Quick thought on Oregon....

My gameplan would be run as much as possible, try to get 10 yards at a time and keep Oregons offense off the field. Nothing flashy.
Oregon has been trying to schedule SEC teams, but outside of Tenn and LSU the rest of the SEC is very reluctant to play out west. We played and beat Miss State a couple times a few years ago, we beat you guys a couple years ago and we've got home and home match ups set with Georgia and Ohio State in the next few years assuming they don't back out. Georgia already sounds like they want out.

One of the big problems with OOC games is many times given the number of years between scheduling and actually playing a team it's hard to know what a opponent will be like by game time.

Do you think Oregon actually went out looking to put Nicholls State and Portland State on the schedule? LOL Both those games were added because an opponent didn't want to play Oregon as previously scheduled.

And if Tony Bassillio had his druthers, you would have had to find a third patsy...he was afraid of the severe beating your team would inflict on us...we got a coach and AD with privates now, unlike the Dooley/Hamilton UNC fiasco three years ago
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Well then......scratch that itch, son, and let any of them know that you'll come east (which is much easier. I know because I do it weekly). The reason why they are reluctant is because if the SEC wins then it is because we are supposed to and if we lose it's leading Sports Center even if you are #1. Couple that with a west coast trip and it's a tough sell. Remember, we don't have a Pac 12 schedule to fall back on and "lick our wounds" while getting verbal fellatio from ESPN.

The reason you just cited explains literally every single FBS AQ school's reluctance to schedule tough non conference opponents. It's a gamble every time, for everybody - not just the mighty SEC. And an SEC fan talking about ESPN's "verbal fellatios" for another conference is all kinds of comical.
Well it makes sense. SEC schedules are hard enough so most sec schools schedule cupcakes for OOC play. Oregon is obviously not a preferred game for us, but, I would have been very upset if TN bought the game out. If you want to be seen as a top tier team even if your rebuilding you don't back down from anyone. I think USC may be the new west coast patsy SEC schools will pick on.
I feel like you're responding to me, so I'll just point out that I was here then too... and it takes two to tango. I'm not suggesting we're football gods and that you have no chance. I'm suggesting that this party line about SEC's dominant physicality is tiresome and lame.
.....and THAT is what makes you an idiot. Flip-Flop these two points and you'd appear to have a SEC-esque FB I.Q.
You're writing as if I didn't *just* acknowledge losses to Auburn and LSU and comment on them both. Oregon hasn't peaked yet, and most sane observers see that the Ducks are still on an upwards trajectory, so no I'm not going to admit that the Ducks are a "never was."

I said might be. Right now they are still a maybe. Look I'm impressed as hell with that offense. Good program with quality people every year. I even like the daring uniforms. But smack talking won't get you far around here. The SEC has won everything in the modern era. We've been in the middle of that fight the whole time. You've beat a mediocre at best Tennessee team one time and otherwise choked every year. So save the attitude till you do something.
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You're writing as if I didn't *just* acknowledge losses to Auburn and LSU and comment on them both. Oregon hasn't peaked yet, and most sane observers see that the Ducks are still on an upwards trajectory, so no I'm not going to admit that the Ducks are a "never was."
Acknowledge or QUALIFY/then attempt to trivialize?? That's a rhetorical question. Please, just go.
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the only chance we will have in this game is if we have the ball for about 6-7 minutes every time we get it. if we play at the tempo we have been playing it is going to get ugly fast.
The reason you just cited explains literally every single FBS AQ school's reluctance to schedule tough non conference opponents. It's a gamble every time, for everybody - not just the mighty SEC. And an SEC fan talking about ESPN's "verbal fellatios" for another conference is all kinds of comical.
Dude, never confuse ESPN's continual inability to push that attention to a larger market (due to the SEC's complete dominance of the championship) with a love for the fact that there are no other conferences IN larger markets that have been worthy of the hype that they'd love to be able to capitalize upon. Ergo, artificial hype every year crumbles to an acknowledgement that none of you can carry the flag. Any marketing machine hates that......even Nike. Now, enroll in Business 101 STFU.
Your conference is not fundamentally "more physical" top to bottom than any of the other AQ conferences - no matter what ESPN's talking heads (or writers who slurp up their nonsense routinely as gospel) have to say, and if Oregon were competing in the SEC, the Ducks would have won 9+ games a year over the past few seasons because they have have been flat out better than most of the teams in the country regardless of conference. LSU and Auburn capitalized on having superior talent in key positions to produce their victories - not all of you can do it, no matter what your inflated recruiting rankings (hello again ESPN) have to say on the matter.

Every single time Oregon goes out of conference across the country the opponent's fanbase talks a bunch of smack about how tough their team is going to play and how Oregon is going to get a dose of (conference)'s football, and the message is that we're supposed to be afraid of how physical you're going to play. We've heard it routinely, it's ultimately nonsense, and you should move on to a new line. Nobody is afraid of the big bad SEC, and Duck football players certainly aren't going to be surprised by the physical ability of your players, or the blows they are able to deliver. Everyone is playing football.

How many National Championships has your program won?
UT and GT............. Talk smack once you actually win one.
I feel like you're responding to me, so I'll just point out that I was here then too... and it takes two to tango. I'm not suggesting we're football gods and that you have no chance. I'm suggesting that this party line about SEC's dominant physicality is tiresome and lame.

How many NC champions have been from the SEC over the last few years?

Which conference has the most NC's in history?

Ivy League with 60
SEC 29
Big 10 27
Pac 10 16

Oregon 0
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You're writing as if I didn't *just* acknowledge losses to Auburn and LSU and comment on them both. Oregon hasn't peaked yet, and most sane observers see that the Ducks are still on an upwards trajectory, so no I'm not going to admit that the Ducks are a "never was."

You might have stumbled on the best analogy to describe the arc that is the Duck's recent success: ballistics.

The problem with a ballistic object is that it can go on an upward trend for quite awhile, and never hit anything of substance. Ultimately the ballistic object comes crashing down to earth. You acknowledged just that scenario with your games against both LSU and Auburn.

The Ducks, like most of the NCAA, have difficulty consistently beating teams who out recruit them (by difficult I mean that it doesn't happen with regularity).

The benefit of the Ducks is that they can recruit to a level of about 15th in the nation on average
(roughly 5-6 overall in the SEC), and still be more talented than all of the PAC (Except for USC, who is hindered by the worst coach in the nation).

Hope and pray that you don't have to play a top tier SEC team for the BCS title. History, math, and reality would point to you having roughly a 10% chance of winning*. Not impossible, but highly unlikely.

So, the trajectory for you ends there. But you should feel pretty good knowing that you've seen the future already. Not many people are given the ability to accurately predict their own fortunes, enjoy it.

* In the BCS title games going back to 2005 (as far as I can take the data using rivals numbers that start at 2002) only 1 game was won by the team with lessor talent. That team was Texas in 2005 who beat USC. Every other game was exactly predicted simply using talent averages. During the regular season the prediction rate drops a bit, hovering right around 2/3 using only talent averages.
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You're writing as if I didn't *just* acknowledge losses to Auburn and LSU and comment on them both. Oregon hasn't peaked yet, and most sane observers see that the Ducks are still on an upwards trajectory, so no I'm not going to admit that the Ducks are a "never was."

This is retarded.
How many NC champions have been from the SEC over the last few years?

Which conference has the most NC's in history?

Ivy League with 60
SEC 29
Big 10 27
Pac 10 16

Oregon 0
That looks like a 0. Can't be a zero. Dude said he's as tough as everyone else, so that can't be a 0.
We need to pound the rock fifty times. We need to unleash our beast o line.
If I remember correctly it was a 13 to 13 game at the half in 2011. Not saying we are going to win, but I think this staff might keep us in the game.

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