Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

If I report it and there are no victims to speak of, how does that work, genius?

Be ****ing careful.

What I don't understand is you overlooked your friend but are indignant about Cosby and you have zero proof on him? Doesn't make sense.
That is criminal behavior man. I would have gone to the police and got myself wired and had a conversation with the guy. He'd be in prison now.

Hahaha, you're so naive. You make it sound so easy, but you're not going to walk in a PD, ask for a wire so you can prove your college roommate is dosing drinks and sleeping women who, once again, have said nothing.
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What I don't understand is you overlooked your friend but are indignant about Cosby and you have zero proof on him? Doesn't make sense.

Once more, be careful.

He wasn't my friend. I was assigned to live with him that year.

Cosby has nearly 2 dozen accusers. This guy had zero and he did it.

What's that tell you?
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Once more, be careful.

He wasn't my friend. I was assigned to live with him that year.

Cosby has nearly 2 dozen accusers. This guy had zero and he did it.

What's that tell you?

I don't think it tells me very much but that guy would not have been my roommate very long if I knew about it.
Here is the information from Wiki about GHB:

In humans, GHB has been shown to inhibit the elimination rate of alcohol. This may explain the respiratory arrest that has been reported after ingestion of both drugs.[32] A review of the details of 194 deaths attributed to or related to GHB over a ten-year period found that most were from respiratory depression caused by interaction with alcohol or other drugs.[33]

Reported deaths[edit]

One report has suggested that sodium oxybate overdose might be fatal, based on deaths of three patients who had been prescribed the drug.[34] However, for two of the three cases, post-mortem GHB concentrations were 141 and 110 mg/L, which is within the expected range of concentrations for GHB after death, and the third case was a patient with a history of intentional drug overdose.[35]

One publication has investigated 226 deaths attributed to GHB.[36] Of 226 deaths included, 213 suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and 13 suffered fatal accidents. Seventy-one deaths (34%) had no co-intoxicants. Postmortem blood GHB was 18–4400 mg/L (median=347) in deaths negative for co-intoxicants.

GHB is produced in the body in very small amounts, and blood levels may climb after death to levels in the range of 30–50 mg/L.[37] Levels higher than this are found in GHB deaths. Levels lower than this may be due to GHB or to postmortem endogenous elevations.

A UK parliamentary committee commissioned report found the use of GHB to be less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol in social harms, physical harm and addiction.[

It seems pretty easy to cause an overdose and fatality especially when mixed with alcohol. So how did this not happen with all the supposed victims of Cosby?
Here is the information from Wiki about GHB:

In humans, GHB has been shown to inhibit the elimination rate of alcohol. This may explain the respiratory arrest that has been reported after ingestion of both drugs.[32] A review of the details of 194 deaths attributed to or related to GHB over a ten-year period found that most were from respiratory depression caused by interaction with alcohol or other drugs.[33]

Reported deaths[edit]

One report has suggested that sodium oxybate overdose might be fatal, based on deaths of three patients who had been prescribed the drug.[34] However, for two of the three cases, post-mortem GHB concentrations were 141 and 110 mg/L, which is within the expected range of concentrations for GHB after death, and the third case was a patient with a history of intentional drug overdose.[35]

One publication has investigated 226 deaths attributed to GHB.[36] Of 226 deaths included, 213 suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and 13 suffered fatal accidents. Seventy-one deaths (34%) had no co-intoxicants. Postmortem blood GHB was 18–4400 mg/L (median=347) in deaths negative for co-intoxicants.

GHB is produced in the body in very small amounts, and blood levels may climb after death to levels in the range of 30–50 mg/L.[37] Levels higher than this are found in GHB deaths. Levels lower than this may be due to GHB or to postmortem endogenous elevations.

A UK parliamentary committee commissioned report found the use of GHB to be less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol in social harms, physical harm and addiction.[

It seems pretty easy to cause an overdose and fatality especially when mixed with alcohol. So how did this not happen with all the supposed victims of Cosby?

Has it been reported that it was GHB? No?

What are you barking about then?
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Women like Janice Dickinson and Beverly Johnson are publicity hounds. They are very odd people if you have ever listened to them talk. They also appear to have an axe to grind with Cosby. A lot of these other women probably thought if they had sex with Cosby then maybe they could make it big in Hollywood. Most of these women have axes to grind. Now someone like Rashad she would be credible.

You too sound like someone with an axe to grind. Evidently Cosby was a good lay though.
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You too sound like someone with an axe to grind. Evidently Cosby was a good lay though.

No, this just appears to be a media hatchet job. When some of these women supposedly approached the media years ago how come no interest? But now interest? Hmmm?
No, it will mean I reserved judgment until some actual credible evidence was brought forward.

You should just make something up in your head, refer to it as logic - assert it as evidence and call it a day.

Consistency is key Sandy.
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Regarding the Rape accusations against Cosby. You would have to be either stupid or a blind Cosby sycophant to believe that more than 20 Rape accusations are all false.

Cosby should be in prison, but he will never serve a single day for rape.
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Regarding the Rape accusations against Cosby. You would have to be either stupid or a blind Cosby sycophant to believe that more than 20 Rape accusations are all false.

Cosby should be in prison, but he will never serve a single day for rape.

So when did the number of accusations equate to weight of the evidence in a court of law? One case with actual evidence is greater than 20 accusations.
If less than 5 people have accused you of rape, you're damn rapist in my book.

How many rape accusations did mother Theresa have?

Ronald Reagan?

Both rapists in my book.
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No, I had to live with one for a year. That guy must have swept through dozens of bars, dosed a thousand drinks, and screwed a hundred girls. They were so young, dumb, and full of---stupid, that he would take them home the next day and they never protested.

Don't be naive. This is a very, very common thing.

and you just thought you had a hemorrhoid problem?......why did it take you so long to put two and two together bro?
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