Recruiting Football Talk VII

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like the girl that accused AJ, the bills punter, or the Duke Lacrosse team?
It is part of the case. But unless someone is reading the entire trial transcript, who knows how it all ties together or the evidence that was presented. I'll wait for further details.
Staying the night in the hospital. I took her to her PCP yesterday and they ran bloodwork. Her doctor woke me up bright and early this am to let me know the results came back showing a significant change in kidney function. He said take her to the ER for fluids and tests. So she gets to stay at least one night for them to monitor her and run tests.

I better @bignewt so he can make another smartass remark. Don't want him feeling left out again.
I’m so sorry! Praying for you both! 😞
Staying the night in the hospital. I took her to her PCP yesterday and they ran bloodwork. Her doctor woke me up bright and early this am to let me know the results came back showing a significant change in kidney function. He said take her to the ER for fluids and tests. So she gets to stay at least one night for them to monitor her and run tests.

I better @bignewt so he can make another smartass remark. Don't want him feeling left out again.

Hope his mom gets better! 🙏 @Weezer
I am not saying he didn't do it, but nobody has every lied in their testimony before? If he really did it, I hope he get the roughest largest cell mate possible.
Sure. People lie all the time. But when three unrelated women come forward with incredibly similar stories that he drugged them, raped them, and then used the church to bully them into staying quiet, it starts to get harder to believe that they're just lying. One of the girls went to the police when it happened too.
@frank gave me an exemption because you and others have been so mean to me about my game thread. He said I can hoard all the notifications I want because of your meanness.
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