Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Dabo’s a dumba**. He’s not going to change. Not going to evolve. He feasted off of recruits Tennessee used to get because we were run by incompetent clowns. Those Georgia and Carolina(s) recruits belong to us now, Dumbo. Hope you eat dirt the next time you run down that hill!
He is a perfect example of Fulmeritis.
John Pennington and Bob Hodge are the absolute worst. That’s all. They are a perfect pair for Tyler and Will. Borderline unlistenable.
Yes. They are the ones that inspired my earlier rant about officiating. They were just poopooing it away as if it's just sour grapes from Tennessee fans. Like our eyes are lying to us when we see foul after foul committed by the other team go uncalled while we're just racking them up.

Also, they just sound like all around idiots.
More I think about it. The two situations are a lot alike.
I’ve never been able to enjoy a boxing match, UFC, etc.. to see guys hell bent on bludgeoning someone else’s skull, pound someone into submission or an unconscious state; it’s just not something I understand the allure of.
I’ve never been able to enjoy a boxing match, UFC, etc.. to see guys hell bent on bludgeoning someone else’s skull, pound someone into submission or an unconscious state; it’s just not something I understand the allure of.
So I take it you won't be coming to see my bare-knuckle boxing at the Papermill Waffle House?
I really don't see how you keep saying he didn't mean to "badly harm" him...that kick was with ferocious intent....he obviously didn't put a lot more than one vicious thought into it in that small deadly moment...but it was vicious.

I don't think he meant to kill him...but he definitely meant to badly harm him and the proof is right there to plainly see.

Basically I think he meant to knock him out of a play or even cause minor injury and knock him out of the game but not severely injure or kill. When UGA tackled tOSU's star WR during the playoffs last season, it was clear from how hard that hit was that the intention was to knock him out of the game and plays like that always cause some degree of harm and also come with a degree of intention. But there's a difference between wanting to knock your opponent out of a play, the current game or match, and wanting to seriously injure them in any lasting way. I may want you to feel my presence and/or cause you some pain so you think twice when we face off but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to break your leg. I may want you to hurt like it though.

But regardless, I think the action is so incredibly reckless that the recklessness warrants punishment because you and I could foresee that the action could cause severe harm.
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I’ve never been able to enjoy a boxing match, UFC, etc.. to see guys hell bent on bludgeoning someone else’s skull, pound someone into submission or an unconscious state; it’s just not something I understand the allure of.
I liked boxing when I was a kid, but I liked to fight myself when I was a teenager. I think most boys do, it’s just a matter of if they have a safe outlet for that aggression or not.

Now that I’m older, I’m a lot less interested. That could also be because YouTubers are the most famous boxers on earth now though. It’s devolved a lot.

MMA has never interested me.. not enough Americans that are dominate and I don’t like wrestling/grappling.
I liked boxing when I was a kid, but I liked to fight myself when I was a teenager. I think most boys do, it’s just a matter of if they have a safe outlet for that aggression or not.

Now that I’m older, I’m a lot less interested. That could also be because YouTubers are the most famous boxers on earth now though. It’s devolved a lot.

MMA has never interested me.. not enough Americans that are dominate and I don’t like wrestling/grappling.
Man the glory years of boxing were something to behold.
We need a UCONN game thread ASAP. We have to bring our A+ game this week Volnation!
I told @nicksjuzunk he had to get game threads up by Tuesday each week, as it seems like we win and play better. The 2 games we lost he got the thread up either late in the week or not at all in the case of Florida (glitch went off the reservation and started one).
Somebody earlier today or yesterday used the same term "vast conspiracy" to basically mock us true disbelievers, and it got stuck in my I had a long rough day yesterday (3 am start and especially painful) and I was feeling especially crusty at that moment...I actually fell asleep a few minutes after those last few posts and just woke up wide awake and saw this...sorry you got caught in the pissed off're didn't make any sense.

That being said...I don't believe it is a very intricate or vast(whatever that means)conspiracy....I think it is as simple as the SEC office appointing crews to our games that they KNOW will call it crooked against us because there are guys in it they know have bias, and therefore they don't need to be "told" what to do....more of a wink and a nod thing...those guys become emboldened to then keep going further and further with obvious bias because there are no repercussions, no reprimands for their crookedness....they "know" what they are there for and they take pleasure in it.

The SEC scum gets what they want (the reason or reasons do not matter) and the crooked crews get what they want (to screw us over and over again with no repercussions)...simple and not intricate at all.

I’ve never been able to enjoy a boxing match, UFC, etc.. to see guys hell bent on bludgeoning someone else’s skull, pound someone into submission or an unconscious state; it’s just not something I understand the allure of.
Boxing has a lot of strategy. as does ufc.

i dont enjoy ufc, but did used to like boxing.

indifference is the word now adsys.
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More I think about it. The two situations are a lot alike.
No they aren't. The purpose of boxing is to use your fists and hit the other person. That boxer died of injuries sustained within the rules and norms of the sport.

The purpose of hockey isn't to raise the equipment as a weapon. Let alone to the head area. The hockey player engaged in egregious extra curriculars and raising an incredibly sharp blade up above the waist concluded with a young man dying.

It's closer to a football player taking his helmet and crushing the skull of another player in retaliation resulting in death.

It was criminal and outside the scope of the game.
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