Recruiting Football Talk VII

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if only there was someone responsible for trotting that group out there.
You mean the OL coach, the OC and the coach?

The coach is ultimately responsible so how exactly do you propose we hold him responsible? There isn't an easy fix or switch to flip to make it better.
Agreed on not turning on Heupel yet. But why weren’t a lot of these issues addressed in the offseason in player acquisition?
That’s a legitimate gripe. We haven’t been aggressive enough in the portal. We’re gonna have to be ruthless this offseason and clean up the roster in a number of spots.
Well, I’ve waited a good bit before I came here to post this because if I had posted this last night I would be accused of overreacting!

I believe we are staring at a 7and 5 season. To be truthful I’m not shocked by last night. I wanted to believe, convinced myself that AP was a one off but that was a harbinger of what was to come. S Carolina and Mizzou are not sure things. I watched both of their games and they look better than us atm!

Even though it wasn’t all on Joe, they obviously didn’t trust him enough to run the full offense! Not really fair to Joe but I think we should build to the future and go with Nico. At this point it may be necessary to hold on to our commits!

Most of you know I’m usually one of the sunshine pumpers but there doesn’t appear to be a break in the clouds to allow any sun to peek through. Really hope I’m wrong!
They trusted Joe just fine in the Orange bowl and that worked out. I don’t think that’s the issue. I think Heupel is letting Halzle call the game and we end up with this. Also, the defense has to be able to get stops. Letting them get multiple 14 play drives and control an entire half is just back breaking. That is not Milton’s fault.
Years from now we’ll discover that our sloppiness was because the night before the game Heupel took the players out for strippers and cocaine. It’s always something you don’t expect.
They trusted Joe just fine in the Orange bowl and that worked out. I don’t think that’s the issue. I think Heupel is letting Halzle call the game and we end up with this. Also, the defense has to be able to get stops. Letting them get multiple 14 play drives and control an entire half is just back breaking. That is not Milton’s fault.
Heupel hears every single call and overrides one’s he doesn’t agree…. That’s if he trusts Hazle as the play caller yet?
did FL ever get called for holding last night? Serious question... I don't think they did... BUT they did actually hold every play... the one on I think Beasley where they replayed it and he literally dragged him to the ground and it was so bad Kirk had to call them out-- criminal. And yet nothing will ever be said and the officials will just go on doing what they do...
did FL ever get called for holding last night? Serious question... I don't think they did... BUT they did actually hold every play... the one on I think Beasley where they replayed it and he literally dragged him to the ground and it was so bad Kirk had to call them out-- criminal. And yet nothing will ever be said and the officials will just go on doing what they do...
The refs were atrocious. I don’t blame refs too much but they were so bad last night the broadcast was calling them out. Putrid.
That’s a legitimate gripe. We haven’t been aggressive enough in the portal. We’re gonna have to be ruthless this offseason and clean up the roster in a number of spots.
Gonna have to be aggressive in getting some OL and DB’s this off-season or next year will be another one where we fail to take the next step.
UT has cultivated a lot of ill will. I don't pretend to understand the extent of the animosity, though it is cumulative. UT seems to be on the wrong side of the narrative most of the time. Narratives drive revenue. The media and conferences are not impartial. But the officiating needs to be addressed. That is out of control and letting it run amok is going to destroy the residual integrity of college sports.
It comes down to competence. SEC officials miss way too many calls to remotely convince me or anyone, IMO, that they are the best we can do. I am sure other conferences have bad officials as well, but the NCAA needs to take a strong look at how officials are hired, developed, evaluated and retained. It is bad in almost every single game I watch and I watch a lot.
There's no point in turning on CJH. None whatsoever. This team has limitations. Some of the older players have ceilings, and they've hit them. We're serviceable at best at certain positions. When workarounds aren't working, things break down. I wouldn't pin hope on one player being the fix. They have to work together and hold it together when things aren't going their way. What happened last night will happen again. UT is a team SEC teams want to beat. We'll get every SEC team's best effort. We have tough road games ahead, and SEC home games won't be a cakewalk, either.
Based on what I saw, we may be lucky to beat Vandy and Missouri. We wont be competitive with Tamu, Bama, or Georgia. And likely not Kentucky or Cocks. Man that sucks to say.
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Do you seriously not think they have those meetings? Heupel is responsible for every area of this team.
Do you think they do
This has been a problem for 29 games now
Same players same terrible performances and again, if the talent recruited isn’t better then the horseshit we have starting then that’s a problem also
Heupel hears every single call and overrides one’s he doesn’t agree…. That’s if he trusts Hazle as the play caller yet?
I can’t understand why anyone is still blaming the play calling at this point. Seems pretty obvious that the offense is handcuffed by Milton’s decision making and inability to read a defense.
Agreed on not turning on Heupel yet. But why weren’t a lot of these issues addressed in the offseason in player acquisition?
They weren't always successful in getting the players they wanted. Others haven't performed as expected. Others don't like changing positions. Others have been injured. They've been trying to shift guys around to build depth and find the best rotations. Sometimes, competition is productive; sometimes, it's less so. Sometimes, guys rise up; sometimes, they don't. We all have the same questions and concerns. I'm just saying, there's not always an easy answer. Workarounds don't always work. Players have to execute. And sometimes, there are still deficiencies.
Random statement that is weak and lazy. There is no way you know that.
Uhhh just watch the damn game last night. Can’t make audibles quick enough, can’t read the field.. I mean he tossed the football 500 ft in the air ripe for the gators picking
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Funny-- coincidentally I said the exact same thing last night to a buddy--- can you imagine if we had Sam Hartman back there at QB? We'd have won last night by 2+ TDs...
I think he’s the best QB in the country.

Funny how Heupel and Co preferred Milton over Hooker when they got here. Continued to recruit Milton even after we got Hooker. I’m glad they figured that out quick, hopefully they do the same and put Nico in.
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