Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

To be fair about this; you have never had sex with a drunk girl? Or maybe one that smoked a little?

Anything that may lower those inhibitions?

That's a great question for LG, if it wasn't for booze he'd never get laid..😁
To be fair about this; you have never had sex with a drunk girl? Or maybe one that smoked a little?

Anything that may lower those inhibitions?

Sure I have, but they weren't passed out comatose. They also knew they were drinking and smoking..... I never crushed up Valium or painkillers in their drinks without their knowledge in order to screw them.
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Sure I have, but they weren't passed out comatose. They also knew they were drinking and smoking..... I never crushed up Valium or painkillers in their drinks without their knowledge in order to screw them.

I snorted blow off exotic dancers asses, does that qualify?
Sure I have, but they weren't passed out comatose. They also knew they were drinking and smoking..... I never crushed up Valium or painkillers in their drinks without their knowledge in order to screw them.


But is this known as a fact with the Cosby allegations?

Forgive me as I don't follow this that closely.

But is this known as a fact with the Cosby allegations?

Forgive me as I don't follow this that closely.

The ones I've read about all have the same narrative.... Drugged either without their knowledge or what they were given was misrepresented.
He didn't admit to giving drugs to women in order to incapacitate them. That wasn't the question. These women are responsible for their own actions.

You see, that is where the lawyers are able to misdirect people with subtle nuances. The drugs he gave them "CAN" incapacitate them... just like too much liquor or a mix of other drugs. But was his "INTENT" to incapacitate them? See, that is the picture that the media wants to paint in your mind... that he intended to knock these women out and take advantage of them. The truth is more likely that these women wanted to get something to relax them and get them in the mood, and Cosby had the means to do it. There's no evidence that he forced these drugs on them or surreptitiously drugged them. In fact, you've had several admit that they took the pills willingly... then they would try to cover their tracks by saying that Cosby gave them a pill and they just took it without knowing what it was... now who does that? Who ingests something that is given to them without knowing what it is?
You see, that is where the lawyers are able to misdirect people with subtle nuances. The drugs he gave them "CAN" incapacitate them... just like too much liquor or a mix of other drugs. But was his "INTENT" to incapacitate them? See, that is the picture that the media wants to paint in your mind... that he intended to knock these women out and take advantage of them. The truth is more likely that these women wanted to get something to relax them and get them in the mood, and Cosby had the means to do it. There's no evidence that he forced these drugs on them or surreptitiously drugged them. In fact, you've had several admit that they took the pills willingly... then they would try to cover their tracks by saying that Cosby gave them a pill and they just took it without knowing what it was... now who does that? Who ingests something that is given to them without knowing what it is?

Woman rapes man - ***** should be executed.

Man rapes woman - ***** had it coming.

Your shtick gets old man.
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You see, that is where the lawyers are able to misdirect people with subtle nuances. The drugs he gave them "CAN" incapacitate them... just like too much liquor or a mix of other drugs. But was his "INTENT" to incapacitate them? See, that is the picture that the media wants to paint in your mind... that he intended to knock these women out and take advantage of them. The truth is more likely that these women wanted to get something to relax them and get them in the mood, and Cosby had the means to do it. There's no evidence that he forced these drugs on them or surreptitiously drugged them. In fact, you've had several admit that they took the pills willingly... then they would try to cover their tracks by saying that Cosby gave them a pill and they just took it without knowing what it was... now who does that? Who ingests something that is given to them without knowing what it is?

Several have said they had a cup of coffee and came to with the Cos pudding pop already in them.
You see, that is where the lawyers are able to misdirect people with subtle nuances. The drugs he gave them "CAN" incapacitate them... just like too much liquor or a mix of other drugs. But was his "INTENT" to incapacitate them? See, that is the picture that the media wants to paint in your mind... that he intended to knock these women out and take advantage of them. The truth is more likely that these women wanted to get something to relax them and get them in the mood, and Cosby had the means to do it. There's no evidence that he forced these drugs on them or surreptitiously drugged them. In fact, you've had several admit that they took the pills willingly... then they would try to cover their tracks by saying that Cosby gave them a pill and they just took it without knowing what it was... now who does that? Who ingests something that is given to them without knowing what it is?

Mob courage. They're looking for a pay day.
Sedative and coffee, a mixture certain to render a woman unconscious. That's what I would use.

Probably decaf. :)

I do find it interesting that you have chosen to accept everything out of Cosby as the truth and discount the women as a mob looking to get paid. What about the first person that came forward, no mob courage there?

What about the people in Hollywood that say these rumors have persisted for years about Cosby?

I don't know if it's true or not, but there are a lot of things for Cosby to be concerned about and I find it odd that you have chosen to deep throat his pudding pop on this issue.
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Probably decaf. :)

I do find it interesting that you have chosen to accept everything out of Cosby as the truth and discount the women as a mob looking to get paid. What about the first person that came forward, no mob courage there?

What about the people in Hollywood that say these rumors have persisted for years about Cosby?

I don't know if it's true or not, but there are a lot of things for Cosby to be concerned about and I find it odd that you have chosen to deep throat his pudding pop on this issue.

Of course decaf. He's a criminal mastermind. Who is this first person? I find it odd that you would use Hollywood as an example of integrity and virtue. Concerned? Of course he should be. He's got a big target painted on his back. He's a black man who had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation.
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Of course decaf. He's a criminal mastermind. Who is this first person? I find it odd that you would use Hollywood as an example of integrity and virtue. Concerned? Of course he should be. He's got a big target painted on his back. He's a black man who had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation.
You think this is a liberal attack on Cosby? Dear God
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