Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Lol, I didn't need those stats to be pizzed off. You can see it from a mile away. Some need to be hit by a truck to know it's big, heavy, and it hurts if you get hit by it. Some know it without experiencing it. 😅
I don’t tend to lean as a blame the ref guy for our losses, but this is really a well-defined screw job. WTH!
I don’t tend to lean as a blame the ref guy for our losses, but this is really a well-defined screw job. WTH!
It surely is.

And I am unaware that any of the people who have been pointing out the SEC's rigged officiating all year are "blame the ref guys." That's just an all-purpose denial and false accusation that the reality-deniers pull out of their pathetic little sad-sack tool box like clockwork to defend (for some inexplicable reason) the indefensible.
I like the rapport Joe and Thornton had that game, play broke down, veteran WR knew what to do. You can tell he wants to get on the same page with No. 1, earlier games he would look his way on crucial downs, he just dropped them.
Donte really needs to be split out wide. He's not quick enough to be a slot guy. But he's got great top end speed. He looks more comfortable out there.
Ok I did the research

There have been a total of two holding calls on our opponents

One at the end of the game against A&M

One at the beginning of the game against Florida

99.999% of every snap against our d-line has involved flawless blocking folks.
Screenshot_20231029_144909_DuckDuckGo.jpgScreenshot_20231029_145019_DuckDuckGo.jpgScott walker for Florida^^^^ Screenshot_20231029_143849_DuckDuckGo.jpgScreenshot_20231029_144510_DuckDuckGo.jpg
Matt Loeffler for aTm^^^
Texas beat Bama, right? Why are they still ranked ahead of them? I don't get it. Did I miss something?
The people who publicly deny or cover up by silence the clear fact that Bama gets rigged officiating, base their voting on a projected finish that takes their expectation of that very rigging into their calculations.

In sum, Bama is ranked based of SEC officials rigged outcomes to date and the extreme probability (approaching 100%) of the rigging continuing.
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Disliking them because they want to honor their history seems like someone just looking for reasons to not like them.
I have no problem with throwbacks for a game, none at problem at all with Oilers merch and holding on to the history; but, on draft night, whenever you're primetime, the entire night/reason/shebangabang is ALL about the FUTURE, and you're decked out in nothing but Oilers sh! thanks.
We're winning despite not looking all that good. There are a lot of teams in the top 10 that have yet to lose that also fit that description. I haven't seen a lot of great looking teams this year. Just haven't. I think our season will hinge on the Mizzou game because even though UGA is coming to Neyland I don't think we're consistent enough on offense to challenge them.
We need to catch them on a bad day. If we do that and play well, we can win. 25% chance of winning that game, which ain't terrible for one if best dynasties CFB history.
From TOS:
The numbers say everything! Some of you that don’t think we are not getting screwed by the refs, then tell me how you justify these numbers. Also, out of the 20 flags thrown on our opponents so far this year, 14 of them are procedure penalties, meaning only six penalties in five games are live ball penalties! That is absolutely absurd and we need to send those numbers to the SEC front office and send them out on Twitter. This crap needs to be exposed.
I don’t tend to lean as a blame the ref guy for our losses, but this is really a well-defined screw job. WTH!
I don't blame the officials for all our losses. As last night, you can overcome biased officiating. I do believe the SEC office has an agenda and gives teams an advantage through the officials. I think it's on full display this year. For those that don't believe it, they're simply relying on faith that it could never happen because, as displayed by the stats, it's there in black and white if you choose to see it.

The motive behind it is arguable. I have my theories and have espoused them. I think Skanks runs this league at the behest of Saban. It's a crooked league.
From TOS:
Out of the opponents 20 penalties that's been called, 14 are dead ball fouls (the 1 snap infraction penalty actually helped Alabama). They've only called 6 live ball penalties in 5 SEC games played. Let that sink in.............6 live ball penaties in 5 SEC games played.

I'm pretty sure we've had SEC referees in the 3 non conference games this season too. I'm curious as to the total flags for and against us in all 8 games. Screenshot_20231029_150650_DuckDuckGo.jpg
* SEC opponents only

**edit: I got OGbaby'd
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Still don’t understand chasing points early rather than later. McVay puts gimpy Stafford up to make it a 22 point lead instead of 23…now he’s shaking his hand. 😵‍💫
How bout them Cowboys today...running on all cylinders...Daron Bland pick 6....Micah being the Alpha dog he is....and Dak with 3 TD passes..CEE Dee balling today as well..
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