Recruiting Football Talk VII

I watched them back then and especially Kerry. Tragic story. Haven't seen the movie, but I still think the father's demands and pressure drove a lot of the problems that plagued the family. Didn't see a "curse" just an overbearing father with extreme expectations. Roids didn't help and likely led to the mental issues surrounding that family.
I believe they did a very good job on the father's influence for sure. The movie explains the origin of the belief in the family curse and all of the expectations led to a self fulfilling outcome. I had forgotten that Kerry was a member of the 80 Olympics team as a discus thrower. Did not get to compete because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan that led to America not participating.
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I've already stated. Milton was less consistent, especially in pressure situations. That was compounded by WRs with the dropsies.

To simply point at Milton's arm strength and say that that makes it more of a headscratcher that UT's offense was less explosive is to not have watched Hooker and Milton. I watched every play EXPECTING Hooker and the WRs to do something amazing. I learned to expect Milton to miss a pass, throw it high, skip it in the dirt, throw it late, throw it like a canon for eight yards. Or, for the WRs to drop it when it hits them in the basket.

Hooker could throw it into tight coverage over the middle for 15 yards when we needed 12 to keep a drive alive. Milton was generally throwing a screen or overthrowing down the sidelines. It would be interesting to see 3rd down conversion stats between Hooker/Milton. That'd probably be the best insight into which QB was driving the offense.

Milton's stats weren't really as close to Hooker as you make it out. But the way he built the stats were far different than Hooker as well.
I assumed when you say explosive plays you were referring to the deep ball bc we thrived throwing it deep in prior years. We've always had explosive plays in the run so I wasn't including those.

I would say we didn't have explosive plays in the passing game bc we didn't call many. Why? Who knows. I wasn't trying to go down this lane (not sure how I got here lol).

Original topic, plenty of blame, reasons, factors, we weren't as good on offense as years past. That's all I'm saying.
I've already stated. Milton was less consistent, especially in pressure situations. That was compounded by WRs with the dropsies.

To simply point at Milton's arm strength and say that that makes it more of a headscratcher that UT's offense was less explosive is to not have watched Hooker and Milton. I watched every play EXPECTING Hooker and the WRs to do something amazing. I learned to expect Milton to miss a pass, throw it high, skip it in the dirt, throw it late, throw it like a canon for eight yards. Or, for the WRs to drop it when it hits them in the basket.

Hooker could throw it into tight coverage over the middle for 15 yards when we needed 12 to keep a drive alive. Milton was generally throwing a screen or overthrowing down the sidelines. It would be interesting to see 3rd down conversion stats between Hooker/Milton. That'd probably be the best insight into which QB was driving the offense.

Milton's stats weren't really as close to Hooker as you make it out. But the way he built the stats were far different than Hooker as well.
I went back and looked at misc stats between '22 and '23 and 3rd down conversions were pretty similar. What REALLY jumped out beetween the two years was 4th down conversions. Hooker kept drives alive, where '23 the offense was less adept at it. Whether that was Milton, the WRs, or the OL... I won't say.

And Red Zone touchdowns. '22 was excellent. '23 was horrid. Whether that was Milton, the WRs or the OL, I won't say.


But it looks like the biggest issues between the seasons was that '23 couldn't keep drives alive, and when they did get into the red zone, they couldn't punch it in.

That doesn't feel like a scheme or playcalling issue. It was a lack of execution on the field.
I assumed when you say explosive plays you were referring to the deep ball bc we thrived throwing it deep in prior years. We've always had explosive plays in the run so I wasn't including those.

I would say we didn't have explosive plays in the passing game bc we didn't call many. Why? Who knows. I wasn't trying to go down this lane (not sure how I got here lol).

Original topic, plenty of blame, reasons, factors, we weren't as good on offense as years past. That's all I'm saying.
We got here because you thought it all the more head-scratching that UT was less explosive, considering Milton's arm strength. I merely made the point that arm strength is not the sum total of explosive plays. For instance, consider all the times Joe threw it 10 yards further than the WR could run, and all the times Hendon dropped it in the WR's arms.

It's really not that confusing.

And for the record, I loved and still love Milton. But the fact of the matter is that he obviously had issues that the staff had to try to play-call around. They DID call games differently with Milton, but it's not because CJH forgot how to coach. It was obviously because he recognized some weaknesses that he had to steer clear of. And when other teams pick up on that, it makes it all the easier for them to scheme against what you CAN call.
It is hard to see on TV but Joe missed (did not see) tons of open receivers and ended up trying to make a more difficult play, he struggled to read defenses and anticipate the open man or men. Or maybe he saw some of them and didn't pull the trigger in time.
I tried to tell people this all year when they were bitching about "separation".
I believe they did a very good job on the father's influence for sure. The movie explains the origin of the belief in the family curse and all of the expectations led to a self fulfilling outcome. I had forgotten that Kerry was a member of the 80 Olympics team as a discus thrower. Did not get to compete because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan that led to America not participating.
Didn't see the movie, but there was a documentary that covered a lot of the wrestlers of that and an earlier era. Crazy how many of them had their lives spiral out of control and/or died way too young. Seems like play acting, but the wear and tear on their bodies and minds took such a toll. So many turned to substances to help with the pain and gain an edge. Led to that flame burning hot and burning out so quickly. Those that did get through it aren't what you'd call in the pink of health.
Hooker had 7 more passing touchdowns in one less game. The year before he had 11 more than Joe in once again less games than Joe played this season. And he had only two more rushing touchdowns while playing more games this season. So I don’t know what stats you are looking at but you are very incorrect. Hooker is better at every single statistical category over Joe except for rushing touchdowns. I agree that it’s not all joes fault but saying they had comparable stats is a lie
He is talking about completion is dumb as a box of f'n hammers.

Dude needs to also check on 3rd down stats...
Guys....I've never said the coaches should get all the blame. Do they get a piece of the blame pie? Absolutely. If yall think the offensive coaches are completely absolved then we will have to agree to disagree.

Does the defensive staff get the same grace or nah? They easily got the worse hand from deck.
Josh Heupel suddenly forgot how to football after YEARs of averaging a top 10 offense...or Joe and Co sucked at executing...which sounds more plausible?
We got here because you thought it all the more head-scratching that UT was less explosive, considering Milton's arm strength. I merely made the point that arm strength is not the sum total of explosive plays. For instance, consider all the times Joe threw it 10 yards further than the WR could run, and all the times Hendon dropped it in the WR's arms.

It's really not that confusing.

And for the record, I loved and still love Milton. But the fact of the matter is that he obviously had issues that the staff had to try to play-call around. They DID call games differently with Milton, but it's not because CJH forgot how to coach. It was obviously because he recognized some weaknesses that he had to steer clear of. And when other teams pick up on that, it makes it all the easier for them to scheme against what you CAN call.
We will have to deep dive this another day bc I would say we were less explosive bc we didn't dial up many. We didnt throw the ball deep alot. The arm strength comment AND deep ball accuracy comment was to rebute any mention that those were reasons we didn't (not saying you said that). We also didn't have guys running wide open like in years past outside of the 2-3 drops by Keyton.

We really not disagreeing though. I'm just saying Joe wasn't the only reason for our play (not specifically explosive plays). That was the original discussion.
This is where the argument doesn't hold water. How can we be less explosive with the guy with the strongest arm in the country? The same guy who's deep ball accuracy has improved year over year. So we can't call the deep ball bc he can't throw the deep ball well enough? Is that what you implying?
You're brilliant I tell ya....I suddenly changed my mind thanks to your brilliant deductions...thank you for setting me straight.
For the old school wrasslin folk, I highly recommend seeing the Iron Claw. I took my 95 year old dad and had a great time seeing it today. Movie was very well done. Such a family tragedy. Them boys all believed in a family curse and it played out.

not a wrestling fan but sounds like good movie.
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