Recruiting Football Talk VII

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That may be how it works in the real world, but doesn't make it right.

I think there is a direct correlation between higher profits in business world and a happier workforce. Other Countries allow much greater work family balance that we do, in fact Id wager US is one of the worst in developed World for this very thing.

Id say if we were to look at the gap between middle income earners and upper 10%ers we'd see a marked difference in lifestyles.
I think you are confusing the issue here about what is "right". You will never convince me that you can just do whatever you "feel like doing" in the name of "mental health". People need to grow up, take responsibility for their actions, and recognize there are consequences (good and bad) for every action that they make. Do you think it is "right" that he recorded the conversation and is basically, legally blackmailing the school by suing the school and releasing the audio after they didn't give him money?

People forget that we have freedom of choice, however, that does not equate to freedom of consequences.
We don't know the full story. Not a clue what the folks at Ole Miss, Kiffin included, had been trying to do for this guy up to that point. They could have been offering him all kinds of help. We also don't know how that conversation with Kiffin no idea what the guy might've said or what Kiffin might have said before he hit record. I know we all don't like Kiffin, but you can't assume the worst when we've only got a small fraction of the story here.

Also...he's reported to still be on scholarship but removed from the team.
First casualty of a conflict is benefit of the doubt. Kiff earned it by breaking his relationship with Tennessee.

Screw him.
We are probably 1st in the nation if first down runs aren't taken into account, which is also where the teeth gnashing comes from
So we just have to find a crystal ball and figure out which ones will work and which ones will not ahead of time. Then only call the ones that get executed correctly. That would definitely help.
Here is how I look at this. If I just stop showing up for work for 2 weeks and say my boss continually reaches out to me and ignore him because "I am just not ready to talk", then I would get fired in a heartbeat. Now alternatively, if I am struggling with mental health and I inform my company that I need to take some unpaid time off because of my mental health, then they will likely work with me on helping me out, or if i stop show up for work and my boss reaches out to me and I tell him what is going on, then again i would take unpaid time off and they would work with me.

You cannot do immature things and then hide behind mental health, that's not reality and if anyone thinks it is or should be, then they are living in fantasy land. This is the harsh reality of life in the real world.
I agree with both of you. We just don’t know all the details in this situation.
The guy literally tells you his mental state is so awful that he doesn't respond for 2 weeks...

And your response is to kick him off the team? There are things bigger than football. Maybe take a second to listen to the kid. Then maybe sit him the rest of the season (probably best for him anyway).

But to take EVERYTHING (team, scholarship, school, his entire life as a ~20 year old) away from him at his LOWEST POINT...yeah that's f'ing despicable.
You are a sucker....familiarize yourself with the whole story.
My previous comment was in jest about the pictures on unofficial visits, as they don't necessarily tackle "low-hanging fruit", they prioritize things that are irrelevant and inconsequential. What you just pointed out is actually one of the main concerns and problems with the NCAA. They take items that they should prioritize and control, and go "have at it", just like they did with NIL and the transfer portal, and then focus on irrelevant items that were never a problem in the first place, like "shortening games in the name of player safety". This will likely be added to the laundry list of items the NCAA let out of the bag and then realizes there should have been controls put in place in the beginning after there are rampant issues. Then they will go and "fix" another irrelevant thing that wasn't an issue in the first place. The cycle never ends.
Absolutely agree with all that. Reading that transfer portal and NIL part reminded me of Josh Pates take on the NCAA during the whole Tez Walker waiver issues at UNC earlier this season and how they created the issue in the first place. Right around the 5 minute mark.

The guy literally tells you his mental state is so awful that he doesn't respond for 2 weeks...

And your response is to kick him off the team? There are things bigger than football. Maybe take a second to listen to the kid. Then maybe sit him the rest of the season (probably best for him anyway).

But to take EVERYTHING (team, scholarship, school, his entire life as a ~20 year old) away from him at his LOWEST POINT...yeah that's f'ing despicable.
Dude this kid and his "mental health" issues are clearly bs.

That kid is using that bs to manipulate people around him. Have you not been around people like this? So many, especially gen zero are constantly pulling crap like that. And I'm not some old fart. I'm 29 and I've worked with these people.

Not even speak to anybody for 2 freaking weeks? What was he doing? There's no excuses, not to mention all the other crap he probably pulled. Literally how can you possibly excuse this person for just not fulfilling any obligation, playing the victim for it and have a tape recorder ready to sue lane because he knew he had pissed him off.
I agree and disagree. Mental health isn’t treated the way it should be. Suicide is at an all time high in teens (90% male) and I wish we took more actions to prevent it.
People are coddled at an all time high right now and people's "mental health" issues are enabled at an all time high.

How can more be possibly done? Other than getting rid of social media there's no way, because that's where this crap is bred.

Everyone has anxiety, everyone is neuodivergent, autistic, has PTSD etc. And they wear it around like a badge. Their mental issues are their identity.

There has to be a new approach to dealing with these young people and part if it has to be "SUCK IT UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM" Number one.
People are coddled at an all time high right now and people's "mental health" issues are enabled at an all time high.

How can more be possibly done? Other than getting rid of social media there's no way, because that's where this crap is bred.

Everyone has anxiety, everyone is neuodivergent, autistic, has PTSD etc. And they wear it around like a badge. Their mental issues are their identity.

There has to be a new approach to dealing with these young people and part if it has to be "SUCK IT UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM" Number one.
Number 2

Kids need to someone to help them understand the trends that encourage their issues. The ones that stem from the internet.
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The guy literally tells you his mental state is so awful that he doesn't respond for 2 weeks...

And your response is to kick him off the team? There are things bigger than football. Maybe take a second to listen to the kid. Then maybe sit him the rest of the season (probably best for him anyway).

But to take EVERYTHING (team, scholarship, school, his entire life as a ~20 year old) away from him at his LOWEST POINT...yeah that's f'ing despicable.
If I'm not mistaken, he still has his scholarship and everything. He was told to change positions or transfer and he decided to take a mental health break. He was asked to come in to speak with Kiffin for 2-3 weeks and refused. Its my understanding he wouldve returned if Kiffin let him play DT again. When he finally showed up he recorded the meeting and said things that pissed Kiffin off, so that on top of everything Kiffin kicked him off the team.

And the lawsuit is for egregious amounts and unfounded claims against the university as well.
Hey VN...........

I don't do stuff like this, but I know the love and compassion on this forum.

I have to put down my golden lab Phoebe today after 15 years. She truly saved my life during some very difficult life experiences. She has been my best friend since the day I brought her home and will be missed more than anyone can imagine.
Some thoughts and prayer would be much appreciated.


View attachment 594326
Awww, what a cute puppie. Our pets wrap themselves around our hearts and truly are part of the family. Being a rescue, we've lost many and everyone has been hard. Best wishes and prayers to you and your pup.
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