Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Bodes well for the future. If you can make that decision with her history here then you can make the hard choices best for the program.

And he made it with her team playing the number one team the best out of everyone. Thought that might have gotten her another year.
He probably realized what I did-- the potential was there with RIckea to take us very far in the tournament, but Kellie wasn't a good enough coach to take advantage of it like LSU, SC, Iowa , Connecticut (for example) have done with elite players. Losing a player like Rickea and seeing that there wasn't a whole lot of greatness coming up next year--it was time for a change.
They all have final 4s. Fairly recently. All have better recruiters at the helm. They’ll be better than us next year if we don’t recruit. We got lucky honestly with Knecht.
All of their Final Fours except Bama’s were pre-NIL. Auburn and UK have won 3 tournament games combined in the NIL era.
Well, I for one wish her nothing but the best. I for one have been on this board, making sexist remarks about her looks, for a cheap laugh. She deserved better.

Quite frankly, Ive always wanted her to be successful. As a father of a young family, can empathize with her situation. Its impossible to live in Pat's shadow. Good luck Kellie, you're a VFL.

But was time to move on, for all parties.
Me, too. I wish they had moved on before the negativity got so bad, but I also see the hope that Rickea Jackson could ramp up the rebuild. KJH has had some bad luck and the staffing wasn't ideal, but I never like seeing former players fall short or become such a lightning rod. I think Kellie, like Holly, gave it her best and wanted the best for the LV program. And I hope she'll be treated better than Holly as she moves on with her life and career. Sometimes, people just can't get the results everybody wants.
It was the recruiting that sealed it for CKJH. Couldn't get it back on track and wasn't making the progress needed in the portal. And Jon was a non-negotiable who took up a spot without recruiting.
Agreed, I thought she finished the season well with what she had...... The problem is and was recruiting. She wasn't going to have much to replace the production she loses this year. It just want going to get better.......... Trending the wrong way. Had she been able to bend the ears of better recruits she'd still have a job.
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Because people like Bama are passing us up and we can recruit better. Yes im aware we swept them but everyone around us is making final 4s. Auburn, Bama, UK all recruit bette than us.
For all these teams "passing us up," Barnes seems to do pretty well head-to-head against said teams. Foolish post.
I just don't think its a coincedence that the Harper firing was announced today. They've had a lot of time to announce that, and it seems like the media guys knee this was coming for a few days.

Texas and Oregon State lost yesterday. Those are two eligible coaches imo. The only eligible coach that could lose today is USC's. Outside of that, Virginia Tech, Louisville, and NC State are the only potential calls. But I think the timing narrows it down. I could be hugely wrong.
Pretty sure "swing big" isn't going to mean the same thing to everybody. Equally sure a vocal section of the fanbase is going to be unhappy with the hire. Inevitable when people are divided on how they think the LV program should be run and by whom.
Curious, I know you’re in the know about things, has Lawson been thrown around at all? Or is Low’s post about going outside the LV family fully accurate?
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