Look at this bigoted corrupt sh-t that E-Saban-PN finally posted. Click. No news on the biggest story in sports today.
OK. So scroll down. The 3rd biggest story.
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So click on that. What comes up? Ready for this? An editorial piece promoting Saban's preferred outcome. With a headline crafted to stoke alarm.
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Don't believe me about the Saban agenda? Then click on that video that replaced the news story. And this is what you get immediately. (After a commercial)
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Ok. What's next? As the talking head begins to propagandize, check the chyron force-fed to viewers who are still trying in vain to find out the news, as opposed to what Saban wants.
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Now scroll down again, if you haven't been persuaded that Saban is the great "elder statesman" of football -- with no agenda of his own. There -- finally -- is the buried story. But now with the Saban-ESPN plan as a heading, replacing the original headline!
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