Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

And, the media's never falsely accused or portrayed someone before? Show an example of an actual crime being committed.

Well there are the 2 dozen or so women that say he raped them.

Edit - Apparently now there are more than 4 dozen women accusing him.
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I guess he's just a celebrity with incredibly bad luck?

Actually, I would say that in a legal sense, he has had pretty good look.

Imagine... 40+ people have come out and accused you of unknowingly drugging and/or raping them, yet none of them have turned over hard evidence to substantiate their claims. Not a toxicology report. Not a medical examination. No eyewitnesses. Hell, not even a stained blue dress or anything of that nature that can be used in court. Simply amazing... Yet, all of them have the same story. Almost as though they each heard the original claim of drugs and rape in the media, and then like mockingbirds, came out and repeated their stories that were similar in detail.

I don't care who you are or what you've been accused of. If 40+ people come out and accuse me of being in The Taliban, if it is true, at least one person will have/should have some kind of cold hard evidence that supports their claim.
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And, the media's never falsely accused or portrayed someone before? Show an example of an actual crime being committed.

I get presumption of innocence, but we've got dozens of women telling similar stories and a guy who has admitted to drugging women. Maybe there are some copycat accusers, but you really think they're all false accusers just looking for a payday?
Actually, I would say that in a legal sense, he has had pretty good look.

Imagine... 40+ people have come out and accused you of unknowingly drugging and/or raping them, yet none of them have turned over hard evidence to substantiate their claims. Not a toxicology report. Not a medical examination. No eyewitnesses. Hell, not even a stained blue dress or anything of that nature that can be used in court. Simply amazing... Yet, all of them have the same story. Almost as though they each heard the original claim of drugs and rape in the media, and then like mockingbirds, came out and repeated their stories that were similar in detail.

I don't care who you are or what you've been accused of. If 40+ people come out and accuse me of being in The Taliban, if it is true, at least one person will have should have some king of cold hard evidence that supports their claim.

Remember the Catholic priest sex abuse cases? The Penn State cases? Same dynamic here. A few break their silence and then an avalanche.
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You were raped by Cosby?

Sandvol was. He paid way too much cash to see Cosby stand on stage, tell a few jokes and watch hundreds of hot women throw their panties on stage with their phone numbers wrote in them. OH WAIT .... Did Sand throw his underwear on stage ?
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Sandvol was. He paid way too much cash to see Cosby stand on stage, tell a few jokes and watch hundreds of hot women throw their panties on stage with their phone numbers wrote in them. OH WAIT .... Did Sand throw his underwear on stage ?

This is a mess, Gramps
Actually, I would say that in a legal sense, he has had pretty good look.

Imagine... 40+ people have come out and accused you of unknowingly drugging and/or raping them, yet none of them have turned over hard evidence to substantiate their claims. Not a toxicology report. Not a medical examination. No eyewitnesses. Hell, not even a stained blue dress or anything of that nature that can be used in court. Simply amazing... Yet, all of them have the same story. Almost as though they each heard the original claim of drugs and rape in the media, and then like mockingbirds, came out and repeated their stories that were similar in detail.

I don't care who you are or what you've been accused of. If 40+ people come out and accuse me of being in The Taliban, if it is true, at least one person will have should have some king of cold hard evidence that supports their claim.

You have Michelle Hurd talking out against him and his business manager talking about paying people off....I agree that its bringing out some of the crazies but I think he did it. I find it tragic bc he seemed like one of the really good guys.
You have Michelle Hurd talking out against him and his business manager talking about paying people off....I agree that its bringing out some of the crazies but I think he did it. I find it tragic bc he seemed like one of the really good guys.

Then there are the stories like Iman who doesn't claim to be raped, but talks about being drugged and fending him off.
You have Michelle Hurd talking out against him and his business manager talking about paying people off....I agree that its bringing out some of the crazies but I think he did it. I find it tragic bc he seemed like one of the really good guys.

Hidden video has surfaced, this is an artists rendering..


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You have Michelle Hurd talking out against him and his business manager talking about paying people off....I agree that its bringing out some of the crazies but I think he did it. I find it tragic bc he seemed like one of the really good guys.

Actress Michelle Hurd: Bill Cosby was "very inappropriate with me" - CBS News

Hurd, who did stand-in work on "The Cosby Show," went on to write, "It started innocently, lunch in his dressing room, daily, then onto weird acting exercises were he would move his hands up and down my body, (can't believe I fell for that) I was instructed to NEVER tell anyone what we did together, (he said other actors would become jealous) and then fortunately, I dodged the ultimate bullet with him when he asked me to come to his house, take a shower so we could blow dry my hair and see what it looked like straightened. At that point my own red flags went off and I told him, 'No, I'll just come to work tomorrow with my hair straightened.'"

So he came on to her (allegedly)... is that against the law?

She goes on to elaborate on experience, alleging that Cosby started doing "the same thing" to another stand-in actress, writing, "all I'll say is she awoke, after being drugged, vomited, and then Cosby told her there's a cab waiting for you outside. I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to lie or make up this up! Anyone that knows me, knows that!"

Sounds like someone just heard Beverly Johnson's story and just copycatted it. At the very least, if this was Bill Cosby's method of handling the situation after the fact, where are all of these taxi drivers that could testify for these women?
Actress Michelle Hurd: Bill Cosby was "very inappropriate with me" - CBS News

So he came on to her (allegedly)... is that against the law?

Sounds like someone just heard Beverly Johnson's story and just copycatted it. At the very least, if this was Bill Cosby's method of handling the situation after the fact, where are all of these taxi drivers that could testify for these women?

Your version of coming on to a woman and mine differ. What he did, according to her, wasn't illegal but it sure is sleazy.

You think that you are going to find a cab driver from 20 years ago that remembers picking up an intoxicated woman?
I get presumption of innocence, but we've got dozens of women telling similar stories and a guy who has admitted to drugging women. Maybe there are some copycat accusers, but you really think they're all false accusers just looking for a payday?

No we don't. Their stories keep changing.

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