Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

Watch you pikanic basket @joevol33

We have an adolescent 🙄 male🙄🙄 black bear denning at our VERY downtown, VERY urban church, and I’m installing native (pollinator) gardens there. You bet believe that I have my eye out for bear scat, because I do not want to find a spread of purple coneflowers crushed by some dumbazz teenaged bear moseying through new plantings.

If I can find out where he’s denning, cool; I’ll give him his space if he gives me mine.

Here’s a June photo where he’s headed off the property. He was originally more in the foreground of the photo, on the sanctuary steps. I’m planting out the area to the right of the handicapped this-a-way sign. Which turns out to be contractor rubble with a three-molecule layer of pooped-out dirt. 😭

It’s fairly clear which posters in the ‘Zone worship the Comb Over. Your belligerence and dishonesty echo your Master.

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