This is just getting old, the vast majority of Americans, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, whomever, don't really give a seconds thought to any of the hate and racism and sexism and whatever hell else is en vogue as these politicians play out we do.
Differences in opinion doesn't equal hate. I don't see the hate, would be plastered on the news for weeks. I've yet to see a single person of any color or creed being hung or seeing entire citi-blocks of one type of "peoples" being over run with fighting in the streets by another hate mongering sect of opposite faith or color.
Think abut a real hate crime, take the coverage of the high school kid in DC from Kentucky, imagine that with a person yelling racial epitaths and names as they beat and kill the person they are truly hateful of. You wouldn't have any other news for weeks, nothing. Somehow, it isn't on the TV everyday, so where is it...........