
It wasn't just basketball. Here was the list(don't be so offended because one of your guys is in it):

10. Tom Osborne
9. Larry Eustachy
8. Jackie Sherrill
7. Gary Barnett
6. Woody Hayes
5. Bob Huggins
4. Jim Harrick
3. John Chaney
2. Bobby Knight
1. Dave Bliss

That is a pretty prestigious list.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
It wasn't just basketball. Here was the list(don't be so offended because one of your guys is in it):

10. Tom Osborne
9. Larry Eustachy
8. Jackie Sherrill
7. Gary Barnett
6. Woody Hayes
5. Bob Huggins
4. Jim Harrick
3. John Chaney
2. Bobby Knight
1. Dave Bliss

That is a pretty prestigious list.
Oh, there's more than one of my guys on that list. Six of the ten guys listed are top notch in my book. I'm not offended, I just consider the source. Maxim isn't exactly on the same level journalistically as the Basketball Times or Esquire.
I don't think they base this list off of accomplishment on the court/field, obviously.

Curious, who are the 6? Osborne, Hayes, Huggins, Harrick, Chaney, and Knight?
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
I don't think they base this list off of accomplishment on the court/field, obviously.

Curious, who are the 6? Osborne, Hayes, Huggins, Harrick, Chaney, and Knight?
Eustachy, Sherrill, Hayes, Huggins, Chaney, and Knight.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
So what makes it okay for Eustachy to be in "that" situation but not Mark Chmura?
While Larry had a lapse in judgment, those were college girls he was photographed with. A kiss on the cheek to a college girl is a far cry from being in a hot tub with a fifteen year old.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
That is true, though nothing came against Chmura. Why is Osborne not on your list?
He's a pious hypocrite, a phony if you will. Sort of like another head coach I know.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
That is true as well, but you would rather have a phony than a guy that castrates bulls to motivate his team?
There's nothing I hate worse than a hypocrite, especially a sanctimonious one.
well castrating the bull certainly seemed to be a decent coaching move, they won that game didnt they?
So if a random coached sacrificed a virgin over a pentagram for motivation and the team won, it would be a decent coaching move?
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
So if a random coached sacrificed a virgin over a pentagram for motivation and the team won, it would be a decent coaching move?

Umm no, that would just be crazy.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
You would take a murderer, or a rapist, or a child molester over a hypocrite.
They would rate equally on my scale. Often, the folks involved in the heinous acts you reference are outwardly respectable citizens. Hypocrisy is toxic.
no that would be illegal, castrating a bull could be, if not for the fact that i am sure coach sherill used a bull that was up for a little snip snip to begin with. not that I wasn't considering virgin sacrifice last year as means to bring some luck, but it's so hard to find a virgin these days
I'd argue that cutting the balls off of a farm animal on a football field is crazy as well, not on the same level obviously, but crazy nonetheless.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
So if a random coached sacrificed a virgin over a pentagram for motivation and the team won, it would be a decent coaching move?
I realize I've been away from the practice of criminal law for nearly a year now, but I'm pretty sure that would be illegal.
I didn't ask if it was illegal. Illegal acts go on in every household, on every street corner, almost everywhere.
well then i will put it this way. If CPF has to legally castrate livestock before every game this year to win, he can have at it
if it will win football games i'm all for castration---not me of course, but anyone else

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