Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

Then you have nothing to worry about do you?
I've always claimed I would have confidence in the report. It's just that we have to see the report. If we do not see the report, it is because it contains something Trump wishes to hide.
I've always claimed I would have confidence in the report. It's just that we have to see the report. If we do not see the report, it is because it contains something Trump wishes to hide.

How is Trump going to hide anything? Please explain this.
Dems/socialists are the biggest sore losers in the world. This one is their fault for letting their radical media get them so worked up for 2.5 years about this fake collusion crap and now they just can't let go and move on
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Dems/socialists are the biggest sore losers in the world. This one is their fault for letting their radical media get them so worked up for 2.5 years about this fake collusion crap and now they just can't let go and move on

You know these bone heads aren't going to let this go because if Barr redacts any word the Democrats are going to make up a word to put in its place. It will be just like the election all over again when you see morons screaming to the sky when they found out Trump won.
You know these bone heads aren't going to let this go because if Barr redacts any word the Democrats are going to make up a word to put in its place. It will be just like the election all over again when you see morons screaming to the sky when they found out Trump won.
Based on the threads that LG has started, they haven't stopped screaming to the sky.
I've always claimed I would have confidence in the report. It's just that we have to see the report. If we do not see the report, it is because it contains something Trump wishes to hide.

You'll enjoy the Cliffs Notes version Mister... served with a fine nothing burger with all the government cheese you can handle.
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Do you honestly think there is any chance Barr embellished, or otherwise took liberties with his summary of The Muells report?

Those, on Mueller’s staff, who apparently wrote their own summaries designed to be fit for public consumption, think Barr took large liberties
Those, on Mueller’s staff, who apparently wrote their own summaries designed to be fit for public consumption, think Barr took large liberties

You talking about the ones referenced by anonymous 2nd and 3rd hand sources in that NYT article?
You talking about the ones referenced by anonymous 2nd and 3rd hand sources in that NYT article?

1. What would your Barr/Trump defense be if their names had been published?

2. What is your defense of Barr not having forwarded the report after getting a Federal Jusge’s Permission to do so in accordance with all prior precedent’s?

3. What is your defense for Barr, through today, for not having asked a Federal Judge for that permission?

4. What specifically do you think Barr is hiding?

5. Why would you absolve Trump, and what would your specific justification be, from any wrong doing had Mueller found that conspiracy with Russians had occurred?
1. What would your Barr/Trump defense be if their names had been published?

2. What is your defense of Barr not having forwarded the report after getting a Federal Jusge’s Permission to do so in accordance with all prior precedent’s?

3. What is your defense for Barr, through today, for not having asked a Federal Judge for that permission?

4. What specifically do you think Barr is hiding?

5. Why would you absolve Trump, and what would your specific justification be, from any wrong doing had Mueller found that conspiracy with Russians had occurred?

1. I might believe teh article if it would have included named sources actually associated with the Muells investigation.

2. WTH are you talking about? There is no prior precedent under the new SC rules.

3. He's doing his job. And if the Muell is to be trusted in his findings teh GJ testimony does not have to be released. Although I would like to see it.

4. I don't think Barr is hiding anything

5. I wouldn't absolve Trump if the Muell found a conspiracy.
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1. I might believe teh article if it would have included named sources actually associated with the Muells investigation.

2. WTH are you talking about? There is no prior precedent under the new SC rules. all prior Special Counsel reports have been released to Congress after clearance was granted on GJ testimony. Period. This one needs to be too.

3. He's doing his job. And if the Muell is to be trusted in his findings teh GJ testimony does not have to be released. Although I would like to see it. the purpose of the SC is to take politics out of the process. The SC’s reports pass through the AG but only long enough to get clearance on release of FJ clearance. Barr is violating the process by making it political and being an impediment. So Barr is not doing his job it seems he is protecting POTUS just as the last House did

4. I don't think Barr is hiding anything. not honoring precedent smacks of hiding

5. I wouldn't absolve Trump if the Muell found a conspiracy.
1. I might believe teh article if it would have included named sources actually associated with the Muells investigation.

2. WTH are you talking about? There is no prior precedent under the new SC rules.

3. He's doing his job. And if the Muell is to be trusted in his findings teh GJ testimony does not have to be released. Although I would like to see it.

4. I don't think Barr is hiding anything

5. I wouldn't absolve Trump if the Muell found a conspiracy.
I don't understand you guys' disdain for anonymous sources. They are vital as whistle-blowers against corruption, discrimination, and general shady behavior. They help spur reform and social justice. They are vital to any democracy/republic.
I don't understand you guys' disdain for anonymous sources. They are vital as whistle-blowers against corruption, discrimination, and general shady behavior. They help spur reform and social justice. They are vital to any democracy/republic.
It's a good notion. One i generally agree with. However, partisanship in DC gives me a caveat emptor approach when it comes to anonymous sources. As the OP linked article pointed out, the way anonymous source intel gets into the media can be shady as fluck. The more anonymous sources willing to back up a claim the better for me. Having the claim proven correct in a reasonable amount of time also is optimal.

Put it this way, I wouldn't believe an anonymous source who is spilling salacious details on UT's football program to the media. I hold the DC anonymous sources to the same degree of credulity.
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It's a good notion. One i generally agree with. However, partisanship in DC gives me a caveat emptor approach when it comes to anonymous sources. As the OP linked article pointed out, the way anonymous source intel gets into the media can be shady as fluck. The more anonymous sources willing to back up a claim the better for me. Having the claim proven correct in a reasonable amount of time also is optimal.

Put it this way, I wouldn't believe an anonymous source who is spilling salacious details on UT's football program to the media. I hold the DC anonymous sources to the same degree of credulity.
One random dude saying weird stuff? Sure, I would dismiss it. But when smoke is everywhere, that usually means there is a fire.
One random dude saying weird stuff? Sure, I would dismiss it. But when smoke is everywhere, that usually means there is a fire.
Depends. For examples,
Obama birth certificate lots of sources, lots of smoke, but probably something you roll your eyes at.
GWB and WMDs, international smoke and international sources which now looks like a scam to justify another idiotic war.
Clinton and Cattle futures, smoke, incredible ROI, but nothing concrete.

and these are just a few off the top of my head. Smoke, whispers, innuendo, anonymous sourcing in DC is a risky proposition. Back to my analogy...looks like a lot of sign point to Alabama paying players handsomely...but nothing is ever confirmed or prosecuted.
I don't understand you guys' disdain for anonymous sources. They are vital as whistle-blowers against corruption, discrimination, and general shady behavior. They help spur reform and social justice. They are vital to any democracy/republic.

And most of the time they don’t exist
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Depends. For examples,
Obama birth certificate lots of sources, lots of smoke, but probably something you roll your eyes at.
GWB and WMDs, international smoke and international sources which now looks like a scam to justify another idiotic war.
Clinton and Cattle futures, smoke, incredible ROI, but nothing concrete.

and these are just a few off the top of my head. Smoke, whispers, innuendo, anonymous sourcing in DC is a risky proposition. Back to my analogy...looks like a lot of sign point to Alabama paying players handsomely...but nothing is ever confirmed or prosecuted.
I get what you are saying with some of your examples, but the birther nonsense should not be included. It is pretty obvious what motivated that narrative.
And Bama is totally paying their players. Many good people have said so. Bigly smart folks.

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