Quick thought on Oregon....

I realize how cowardice this sounds, but I'd take a 14 point loss right now if we could stay home and have two weeks to stay healthy and prepare for Florida. I wonder if Helfrich would go for that.
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Your conference is not fundamentally "more physical" top to bottom than any of the other AQ conferences - no matter what ESPN's talking heads (or writers who slurp up their nonsense routinely as gospel) have to say, and if Oregon were competing in the SEC, the Ducks would have won 9+ games a year over the past few seasons because they have have been flat out better than most of the teams in the country regardless of conference. LSU and Auburn capitalized on having superior talent in key positions to produce their victories - not all of you can do it, no matter what your inflated recruiting rankings (hello again ESPN) have to say on the matter.

Every single time Oregon goes out of conference across the country the opponent's fanbase talks a bunch of smack about how tough their team is going to play and how Oregon is going to get a dose of (conference)'s football, and the message is that we're supposed to be afraid of how physical you're going to play. We've heard it routinely, it's ultimately nonsense, and you should move on to a new line. Nobody is afraid of the big bad SEC, and Duck football players certainly aren't going to be surprised by the physical ability of your players, or the blows they are able to deliver. Everyone is playing football.
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No. We are more physical. There is one SEC type team in the PAC and that is Stanford. Built on pounding the rock and strong D. We see how that has worked for you...
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When Oregon came here a couple of years ago, they were all so gracious and respectful. The posters who visited this board were the same way. This time around they seem to be pompous ass jerks. Don't let it go to your heads people. We have been where you are trying to get. I emphasize trying.
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Your conference is not fundamentally "more physical" top to bottom than any of the other AQ conferences - no matter what ESPN's talking heads (or writers who slurp up their nonsense routinely as gospel) have to say, and if Oregon were competing in the SEC, the Ducks would have won 9+ games a year over the past few seasons because they have have been flat out better than most of the teams in the country regardless of conference. LSU and Auburn capitalized on having superior talent in key positions to produce their victories - not all of you can do it, no matter what your inflated recruiting rankings (hello again ESPN) have to say on the matter.

Every single time Oregon goes out of conference across the country the opponent's fanbase talks a bunch of smack about how tough their team is going to play and how Oregon is going to get a dose of (conference)'s football, and the message is that we're supposed to be afraid of how physical you're going to play. We've heard it routinely, it's ultimately nonsense, and you should move on to a new line. Nobody is afraid of the big bad SEC, and Duck football players certainly aren't going to be surprised by the physical ability of your players, or the blows they are able to deliver. Everyone is playing football.

Man you really have me praying for an upset to shut you up!

I think the O fans will all collectively pee their pants if we have this thing with in 10 going into the 4th quarter.
Oregon has been trying to schedule SEC teams, but outside of Tenn and LSU the rest of the SEC is very reluctant to play out west. We played and beat Miss State a couple times a few years ago, we beat you guys a couple years ago and we've got home and home match ups set with Georgia and Ohio State in the next few years assuming they don't back out. Georgia already sounds like they want out.

One of the big problems with OOC games is many times given the number of years between scheduling and actually playing a team it's hard to know what a opponent will be like by game time.

Do you think Oregon actually went out looking to put Nicholls State and Portland State on the schedule? LOL Both those games were added because an opponent didn't want to play Oregon as previously scheduled.

Georgia already backed out.
Relax .. the football gods are with us my fellow vols. 5 turnovers in 6 plays wku unseen forces at work here...
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Relax .. the football gods are with us my fellow vols. 5 turnovers in 6 plays wku unseen forces at work here...

This. Seriously with all the bad luck TN has suffered through the past 5 seasons the curse has reversed itself and now our opposing teams will all feel the curse's wrath.
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When Oregon came here a couple of years ago, they were all so gracious and respectful. The posters who visited this board were the same way. This time around they seem to be pompous ass jerks. Don't let it go to your heads people. We have been where you are trying to get. I emphasize trying.

Bandwagon fans.
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No. We are more physical. There is one SEC type team in the PAC and that is Stanford. Built on pounding the rock and strong D. We see how that has worked for you...

Are you under the impression that we've failed to beat them since they became "physical" ? Because that's not the case...

And all of that "physicality" and the barely escaped with that win, when we could have beaten them by kicking what most teams consider to be an average field goal.
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When Oregon came here a couple of years ago, they were all so gracious and respectful. The posters who visited this board were the same way. This time around they seem to be pompous ass jerks. Don't let it go to your heads people. We have been where you are trying to get. I emphasize trying.

I feel like you're responding to me, so I'll just point out that I was here then too... and it takes two to tango. I'm not suggesting we're football gods and that you have no chance. I'm suggesting that this party line about SEC's dominant physicality is tiresome and lame.
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Are you under the impression that we've failed to beat them since they became "physical" ? Because that's not the case...

And all of that "physicality" and the barely escaped with that win, when we could have beaten them by kicking what most teams consider to be an average field goal.

But you didn't. And you lost to Auburn and LSU also. I'm man enough to admit Tennessee is ready for prime time right now. Maybe you should admit that the Ducks might just be a never was.
Good advice here. If we happen to put ourselves in a position to win in the 4th, then outstanding. I honestly feel like if we go to Eugene and play loose, nothing but good is going to come out of this game no matter the outcome.

And hey, who knows? We may get some bounces. We might be able to control the football and get just enough stops to beat Oregon. We might put 'em in a spot they don't feel comfortable in and they panic. Hell, we might get blown out.

For me, I just want us to get better. We aren't winning a national championship this year. Improve and learn. No more expectations than that for me.

I can't wait, personally :good!:
THIS!!! Great post.
But you didn't. And you lost to Auburn and LSU also. I'm man enough to admit Tennessee is ready for prime time right now. Maybe you should admit that the Ducks might just be a never was.

Since when is losing to a title team a damn shame or something that's a knock? All of our losses have been to top tier teams. You make it seem like we lost to Georgia. Those two teams had 1 loss combined. Yep, that's a knock.

Regarding Stanford, we have a winning record against them since becoming physical.
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If you score 20 I'll be unhappy. If we only score 45 I'll be pissed.

What does a pissed duck look like? I mean look, you may jack us like we're Prairie View, but just don't be surprised if there are a few west coast teeth on the field either....
Oregon has been trying to schedule SEC teams, but outside of Tenn and LSU the rest of the SEC is very reluctant to play out west. We played and beat Miss State a couple times a few years ago, we beat you guys a couple years ago and we've got home and home match ups set with Georgia and Ohio State in the next few years assuming they don't back out. Georgia already sounds like they want out.

One of the big problems with OOC games is many times given the number of years between scheduling and actually playing a team it's hard to know what a opponent will be like by game time.

Do you think Oregon actually went out looking to put Nicholls State and Portland State on the schedule? LOL Both those games were added because an opponent didn't want to play Oregon as previously scheduled.
Well then......scratch that itch, son, and let any of them know that you'll come east (which is much easier. I know because I do it weekly). The reason why they are reluctant is because if the SEC wins then it is because we are supposed to and if we lose it's leading Sports Center even if you are #1. Couple that with a west coast trip and it's a tough sell. Remember, we don't have a Pac 12 schedule to fall back on and "lick our wounds" while getting verbal fellatio from ESPN.
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Lol....I was here then.

The bs I read back then was even funnier. We gone lose....SEC SEC....then came the smackdown followed by excuses.

You were here then also? Then please allow me to retract my gracious and respectful comment. Because you indeed are a pompous ass. Yes we are down compared to you guys right now. We get that more than anybody. Yes you can beat us. But show me your crystal football collection and you will impress somebody around here. Because we see those kinds of teams all the time. We have been lining up and beating those kinds of teams for over 100 years. Oregon isn't special. Maybe getting a hold of a national power in the midst of a rebuild project still gives you guys a woody, but we are more accustomed to beating them at the top of their game. So please excuse us down here if we don't understand why you are so full of yourself. We don't get worked up so much over almost being the best team in the country.
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Oh please, we've scheduled fine OOC. Nicholls was a replacement as a last ditch resort. We didn't change anything scheduling wise after the LSU game. Though I will point out that we were absolutely punished for that game. If we had beat up on an average AQ instead of lost our season opener to LSU, the polls would have favored us more at the end of the season.
Aaaaaaww, bess im wittle heart. Now, BYE :cray:
But you didn't. And you lost to Auburn and LSU also. I'm man enough to admit Tennessee is ready for prime time right now. Maybe you should admit that the Ducks might just be a never was.

You're writing as if I didn't *just* acknowledge losses to Auburn and LSU and comment on them both. Oregon hasn't peaked yet, and most sane observers see that the Ducks are still on an upwards trajectory, so no I'm not going to admit that the Ducks are a "never was."
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