I don't think it's a religion of peace any more than I do any religion with outdated, barbaric and inconsistent values. If we have any Muslims here I would gladly debate them on the problems with their beliefs as well as the greater issue of radicalization amongst their group as well. I'm an equal opportunist.
That doesn't mean I think they are all anti-semitic terrorists. I imagine there are plenty of good people who just happen to have been born and raised in a Muslim majority country and were taught what to believe.. not unlike America and Christianity. Thankfully we don't live in a third world shithole.
This little terrorist just can't help herself
Omar retweets post blasting Meghan McCain for 'faux outrage' in response to Omar's remarks on Israel
“Meghan’s late father literally sang ‘bomb bomb bomb Iran’ and insisted on referring to his Vietnamese captors as ‘g--ks'," read the post by Medhi Hasan, an "Intercept" columnist and Al Jazeera host. "He also, lest we forget, gave the world Sarah Palin. So a little less faux outrage over a former-refugee-turned-freshman-representative pls.”
Omar has resisted calls for her to apologize for blasting those who pledge “allegiance to a foreign country,” referring to Israel, in what has been decried as an anti-Semitic trope.
If Hitler said that the sky is blue and the sun sets at night, he would have been correct. I wouldn’t have come out and said, “hey guys, Hitler just spoke the truth. Why aren’t you guys agreeing with him?” Because at the end of the day, he was still Hitler. Omar can be taken as seriously as David Duke with her line of questions.I figured we would have some Redhats/"America First" supporters in support of her comments, esp. at how hard they complained about taking a knee and not singing the national anthem and all of that.
In my mind, pledging allegiance to a foreign country is far worse than taking a knee.
I figured we would have some Redhats/"America First" supporters in support of her comments, esp. at how hard they complained about taking a knee and not singing the national anthem and all of that.
In my mind, pledging allegiance to a foreign country is far worse than taking a knee.
If Hitler said that the sky is blue and the sun sets at night, he would have been correct. I wouldn’t have come out and said, “hey guys, Hitler just spoke the truth. Why aren’t you guys agreeing with him?” Because at the end of the day, he was still Hitler. Omar can be taken as seriously as David Duke with her line of questions.