Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

I will go into the season thinking we have a chance to win every game. I can't help that. That being said, my post game reactions and degree of ensuing depressionor jubilation will be based on this scale. (subject to change as the season progresses)

AP - Win USC - Good chance of an upset
WKU - Win Bama - Loss
Oregon - Pretty likely a loss Mizzou - Win
Florida - Likely a loss Auburn - Win
SA - Win Vandy - Likely Win
UGA - Chance of an upset UK - Win

Whoa there, sport. You seem to be expressing an opinion that we might lose some games. Tread lightly or the pitchforks will come out.
I'm going into the season expecting the Vols to win them all. That's the fun and excitement of football season. If they lose a game I'll be very disappointed, down in the dumps for about an hour, recover, then enjoy watching the other games that day. Sunday morning I'm looking forward to next game. Been doing it that for over 40 years. Love football season.

A loss hits me alittle harder. Some worse than others..Still aint over 96 memphis.

But I'm with ya STL.
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so what did you mean by "What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens"

I took it to mean that something bad would happen, like I'd lose my firstborn child

I mean, it's not like something can really happen by just being optimistic, except maybe enjoying tennessee football

I don't think you are comprehending what the OP was saying. You've morphed this in to a whole other argument altogether.
That's not an answer, that's just going in blind with your fingers crossed. You're flipping the question back again. How do we know we're going to compete in all those games? We don't, but that's what so many want us to believe. I'm just simply asking the what if. Can you really deny that at least on paper we are undermanned and less talented in many of those games mentioned?

I can't really deny that. With that being said, I don't think we've really seen the true potential of many of these players. For whatever reason, I don't think Dooley and Co. coached these kids to their full potential. I think CBJ and staff are doing a much better job. I agree that there is a talent gap but I don't really know how much of that gap can/will be closed by better coaching.
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I just find it funny when people say..."WE GOT A SHOT AT OREGON!!111!one!" then in the very same post say "And We'll probably win at least one against USC UGA or UF"

Oregon is probably the best team on the schedule this year aside from Bama....

This x infinite. Just bc oregon isn't SEC, doesnt mean they aren't good. I would shat a brick (bybrick) if we were to beat Oregon and probably drive to Gainesville the next weekend, but come on ppl!

I scream at the TV and pray and jump up and down, and everything else you can imagine to try to will the Vols to victory every week, but I also realistically know that we are .500 team this year, at best with possibly a lucky bowl pick to go 7-6. And that's being optimistic.

After reading the end of camp articles, we dont have a definite #1 running back, quarterback, wide receiver, and LB and DBs are questionable. Hell, everyone except AJ Johnson is questionable on that defense until I've seen us do something besides chase opponents to the endzone.

This team has a lot of question marks, that won't be answered until after the Florida game, IMO. Good teams could get blown out by Oregon this year, they are good.

Why do we have always have to create threads bashing one side or the other? Blindly optimistic, optimistic w/ a splash of reality, realists, and pessimists, we are all Vol fans.

So you knew we would suck and told everybody, thanks for pointing that out; So you knew we were contenders in the East and bashed those NegaVols, Great Job! Last time I checked, E-Cookies dont exist.
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so what did you mean by "What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens"

I took it to mean that something bad would happen, like I'd lose my firstborn child

I mean, it's not like something can really happen by just being optimistic, except maybe enjoying tennessee football

If I knew what would happen I wouldn't have asked the question.
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This x infinite. Just bc oregon isn't SEC, doesnt mean they aren't good. I would shat a brick (bybrick) if we were to beat Oregon and probably drive to Gainesville the next weekend, but come on ppl!

I scream at the TV and pray and jump up and down, and everything else you can imagine to try to will the Vols to victory every week, but I also realistically know that we are .500 team this year, at best with possibly a lucky bowl pick to go 7-6. And that's being optimistic.

After reading the end of camp articles, we dont have a definite #1 running back, quarterback, wide receiver, and LB and DBs are questionable. Hell, everyone except AJ Johnson is questionable on that defense until I've seen us do something besides chase opponents to the endzone.

This team has a lot of question marks, that won't be answered until after the Florida game, IMO. Good teams could get blown out by Oregon this year, they are good.

Why do we have always have to create threads bashing one side or the other? Blindly optimistic, optimistic w/ a splash of reality, realists, and pessimists, we are all Vol fans.

So you knew we would suck and told everybody, thanks for pointing that out; So you knew we were contenders in the East and bashed those NegaVols, Great Job! Last time I checked, E-Cookies dont exist.

I like chocolate chip
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I'm going into the season expecting the Vols to win them all. That's the fun and excitement of football season. If they lose a game I'll be very disappointed, down in the dumps for about an hour, recover (by drinkin a fifth), then enjoy watching the other games that day. Sunday morning I'm looking forward to next game and fighting a serious hangover with spicy eggs and bloody marys. Been doing it that for over 40 years. Love football season.

FYP to conform to my standards
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Im completely ok with someone thinking that we will win all these tough games, I really am. What I dont care for is those people blasting people who are a bit more skeptical that we will be anywhere close to being in those games.
Whoa there, sport. You seem to be expressing an opinion that we might lose some games. Tread lightly or the pitchforks will come out.

Yeah, I'm sure Butch makes sure that his players know exactly which games they should lose this year. He tells them, guys, Florida's got too much for us. Be ready, we are just gonna plan ahead for the next game and not worry too much about getting ready for the teams we might lose to.
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All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

Florida throws at will.....youve got to be kidding

What happens if those things dont happen.

And btw im a realist, just not this sites definition of one

You dont have to be sunshine pumper to not think everyone will drop 50 on us lol
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Yeah, I'm sure Butch makes sure that his players know exactly which games they should lose this year. He tells them, guys, Florida's got too much for us. Be ready, we are just gonna plan ahead for the next game and not worry too much about getting ready for the teams we might lose to.

What the hell does this have to do with the fan's opinion of the upcoming season? Of course I want the coaching staff and the players to think they will win every single game.
If I knew what would happen I wouldn't have asked the question.

And as I've explained before, if I am optimistic about games and then we wind up losing, I say, "ah man, that really sucks". Then I get on the floor and play with my one year old, who sounds an awful lot like you.
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