Real solutions involve hard work and rarely get your name in the headlines. These pols just want us to think they're doing something. This guy will go back to his community and tell people "well I passed a bill to get drunks off the road," and that will be that. Of course, these laws don't stop the offenses and sometimes they can actually make things a lot worse but all the pols are thinking about is the next election.
If you really wanted to stop DUIs, well dangerous DUIs, you need to focus on the people who get a 2nd offense within 6mos and you order serious treatment, 3rd offense should be mandatory in-patient rehab. The problem is that while my solution here sounds good 1. there aren't many actual treatment centers or even out patient counseling centers 2. no one wants to fund mental health care and drug rehabilitation programs 3. finding in-patient rehab centers is difficult - there aren't enough beds to meet demand
I did criminal Justice for part of my ugrad and spoke to a guy in jail who couldn't have been more than 18-19 years of age. He was in for a minor offense and was to get out soon. I asked him about his release and he looked me dead in the eye and said, "I don't want to get out of jail." I asked him why. And he said, "As soon as I'm out I'll get back on drugs and it will kill me." I asked him about rehab and he shook his head and told me no facilities/no insurance. He was legitimately terrified of going home because he knew he'd go back to bad habits and that his were dangerous enough to kill him. That's a kid that should've been given court ordered in-patient rehab - a perfect candidate for treatment and rehabilitation.