Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I was all about Aidoo during SEC play, but what he did in the Elite 8 was sickening. His team needed him to play like a 6'11" starting, SEC center and he let a freshman have his minutes. It was right there for him to prove himself from the other big men on our team and he let a bigger player intimidate him again. If he leaves, this transfer will not bother me.

Estrella, Awaka > Aidoo
Estrella will be pretty good eventually. Although I think I will just try to memorize their jersey numbers instead of names from now on.

This portal is and always will be totally out of control.
Estrella will be pretty good eventually. Although I think I will just try to memorize their jersey numbers instead of names from now on.

This portal is and always will be totally out of control.
I wonder how different sports would look in all facets if the MLB never caved to free agency
Does anyone else think Barnes is making room for better players?

Staff loves Estrella and he would take minutes from both Aidoo and Awaka next year if all 3 were on the team. Staff knew they were losing one of either Awaka or Aidoo. Aidoo was the one they expected to leave out of the two. Awaka was a bit of a surprise that he jumped first but now the thought is he comes back.

Feel good about Dubar and Lanier in the portal.

Mashack knows portal guys are coming in and probably has a nice idea of who they are. Staff doesn’t want him to leave and he’s weighing his options.

So not necessarily making room, just a lot of moving parts.
As some of you may know I used to run a rescue for farm animals. Due to the economy and unfortunate circumstances we've had to scale back. We still care for many special needs and hospice cases but we just can't take in new cases

I post all that to update you on one of our original goats, the herd queen for many years who presented with cancer about a year and a half ago. We knew her time would come but were so encouraged by her flight and will. She's had an open cancerous wound on her female parts that we've successfully managed for the duration.

She slowed down some over the past 4 months but her spirits were high, she loved her hay and fig newtons and animal crackers. Spent time with her youngest daughter...... But then she started presenting with loose stool. No big deal we just clean her and treat her....... Let her spend it the remainder of her days with her daughter who is due to give birth any day............. Until Monday night she was much weaker. Tuesday afternoon I went to clean her up again and noticed my worst strike. They had invaded her body........ There was only one thing left to do.

We filled her full of her favorite Fig Newton, animal crackers and alfalfa hay that night. And again I'm the morning. Then took her to the vet to release her peacefully.......

I'm posting a picture of her here when we first took over the farm about 6 years ago, she was in her prime as herd queen........ Scratching her belly on something as she often did....... Rest easy Bertha! We called her Big B.......... We will look after your daughter and her babies...... We wish you could have met them!

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Very sorry for your loss
Picking up steam, maybe I am wrong.

AP said on the podcast that OSU had an offer on the table for him of around $400k and it wasn't enough. He said that he doesn't think that the Vols place that high of a value on RB in this offense. He also said he expects Bishop to shine this spring as well. I would love to add some depth though.
AP said on the podcast that OSU had an offer on the table for him of around $400k and it wasn't enough. He said that he doesn't think that the Vols place that high of a value on RB in this offense. He also said he expects Bishop to shine this spring as well. I would love to add some depth though.
not at that price. would rather have a guard.

AP said on the podcast that OSU had an offer on the table for him of around $400k and it wasn't enough. He said that he doesn't think that the Vols place that high of a value on RB in this offense. He also said he expects Bishop to shine this spring as well. I would love to add some depth though.
I think I'll be shocked if we add anyone. Not a good enough reason to shell out all that money for a back. We just don't need one.

Heck in 21' we played over half the year with sophomore Jabari Small, true freshman Jaylen Wright and that's it. They were just ok then and we still had one of the better rushing attacks in the country.

Samp, Bishop, Keith and Lewis with Seldon eventually coming back is plenty.

Sampson is a stud and there's no way Bishop, Keith and Lewis can't at least be as good as sophomore Jabari and true freshman Jaylen.
Martinez was a fun back to watch though. Physical runner, 230lbs. We don’t have anyone that size that moves like that bc he’s way more refined as a runner than Seldon.
It is puzzling then that so many states which chose to secede literally said in their declarations of secession that it was about slavery.
And if we had a similar dust up today something like abortion or religion would be the hot button issue and the rallying cry but that would not be the cause. The real issues are usually too complex and don't stir emotions enough to be made in to a rallying cry so a simple symptomatic issue is used.
The War of Northern Aggression was much more about economics and culture than it was about any single issue.
The north viewed the South as the morally inferior supply depot of raw materials. At the end of the day the people with the industrial, military, and economic power wanted their way and didn't want to let a pesky little thing like the Constitution get in their way. Sadly it is sounding more and more familiar to our present situation. 'Ceptin the good guys have a lot more industrial and military power now.
Imagine trying to justify paying a RB 400k in todays football climate, yeah that’s a big no for me would rather use our resources on the OL during the spring
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I think he would’ve done it by now if it were this year. If Ziegler portals then you know it’s time to assume he’s retiring. But I assume he’ll stay for his last season at least.
I don't see Ziegler portaling after his family has moved here and how much love is shared between Z's family and UT fans.
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