Recruiting Football Talk VII

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There's no point in turning on CJH. None whatsoever. This team has limitations. Some of the older players have ceilings, and they've hit them. We're serviceable at best at certain positions. When workarounds aren't working, things break down. I wouldn't pin hope on one player being the fix. They have to work together and hold it together when things aren't going their way. What happened last night will happen again. UT is a team SEC teams want to beat. We'll get every SEC team's best effort. We have tough road games ahead, and SEC home games won't be a cakewalk, either.
Like I said, Nico won’t solve anything. We’re just bad this year. Period.
The “let’s not turn our head toward the ball” is what I want gone. I didn’t want Martinez when they first got here but noooooooo all these posters were like “Martinez ain’t bad”
Not a fan of that either but 90% of our woes are calls on 3rd and medium+. Soft calls breed soft mentality. Attitude reflect leadership kinda thing. Banks is a pussy when it's time to get off the field. That ends up hurting the defense as we go in the game. First qtr TOP was 11 to 4 in Floridas favor. Spare me the "don't expect to win TOP" cause that's not what I'm aiming for. The reason that TOP is so lopsided is because the defense didn't get off the field from multiple 3rd and longs. Those were given up on a 3 or 4 man rush with soft zone.
Milton seems like a great guy, great teammate. That's what we see and are told. Unfortunately my eyes also see him for what he is which isn't a viable quarterback in this offense. And both of those things can be true.

Wish it weren't the case, but the fact of the matter is we have put a guy in charge of running the offense who literally ran out of bounds as time expired in a have-to-score situation against Ole Miss. If that had been JG... wheww let's not go there.

I wanted the Clemson game to not be a flash in the pan, but it is what it is. Don't throw stats up, not gonna argue his stats aren't horrible. Guess what? Any qb under CJH on paper is going to look good. Anyone on this board could put up a 90+ qbr. Get the o-line situation patched up as best as can be, get Cooper back, then start the transition to Nico. Sucks but is what it is. Go Vols.
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There's no point in turning on CJH. None whatsoever. This team has limitations. Some of the older players have ceilings, and they've hit them. We're serviceable at best at certain positions. When workarounds aren't working, things break down. I wouldn't pin hope on one player being the fix. They have to work together and hold it together when things aren't going their way. What happened last night will happen again. UT is a team SEC teams want to beat. We'll get every SEC team's best effort. We have tough road games ahead, and SEC home games won't be a cakewalk, either.
No way I'm turning on coach Heupel. However, I never liked the Banks hire and let that be known since the beginning. I understood at the time that he may have been the best we could get. That isn't the case now. We should be able to attract a better defensive mind.
Colorado is a pit stop for Deion just as Jackson State was his starting point...he will be somewhere else in 3 years...
I don’t get why that matters in the era of portals. Any elite player would just leave with him. And kids just want to play for him now. That doesn’t affect recruiting whatsoever.
There's no point in turning on CJH. None whatsoever. This team has limitations. Some of the older players have ceilings, and they've hit them. We're serviceable at best at certain positions. When workarounds aren't working, things break down. I wouldn't pin hope on one player being the fix. They have to work together and hold it together when things aren't going their way. What happened last night will happen again. UT is a team SEC teams want to beat. We'll get every SEC team's best effort. We have tough road games ahead, and SEC home games won't be a cakewalk, either.
Fair to Turn on heupel? No
Fair to criticize him? Yes

If we dont see changes and/or improvements offensively in the nexf couple of weeks, especially if we have a first half against UTSA like we did AP, things could implode fast
We will suck no matter who the QB is. There are problems everywhere, and Nico won’t solve them. Might as well not get him killed.

Every ****ing year it seems like you people clamor for the shiny new freshman to solve all our problems. It’s always a trainwreck when it happens.

We just suck. Deal with it.
We have issues, no doubt. I can deal with however the season plays out. I am not ready to say we just suck. We did last night. I have some faith we are better than we showed, but that faith has diminished some.
Still can believe the misuse of the TOs the entire in the hell do you come on the field after a kick off, almost get a delay of game, and have to burn a TO.....2 TOs on the 1st drive of the 2nd half....I get the new clock rules suck, but being down 2-3 scores means those TOs are twice as valuable. Joe has to understand that. He tried to change a play last night with 3 seconds on the play clock. He ain't got it. If Mays is back next week, I'd start Nico and build fot the future.

We looked like a Dooley, Butch, thumb head coached team last night.
A lot of that was on Milton.
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There's no point in turning on CJH. None whatsoever. This team has limitations. Some of the older players have ceilings, and they've hit them. We're serviceable at best at certain positions. When workarounds aren't working, things break down. I wouldn't pin hope on one player being the fix. They have to work together and hold it together when things aren't going their way. What happened last night will happen again. UT is a team SEC teams want to beat. We'll get every SEC team's best effort. We have tough road games ahead, and SEC home games won't be a cakewalk, either.
Not just SEC teams but the SEC itself wants Tennessee to lose every game it seems like. Granted I'm only going off a 2 game samples sized but those 2 games are the only 2 games with SEC officials. A 100% average is not looking good for the SEC
At least with Nico we would have a reason to run this vanilla offense. I mean we are calling plays as if it’s a freshman QB behind center as it is
They've completely removed the middle of the field from a QB that had zero INTs entering yesterday. It's baffling. He showed he could do it. I think the AP game has a different feel of 50% of the drops are caught.

I agree with a lot of folks on here that they didn't trust the QB but that leads to more questions. Regardless, defense should be ashamed of themselves but they won't be.
Heupel has said that they dont plan on redshirting Nico, and nico is likely heading to the league after 3 seasons refardless. Since Milton isnt cutting it as it is, why not try him? The play calling is already vanilla enough for a freshman qb
Heupel has said that they dont plan on redshirting Nico, and nico is likely heading to the league after 3 seasons refardless. Since Milton isnt cutting it as it is, why not try him? The play calling is already vanilla enough for a freshman qb
Because the true freshman experiment is A L W A Y S a disaster here.
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They've completely removed the middle of the field from a QB that had zero INTs entering yesterday. It's baffling. He showed he could do it. I think the AP game has a different feel of 50% of the drops are caught.

I agree with a lot of folks on here that they didn't trust the QB but that leads to more questions. Regardless, defense should be ashamed of themselves but they won't be.
When we hit the passes in the middle of the field yesterday, florida was in prevent defense, which leaves the medium/intermediate passes open
Several players were suspended for violation of team rules. UT generally doesn't announce it, and injuries are often undisclosed, as well. Sometimes they'll say a player is "unavailable"-- but they prefer to say nothing at all.
I'm wondering if it was the players who Kamara took to the strip club while he was in town. I know that was supposedly the night before the Austin Peay game, but perhaps CJH didn't become fully aware of all of the details until this past week.
I'm wondering if it was the players who Kamara took to the strip club while he was in town. I know that was supposedly the night before the Austin Peay game, but perhaps CJH didn't become fully aware of all of the details until this past week.
Lmao that’s hilarious if true
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