center of attention and Kate was more popular than she was. JMO on that.

I'm sure an opinion based on vast knowledge of the situation and the players.
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A few observations.

King Charles is a globalist POS, Build Back Better, great reset, and ESG proponent. F’ him!

Harry and his Ho will be able to finish their tell all book with the final chapter being on how racist the Queen was.

The leftist filth are already shouting their hate.

'May Her Pain Be Excruciating:' Carnegie Mellon Prof Uju Anya Wishes Death on 'Wretched Woman' Queen Elizabeth II

Somebody grab the batphone. We got a professor with a bad take somewhere in academia. We gotta cash in with clickbait.

You call someone a ho and 40m people filth and in the same breath unironically rant about their hate.
The reality is England is more racist than the USA.
Different kinds of racism, really. Ours is a pretty unique flavor. Theirs, at the end of the day, is mostly just xenophobia. They don’t like the Jamaicans and Nigerians moving in. They don’t like the Poles “taking their jobs.” As @LadyVolette mentioned, there’s the history with the Irish, which is a nice way of talking about the brutality perpetrated on the Irish by the English. It seems racism grows out of classism in Europe, where in the US racism is more the basis of the class structure.
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