Recruiting Football Talk VII

I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.

A friend of mine's wife was the first multi-visceral transplant. 2 day surgery with 15 doctors. I can't ever remember how many organs were transplanted (7?), but she is doing well 17 years later. I pray this gives her normalcy and for you and family.
A friend of mine's wife was the first multi-visceral transplant. 2 day surgery with 15 doctors. I can't ever remember how many organs were transplanted (7?), but she is doing well 17 years later. I pray this gives her normalcy and for you and family.
Wow, I couldn't imagine that. I've told my wife, cause we're both nervous beyond words, someone had to be the first for all of them. Thank you.
I think Tyler Buchner is an upgrade for Bama.

I just don’t know why Saban started with Milroe.

He just can’t read a D or throw. Great athlete.
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