Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I just don't think its a coincedence that the Harper firing was announced today. They've had a lot of time to announce that, and it seems like the media guys knee this was coming for a few days.

Texas and Oregon State lost yesterday. Those are two eligible coaches imo. The only eligible coach that could lose today is USC's. Outside of that, Virginia Tech, Louisville, and NC State are the only potential calls. But I think the timing narrows it down. I could be hugely wrong.
I think it was announced today because the buyout dropped substantially 4/1.
I just don't think its a coincedence that the Harper firing was announced today. They've had a lot of time to announce that, and it seems like the media guys knee this was coming for a few days.

Texas and Oregon State lost yesterday. Those are two eligible coaches imo. The only eligible coach that could lose today is USC's. Outside of that, Virginia Tech, Louisville, and NC State are the only potential calls. But I think the timing narrows it down. I could be hugely wrong.
VT’s coach is already off the table and is heading to Kentucky.
I don’t remember who it was I had a lengthy back and forth with about my expectations of Kellie not being back next season, and I’m too lazy to go figure out who (you know who you are), and I’m not typically someone to “say I told you so,” but…. I told you so.

Hope the new coach can hold onto the phenom recruit we have committed in a future class, don’t remember her name or what class it is.

Also I posted some excerpts from some The Athletic articles after the loss to nc state that showed who were thought to be the best coaches out there, both current and up and comers, as voted by their coaching peers. I would look to that as the short list for a potential hire, expecting the hire timeframe to be short if we can attract a big established name, and only longer if we have to be forced to look at an up and comer option (though I hope we made the move knowing who our hire was going to be - would expect such forethought from DW). I also expect the hire to be less than 65 yoa. And I also expect a female hire, though wouldn’t rule out a male hire if they find the right one amongst established names. Think there are more potential male hires amongst the established winning coaches than female ones (at least most of the established winning female coaches I think appear locked in where they are).
I wonder where Kellie was on that list?
I just don't think its a coincedence that the Harper firing was announced today. They've had a lot of time to announce that, and it seems like the media guys knee this was coming for a few days.

Texas and Oregon State lost yesterday. Those are two eligible coaches imo. The only eligible coach that could lose today is USC's. Outside of that, Virginia Tech, Louisville, and NC State are the only potential calls. But I think the timing narrows it down. I could be hugely wrong.
It's because her buyout was 3.2M yesterday and 2.2M today.
Early returns from the LV Forum. Surprisingly, a more or less calm and reasonable atmosphere established itself immediately. The food fights disappeared. It's like a fever broke. A small thing perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but a very welcome and encouraging development imo. GBO!

Edit: No sooner do I post that than a usual suspect starts attacking Danny White. Her fave candidate has "too much class" for DW. DW embarrassed himself by hiring [sic] Vitello, "and now this." Maybe it will lie fallow. Smh.
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Well probably but that crazy trade goes sometimes rite before draft .
Bears are stocked with draft picks in 2025. Poles was part of the braintrust in KC that identified their guy at quarterback who made the rest of the team work. Don’t count on him passing on that.
Because people like Bama are passing us up and we can recruit better. Yes im aware we swept them but everyone around us is making final 4s. Auburn, Bama, UK all recruit bette than us.
UK isn't making Final Fours I wouldn't even say they're recruiting better than other teams at the top of the conference. They aren't recruiting the way they did 10 years ago. Auburn and Bama haven't passed us. If anything I'd say Auburn, Bama, and Tennessee are on the same level right now. UK is fourth, and I'd say fifth if Arkansas hadn't crapped the bed this year.

I will say on paper you can argue Auburn and Bama recruit better than we have. But you'd also be ignoring that we HAVE pulled huge recruits: BHH, Springer, Chandler, Johnson, Aidoo, JJJ, and Dilione. And we did find guys like Knecht and ZZ. Also, we are clearly getting more out of our guys than the other teams "recruiting better" because we are beating them.

The recruiting has improved every year it seems like. And I just wouldn't be shocked to see Barnes loosen up and go all in on the recruiting side this offseason.
Me, too. I wish they had moved on before the negativity got so bad, but I also see the hope that Rickea Jackson could ramp up the rebuild. KJH has had some bad luck and the staffing wasn't ideal, but I never like seeing former players fall short or become such a lightning rod. I think Kellie, like Holly, gave it her best and wanted the best for the LV program. And I hope she'll be treated better than Holly as she moves on with her life and career. Sometimes, people just can't get the results everybody wants.

Impossible to move on before the negativity gets “so bad” with the Vol fanbase. Incredibly negative fanbase at all times, even when winning things.
Oh heck no. I want no part of her team. Shes so unlikeable.
Are you thinking of Mulkey? I've never seen a bad word said about Dawn Staley. She's pretty classy and wins.

She went out of her way to spend time with the 16 seed Presbyterian program, at their school, ahead of the tournament. Gave the girls some coaching, answered questions, etc. She goes out of her way to do things she doesn't have to.
UK isn't making Final Fours I wouldn't even say they're recruiting better than other teams at the top of the conference. They aren't recruiting the way they did 10 years ago. Auburn and Bama haven't passed us. If anything I'd say Auburn, Bama, and Tennessee are on the same level right now. UK is fourth, and I'd say fifth if Arkansas hadn't crapped the bed this year.

I will say on paper you can argue Auburn and Bama recruit better than we have. But you'd also be ignoring that we HAVE pulled huge recruits: BHH, Springer, Chandler, Johnson, Aidoo, JJJ, and Dilione. And we did find guys like Knecht and ZZ. Also, we are clearly getting more out of our guys than the other teams "recruiting better" because we are beating them.

The recruiting has improved every year it seems like. And I just wouldn't be shocked to see Barnes loosen up and go all in on the recruiting side this offseason.

UK is absolutely recruiting better than other teams at the top of the conference.

In ‘23 they had the #1 class in the country.

In ‘24 they had the #2 class with four 5*.
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I'm shocked.
It’s kinda like Ohtani and betting, nobody believes the alibi but we accept the fact mlb doesn’t care to pursue or investigate.

I have every right to disagree with an opinion or call out obvious trolls… I can be wrong in how I handle it which he called out but I also don’t have to agree with the sentiment. At the end of the day it’s not that serious.
Are you thinking of Mulkey? I've never seen a bad word said about Dawn Staley. She's pretty classy and wins.

She went out of her way to spend time with the 16 seed Presbyterian program, at their school, ahead of the tournament. Gave the girls some coaching, answered questions, etc. She goes out of her way to do things she doesn't have to.
No i'm not that casual an observer. Ha. I just don't like some of her past comments.
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