Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Almost knocked Saban out of the dance and talked back to Saban's spiel. How it works.

But not Saban/Bama who has been tampering. Or Riley who made such a show of tampering with impunity that everyone felt they almost had to tamper to keep up. Didn't act to keep Michigan out of the playoffs: just kept delaying to keep them in the playoffs. Always the same with the NCAA.

I hate FSU btw. Not defending them. But this is how the crooked NCAA picks and chooses. I hate that it will help the Gators.
That article references "sitting head coaches texting players". What if one of them was Saban? He decided to bail to save his legacy? Can dream, right?
Have we considered that Saban quiy out of the blue and is hoping that the Bama AD botches the crap out of this hire? If the coach that follows him fails and fails hard it will only cement his legacy in the simple minds of the bammers even more than it already has. He is rooting for this to be a disaster of a search followed by the mehest of hires. He is a prime grade a douche canoe.
Yeah i actually thought the same thing. I was driving during this game and listening. I've always been really hard on Kesling during football games. He's rough at times. But he's kind of... excellent maybe (?!) in basketball. Really crisp and gives you the context you need. Or at least he was in that game. I hadnt listened to them in awhile. But i enjoyed it.
Agree - why can’t we have a basketball announcing team and a different football announcing team?
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