Recruiting Football Talk VII

I put $1 on the gators ML, just for good measure. We will certainly win now.

Until that cash out goes up and you’re like f***!! 😂😂😂 if anyone here will be able to tell us we’re going to lose it will be you…so if it gets bad just disappear until next week because this forum will be a gatlinburg forest fire 🔥
VN has a soccer forum?
Some of you all need to visit around more this site. The Pub and baseball forums are pretty fun to cruise but posting in the FF, zone, and PF can make you regret ever creating a VN account. Those forums do keep your mind sharp....especially if you're in the mood to argue with random people on the internet. 🤣

The RF is my preferred place to post, because it's got the best VOL fans

I felt this post…definitely talking about @drvenner @Glitch @Weezer @Ulysees E. McGill and
Bruin (RIP) 😭😂😂 this is equivalent to the 1992 Olympic dream team for debates
We've been doing it. Hooker never didn't convert on that sneak I think. Milton just needs to be better at calling his number and sneaking instead of handing it off from shotgun.
Milton doesn't decide what to do in those situations and I can't remember the last time we went out of shotgun in that situation.

I just hope we stop messing around and sneak it everytime on 4th and 1 and shorter.

Like that 4th and 1 that was stuffed against UVA. No way they stop a sneak there. Hurry up to the line and quick sneak it. Works 99% of the time.
Keyton should go back to number 80.
I agree. 80 is a much better WR # than 9 anyway.
Too late. The change to 9 was a reward. Keyton just needs to live up to it. And tomorrow is a perfect time to get the show started! He will!

(I am not a fan of changing numbers, but I suppose it will just be this way. The single digit numbers seem to be a thing guys compete for. Non-financial compensation. Like a corner office. 😂)
Any key players out for UF?

Sounds like they are getting back their center, a CB, and backup QB.
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Sounds like they are getting back their center, a CB, and backup QB.
Desmond Watson at a svelte 435

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