Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Assuming the accusations against Cosby are truthful, huge assumption there, then Soros is a damn saint in comparison.

Soros has bragged about fundinding rebel militias just for fun. Even if Cosby is guilty, Soros is not a saint in comparison.
Since when is Cosby a conservative?

He has never come out and said he is a conservative but his remarks in the black community like this excerpt from the Washington Post in 2004 has made him a target:

In July, at a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition gathering in Chicago, Cosby said young blacks were the "dirty laundry" that many prefer he not criticize.

Cosby's remarks sparked a debate in the black community. Some criticized Cosby for fueling negative racial stereotypes and giving credence to conservative beliefs that the problems facing African Americans are self-imposed. But others applauded him for talking about the importance of personal responsibility, and still others found themselves split on how they viewed his message.

Yesterday, Cosby told his critics, "Come at me all you want." To those who criticized him for blaming the victim by preaching personal responsibility, he said: "I know a victim when I see one. And so did Christ. And so does God know victims. And so do we all recognize victims. But some victims you can look at and say, 'Get up.' " Most of his comments were greeted with laughter or applause and nods and shouts of approval.

Right after several of these instances the claims of sexual harassment or assault started coming out.
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He has never come out and said he is a conservative but his remarks in the black community like this excerpt from the Washington Post in 2004 has made him a target:

In July, at a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition gathering in Chicago, Cosby said young blacks were the "dirty laundry" that many prefer he not criticize.

Cosby's remarks sparked a debate in the black community. Some criticized Cosby for fueling negative racial stereotypes and giving credence to conservative beliefs that the problems facing African Americans are self-imposed. But others applauded him for talking about the importance of personal responsibility, and still others found themselves split on how they viewed his message.

Yesterday, Cosby told his critics, "Come at me all you want." To those who criticized him for blaming the victim by preaching personal responsibility, he said: "I know a victim when I see one. And so did Christ. And so does God know victims. And so do we all recognize victims. But some victims you can look at and say, 'Get up.' " Most of his comments were greeted with laughter or applause and nods and shouts of approval.

Right after several of these instances the claims of sexual harassment or assault started coming out.

He also supported and voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama.

He's no conservative.
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I already demonstrated above that he preached on conservative principles to the black community. Doesn't matter who he voted for.

Yes, Bill Cosby is certainly a shining example for the black males in America and all over the world.

They are eating up Cosby's "conservative principles". He is now a hero in the hood.
Is this before or after he pleasures himself to the cover of "Going Rogue" in a fit of tears while laying in a puddle of melted Ben & Jerry's and listening to "Total Eclipse of the Heart?"

The factors are many; bus schedules and whether or not he's got the 4 to close shift at Manchu Wok top the list.
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Lol of course it matters, unless you're saying he's a giant hypocrite.

So, why does it matter? If publicly he is speaking conservative principles to the black community and liberals are calling him on it then why does that matter? He is being attacked because he is preaching conservative values to the black community. How dare he?

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