Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I have a wicked sinus infection. Anyone have any advice for clearing phlegm from your throat? Coughing ain’t doing much.
Mucinex (guaifenisen) loosens up phlegm, but you have to drink a lot of water with it, to be effective. Tea contains bromine, a vaso-dilator. Garlic, zinc -- but not on an empty stomach. Good luck -- there is a bad cough going around that takes weeks to resolve.
I've not posted anything about the game.........and won't........except this:

I'm proud of my Govs. They played hard and showed that they have a chance to have a very successful season once conference games roll around.
The Vols didn't play very well, but overlooking a team like Austin Peay is easy to do.

Hoping that my Govs and the Vols win out...............

Thinking through last night's game and I'm willing to say that the game could have looked different if Small doesn't drop that screen pass and is ushered into the end zone, if Keyton doesn't fumble inside the red zone, and if Milton is on target with the pass to Thornton in the end zone. 51-13 isn't great, but it makes us feel better than 30-13. However, if Peay scores at the end of the game and it's 30-20, do we feel worse?

I'm willing to take all that was last night's game of the offensive side of the ball, save the running game (except in short yardage situations) and flush it all as no one did well or did well consistently. I believe this team is missing Jerome Carvin and Darnell Wright as much as they are missing anyone from last year's team. Getting Cooper Mays back as soon as possible will help from a leadership standpoint.

It's hard for me seeing a game the rest of the season that the offense as a whole is so disjointed for an entire game coupled with the atrocious refs.

Go Vols, beat those Gators!
They are going to target our dbs all night and wait for them to PI. That and attack our linebackers for short slants.
Of course they are, hopefully we can get a pass rush.

Staff is going to have to really develop some depth and land some of these higher rated players sooner or later.

Really do think they went uber vanilla for a reason.
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