Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Well, yeah, because that's what it is. The solution isn't to tell victims they can't get drunk because men might rape them. The solution is to get men (or women) to stop raping people.

You can't do both? Meaning, you obviously punish the criminal, but you also make women aware of the dangers around them and aware of things that they could do to minimize (note "minimize", not "prevent") being put in a dangerous situation?
Now I would give you that. I'm sure there are instances where someone was raped because some guy wanted to assert his power.

That ain't what happens the overwhelming majority of the time though.

You may be right. I'm sure there are a lot more "date rape" type incidents ( many of which are never reported) as opposed to violent sexual assaults.
You can't do both? Meaning, you obviously punish the criminal, but you also make women aware of the dangers around them and aware of things that they could do to minimize (note "minimize", not "prevent") being put in a dangerous situation?

You suggested an "equal amount of zeal and effort" be put into the campaign to tell women to get less impaired as is put into the campaign to get men to stop raping people. Unless you think that rapists and victims bear an equal amount of responsibility in the commission of rape, spending equal amounts of advertising on both sides makes zero sense.

Aside from that, telling women they can't get as drunk as men do because "hey, rapists gonna rape" is a pretty terrible message to send.
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You suggested an "equal amount of zeal and effort" be put into the campaign to tell women to get less impaired as is put into the campaign to get men to stop raping people. Unless you think that rapists and victims bear an equal amount of responsibility in the commission of rape, spending equal amounts of advertising on both sides makes zero sense.
No, I think the rapist is 100% accountable for their actions. That still doesn't mean you don't take preventative measures.

Aside from that, telling women they can't get as drunk as men do because "hey, rapists gonna rape" is a pretty terrible message to send.

Its a terrible message in a dangerous world.
When you say it is about "power" what exactly do you mean?

Rapists don't rape because they can't "get" sex elsewhere. Rapists don't rape because they're uncontrollably turned on by the sight of some cleavage, or a midriff, or red lipstick, or an ankle. They rape because they're misogynist sadists.
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Rapists don't rape because they can't "get" sex elsewhere. Rapists don't rape because they're uncontrollably turned on by the sight of some cleavage, or a midriff, or red lipstick, or an ankle. They rape because they're misogynist sadists.

If that is the case, then am I to assume that a woman being inebriated and helpless is not a factor, also?
I think we all understand that the real issue here is Sandys warped sense of Christian morality. In his demented mind drugs and alcohol are so evil that anyone who would partake in these deserves anything that may happen to them. Same with orgies.

He believe if a young woman drinks with a man, she deserves to be raped.
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I think we all understand that the real issue here is Sandys warped sense of Christian morality. In his demented mind drugs and alcohol are so evil that anyone who would partake in these deserves anything that may happen to them. Same with orgies.

He believe if a young woman drinks with a man, she deserves to be raped.

******mit, 8188. He's not even religious.

We've got a good light shining on his warped sense of ethics here. Don't muck it up.
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******mit, 8188. He's not even religious.

We've got a good light shining on his warped sense of ethics here. Don't muck it up.

Don't worry, he's had me blocked for a long time. But I've still never bought his claims of being a non religious conservative who happens to deny evolution and global warming and oppose legalization. A long with his arguments in some of the religious threads.

I've always assumed it was a lie he told us so we would think he was neutral.
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Haven't slept in days. Afraid Sand will consider me passing out to be implied consent.


/blue font warning
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Disagree. Rape is about power and control

If you have a couple who are married or whatever, sleep in the same bed every night, and either one starts having sex with the other while the other is still asleep, their way of waking the other up so to speak, is that rape and about control? So, the other is asleep momentarily for a couple of minutes before regaining full consciousness? And, the man or the woman has inserted his penis in her vagina before the other regains consciousness?
If you have a couple who are married or whatever, sleep in the same bed every night, and either one starts having sex with the other while the other is still asleep, their way of waking the other up so to speak, is that rape and about control? So, the other is asleep momentarily for a couple of minutes before regaining full consciousness? And, the man or the woman has inserted his penis in her vagina before the other regains consciousness?

You really want an excuse to be able to F*** a passed out woman. Likely, your wife wouldn't consider this rape, but you better be damn sure that is how she feels.
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If you have a couple who are married or whatever, sleep in the same bed every night, and either one starts having sex with the other while the other is still asleep, their way of waking the other up so to speak, is that rape and about control? So, the other is asleep momentarily for a couple of minutes before regaining full consciousness? And, the man or the woman has inserted his penis in her vagina before the other regains consciousness?

Sand, if you are convinced Cosby did not rape these women, the case has proven he is a POS. He is a married man, spending his spare time at the Playboy Mansion, partying with white women while his fine black wife was just sitting home bored and lonely. Cosby is a terrible human being.
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Sand, if you are convinced Cosby did not rape these women, the case has proven he is a POS. He is a married man, spending his spare time at the Playboy Mansion, partying with white women while his fine black wife was just sitting home bored and lonely. Cosby is a terrible human being.

While also preaching about morality and ethics
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If you have a couple who are married or whatever, sleep in the same bed every night, and either one starts having sex with the other while the other is still asleep, their way of waking the other up so to speak, is that rape and about control? So, the other is asleep momentarily for a couple of minutes before regaining full consciousness? And, the man or the woman has inserted his penis in her vagina before the other regains consciousness?

Not allowed to go within a 1000 feet of schools I bet
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Sand, if you are convinced Cosby did not rape these women, the case has proven he is a POS. He is a married man, spending his spare time at the Playboy Mansion, partying with white women while his fine black wife was just sitting home bored and lonely. Cosby is a terrible human being.

I wouldn't necessarily argue with that point, but that is pretty much status quo in Hollywood. Also, pretty much the same for Washington.

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