Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Early returns from the LV Forum. Surprisingly, a more or less calm and reasonable atmosphere established itself immediately. The food fights disappeared. It's like a fever broke. A small thing perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but a very welcome and encouraging development imo. GBO!

Edit: No sooner do I post that than a usual suspect starts attacking Danny White. Her fave candidate has "too much class" for DW. DW embarrassed himself by hiring [sic] Vitello, "and now this." Maybe it will lie fallow. Smh.
That poster later called for DW to fire Vitello.

If she only read this thread, she’d know that we’ve already fahr’d him like twenty times now.
K. Y’all have a good one.

Smyrna is done.

@Freak please delete this account.

Seriously? Come on, man. Emotions run high after a game like that - I don’t always agree with you but you shouldn’t just quit… (PS - I love Coach Barnes. I think we’re lucky to have him and I don’t want him to leave until he’s good and ready)
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The gloating from Kentucky over our misery is pathetic. Never-was football program and has-been basketball program that has nothing to exist for other than to see Tennessee miserable.
Little brother syndrome. They know even their basketball pedigree being what it is doesn’t and hasn’t ever made up for being our personal punching bag in football.
Are you thinking of Mulkey? I've never seen a bad word said about Dawn Staley. She's pretty classy and wins.

She went out of her way to spend time with the 16 seed Presbyterian program, at their school, ahead of the tournament. Gave the girls some coaching, answered questions, etc. She goes out of her way to do things she doesn't have to.
That last sentence cuts in many different directions and is part of the reason I suspect many don't want her here.

There was some dust up a couple of years back. She interjected herself and her team into it before more information came out that puts the original claims in serious doubt. Cancelled a series with BYU over it iirc.

I think Staley is a great coach but I admit I lost some respect for her over the way she handled that situation.
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Early returns from the LV Forum. Surprisingly, a more or less calm and reasonable atmosphere established itself immediately. The food fights disappeared. It's like a fever broke. A small thing perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but a very welcome and encouraging development imo. GBO!

Edit: No sooner do I post that than a usual suspect starts attacking Danny White. Her fave candidate has "too much class" for DW. DW embarrassed himself by hiring [sic] Vitello, "and now this." Maybe it will lie fallow. Smh.
I hope no less than 100 people have informed that Vitello has been at Tennessee twice as long as Danny White.
I wonder where Kellie was on that list?
If they did that back then, I doubt she was on it. She had previously been at Missouri State after being at NC State before that (downward trend).

I do hope Holly and Kellie not working out doesn’t sour their feelings towards the university. Just goes to show how truly remarkable Pat was and the level of success needed that two of her star pupils with all our resources couldn’t cut it after 5 years.

His highlight film is crazy if anybody wants to watch…for his size he is already one of the most athletic DL on the team imo he is just green right now but if Garner taps into that potential woo boy

Remember the kid played WR/CB in high school before packing on like 60-80 pounds in Juco

Finebaum is such a clown and hardcore troll. I have yet to read, listen, or talk to a Vol fan who is upset about this decision.

Don’t even need to watch the video. Finebaum is a talking head. Needs clicks and viewers. Let’s keep it simple: The standard of excellence is not secondary to the personal affinity for a VFL. Both sides know the risks going into business together. The potential of it working out was worth the risk. End of the day, her firing is a business decision. She gave her all and we are very grateful for that. It does not mean we will continue to employ her if she is not meeting the standard and expectations set forth. It is not ok for Tennessee Lady Vols Basketball to merely be competitive in games against superior competition. The roles are reversed in that scenario. We expect to be superior. That is the the standard, the goal, and the expectation (fair/reasonable or not). You get lucky enough to have a Pat Summit, that is forever the lot of resources and standards your program will be in, unless the brass makes the decision to favor fan affinity and eventual disappointment over results and profits (you could debate whether women’s basketball is profitable to be worth the investment - I wont touch that argument - to me there is a legacy of excellence to uphold and you figure out how to make the numbers work to support chasing that standard).

I’d rather hear Finebaum talk about the basketball team and the outlook for next year or the football team based on spring practice reports, rather than hear him criticize the best athletic director/department we’ve had in two decades over the decision to fire our women’s basketball coach.
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