Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

I'm reading the comments in this thread. I will be making my own comments shortly. I just don't want to disappoint my fans because I know you all are waiting on what I have to say about this.
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The way he conducted himself in office doesn't bother you?

Nope. I care about policy. He could be doing cocaine off a strippers' ass in the Oval Office and I could look the other as long as his policies make sense and are good for the country.

Part of the problem with this country is that we care about appearance and useless rhetoric to placate certain segments of the population instead of substance and sound, sustainable policy.
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same as Catholic priests being accused of molesting kids years after it happened --- its about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I'm reading the comments in this thread. I will be making my own comments shortly. I just don't want to disappoint my fans because I know you all are waiting on what I have to say about this.

I just want to keep seeing your avatar.
Nope. I care about policy. He could be doing cocaine off a strippers' ass in the Oval Office and I could look the other as long as his policies make sense and are good for the country.

Part of the problem with this country is that we care about appearance and useless rhetoric to placate certain segments of the population instead of substance and sound, sustainable policy.

You don't think a President should be a role model instead of coining the phrase "he got a Lewinski"?
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You don't think a President should be a role model instead of coining the phrase "he got a Lewinski"?

No. He's there to run the damn country. That is his number one job.

Being a role model is way down the list. Would it be ideal to have both? Sure. But if you give me a choice of one or the other, I'm choosing substance/policy every time.
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The way he conducted himself in office doesn't bother you?

Do you think that Clinton is the only POTUS to have sex in the WH?

What matters is he did his job. He was a very good president imo and apparently most Americans agree with me per the polls. He was 20 times better than the last two .
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Do you think that Clinton is the only POTUS to have sex in the WH?

What matters is he did his job. He was a very good president imo and apparently most Americans agree with me per the polls. He was 20 times better than the last two .

No, I was thinking of Kennedy also. I really like Kennedy but I think the info about his sexual proclivities has tarnished his reputation in my opinion. What about what this behavior tells kids with regards to Clinton? It's OK to do "Lewinski's" now because the President did? (Because the President said it wasn't really sex.)
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No, I was thinking of Kennedy also. I really like Kennedy but I think the info about his sexual proclivities has tarnished his reputation in my opinion. What about what this behavior tells kids with regards to Clinton? It's OK to do "Lewinski's" now because the President did?

No it should not. Parents should teach their children right from wrong. There are many men and women that are great at their jobs but have little to no morals. The fact that Clinton was a Ho does not change the fact that he was good at his job.
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No it should not. Parents should teach their children right from wrong. There are many men and women that are great at their jobs but have little to no morals. The fact that Clinton was a Ho does not change the fact that he was good at his job.

Well, for instance, if Clinton had been CEO of a company most boards of directors would have fired him. I think personal integrity does matter. I'm trying to remember why you think he was good at his job?
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Well, for instance, if Clinton had been CEO of a company most boards of directors would have fired him. I think personal integrity does matter. I'm trying to remember why you think he was good at his job?

yeah CEO'S are all outstanding moral men/women that would never cheat on their spouse, especially with someone that works for them
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Multi accusers means nothing to you?

Is Bill Clinton a rapist?

This is what I was responding to. I was saying when the number of people accusing you of rape reaches double digits, you're probably guilty.

McDad tried to throw Clinton into this. That's why I hard to go back and double check. And only one person accused Clinton of rape. A lot of people seem to believe her claim was based on political reasons.
Do you think that Clinton is the only POTUS to have sex in the WH?

What matters is he did his job. He was a very good president imo and apparently most Americans agree with me per the polls. He was 20 times better than the last two .

Sandy prefers presidents who spend their spare time making racial comments like Nixon.
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This is what I was responding to. I was saying when the number of people accusing you of rape reaches double digits, you're probably guilty.

McDad tried to throw Clinton into this. That's why I hard to go back and double check. And only one person accused Clinton of rape. A lot of people seem to believe her claim was based on political reasons.

Juanita Broderick? Political?

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