Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

My daughter uses thc lotion for back pain she never smoked the weed
Yeah, the means of using (smoking, eating, transdermal like the lotion) is really a big variable too.

If I ever needed to use it, I’d definitely have to do something other than smoking. Turning purple-faced with eyes bugging out doesn’t seem very helpful.
I've thought of trying CBD, but my doctor has cautioned that some studies show it can mess with your anti-rejection drugs. He's not actually opposed to me trying it, but he said he'd want to carefully monitor it if I did.
My mom is on them . She broke her back when she was 27 and she has osteoporosis and and muscles and bones are deteriating .
My mom takes them too. But she was prescribed them many years ago, before the dangers were fully known. She'd tell you she's addicted to them, but she takes them as prescribed and doesn't abuse them. There were a lot of lawsuits over the oxy meds.
I've thought of trying CBD, but my doctor has cautioned that some studies show it can mess with your anti-rejection drugs. He's not actually opposed to me trying it, but he said he'd want to carefully monitor it if I did.
Seems worth a try, since he’s willing to monitor your cyclosporine (or whatever) levels and all the rest. It’s all a balancing act, and ain’t none of it simple.

Best wishes to you, whichever path you take. I don’t know that I’d have the courage or strength (or grace) to handle it, plus being there for your mom.

Plus enduring Butch Jones and Jeremy Pruitt, geeze.
Seems worth a try, since he’s willing to monitor your cyclosporine (or whatever) levels and all the rest. It’s all a balancing act, and ain’t none of it simple.

Best wishes to you, whichever path you take. I don’t know that I’d have the courage or strength (or grace) to handle it, plus being there for your mom.

Plus enduring Butch Jones and Jeremy Pruitt, geeze.
I keep hoping for one more good season before I leave this earth, lol.
My Dad got his stint in for dialysis when he needs it . It's weird you can fill a vibration and they gave him a stethoscope to listen to it . We have to check it every day.
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My mom takes them too. But she was prescribed them many years ago, before the dangers were fully known. She'd tell you she's addicted to them, but she takes them as prescribed and doesn't abuse them. There were a lot of lawsuits over the oxy meds.
And there are so many other side effects (serious constipation, brain fog, respiratory depression.)

I’m ok with the idea of being dependent or addicted in my last few years, but I would want to feel reasonably ok along with the pain relief. Cannabis (when tolerated) seems way better than opiates. Also, the few times I’ve taken (prescribed) oxycodone etc., I was miserable, no real pain relief, other than a slight dulling, instead of a sharper pain. When I could make a sentence, I said that I still hurt and was in misery, I just couldn’t express it.

But this is something that each of us has to decide for ourselves.
My mom takes them too. But she was prescribed them many years ago, before the dangers were fully known. She'd tell you she's addicted to them, but she takes them as prescribed and doesn't abuse them. There were a lot of lawsuits over the oxy meds.
When I broke my arm in 2001 the doctor gave me this new medical drug pain reliever called oxycotin that took me down a long and windy road that took years to get away from. This was after I was on percocets since 96 from a broken jaw at the ripe age of 17 I started all this.
Yeah and that's why the edibles I tried in Colorado 2 years ago was a terrible idea. I couldn't even sleep
Lying on the bathroom floor, feeling my heart go pitapatpitapatpitapat was not the most fun thing ever.

I got enough of a buzz that one time in 1973 to vaguely wish that I could feel it again, but I’m pretty sure it’s not ever going to work for me. 1659216637191.gif
Ok, I’ll confess, made me look. I feared that they had worn flesh-colored unitards or something. Thankfully, no:

For The Gilded Palace of Sin cover shoot, Parsons ordered custom-made Nudie Cohn suits for the entire band.
Bedazzled images of pills, weed and nude women adorned Parsons’ now-iconic Nudie suit — as did, perhaps as counterpoint, a cross on the jacket’s back. Cohn son-in-law and head tailor Manuel Cuevas rendered the designs because Cohn’s chief embroiderer refused to stitch such salacious depictions herself. Nudie’s Rodeo Tailors had previously crafted the gold lamé suit Elvis Presley wore on the 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrongcover. According to legend, as a young child in Georgia, Parsons saw Presley perform at the Waycross Auditorium — and even got to shake hands with the star afterward, sealing his destiny. Parsons’ Gilded Palace suit is now on display in Nashville’s Country Music Hall of Fame. But it wasn’t Parsons’ first Nudie. Arriving in Los Angeles a few years prior during his International Submarine Band period, Parsons acquired a red Nudie adorned with yellow submarines.The Gilded Palace of Sin may have bombed commercially, but it turned out aces for Cohn. Nudie clients soon grew to include Janis Joplin, Sly Stone, Bob Dylan, Grateful Dead and Mick Jagger. Nudie himself even graced the cover of Rolling Stone. “Through the Burritos, I got to be kind of well-known to the rock & roll people,” Cohn, who died in 1984, once said, “and I really appreciate what they did for me along those lines.”

Flying Burrito Brothers' 'The Gilded Palace of Sin': 10 Things You Didn't Know
nice story
a mist-have album for a music lover
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Lying on the bathroom floor, feeling my heart go pitapatpitapatpitapat was not the most fun thing ever.

I got enough of a buzz that one time in 1973 to vaguely wish that I could feel it again, but I’m pretty sure it’s not ever going to work for me. View attachment 476439
Some people I was hanging with back in the early 70s were smoking hash and asked me if I wanted any. I said I don’t want to smoke it and they said I could eat some. I said ok and obviously ate too much as after about 30 minutes I was genuinely convinced I was about to die. Seemed like it lasted all night.
Some people I was hanging with back in the early 70s were smoking hash and asked me if I wanted any. I said I don’t want to smoke it and they said I could eat some. I said ok and obviously ate too much as after about 30 minutes I was genuinely convinced I was about to die. Seemed like it lasted all night.
From what I have been told *cough cough*, smoking makes it hit a lot faster, with a bigger buzz, and then it’s over. Eating is slower to hit, but it lasts a loooong time, and if you don’t like the feeling, it seems like an eternity.

My lungs make smoking a definite no, so the happy buzz doesn’t seem to be on my menu. Which is fine. Vitis vinifera seems to get the job done.

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