Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I have no problem with throwbacks for a game, none at problem at all with Oilers merch and holding on to the history; but, on draft night, whenever you're primetime, the entire night/reason/shebangabang is ALL about the FUTURE, and you're decked out in nothing but Oilers sh! thanks.
I mean nobody knew this game was going to be Levis first start, but this was planned for throwback weekend before the season.
yes I was wrong about both plays you referenced. However he was matched up on a safety against UF out wide regardless he made plays just as Juan made plays. Neither are going to out run many. However toughness is something that makes up for speed and reliability. Each has made their case in a UT uniform. Probably two of my 10 favorites. And yes the UF play was a bust.
Jakeem Jackson for Florida is not a safety he’s a corner and he was running with him from the LOS to the end zone but just wasn’t fast enough to stay in front of Bru…but ok whatever you say man lol.
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Great leadership on display here by Deion to basically throw your young men under the bus in the middle of a season.

He basically brought in that entire team. If they aren't good enough then he is either a poor talent evaluator, a poor teacher/coach, or both. I'm going with both.
You proved your own point to an eager audience of yourself. Arguing in a vacuum. "Perceived" by WHOM? "Potential" according to WHOM? If your answer isn't the COACHES, then it's all moot. Have maintained my OPINION that VQ floating that 4-5 OL portal addition prediction isn't based on any back and forth with anyone making decisions...more monkey butt fetching to see if they can splat on subscriber walls. Once again...imo. We don't KNOW what individual progress has or hasn't happened on individual basis. Also have to consider who is or isn't leaving on the current roster. It's fun to get new and shiny things, but you don't dump everything you have because different is automatically better. I predict 3 at the max if Cooper leaves, with an experienced center being a target and as always OT's. And we won't take a player simply because he started at Ferris State.
I have no clue what argument you are making.

I never mentioned anything about getting wholesale an entire line from the portal. To think a coach wouldn’t upgrade if he can is absurd.

Also, who the hell do think I’m talking about. Of course I’m talking about “perceived by the coaches.” They are the only ones that matter. That’s why I said it is the coaches obligation.

I don’t know why you decide to be a dick all the time. Literally every post you sound like an all knowing self righteous dick. Chill man. Life is good. Let go of the anger. I’ll even buy you a beer. Ha ha
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