Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Sure. People lie all the time. But when three unrelated women come forward with incredibly similar stories that he drugged them, raped them, and then used the church to bully them into staying quiet, it starts to get harder to believe that they're just lying. One of the girls went to the police when it happened too.
I am all about justice. I am the father of three daughters and a husband of my wife. If a POS raped one of them then I would want justice served just like in this situation. If he did it then let the Lord have mercy on his soul.
I did. Weird to post on a message board you about to take a loved one to the ER. Stand behind it.
Maybe a lot or some of us post in here all day, sporadic or every now and again. I personally like you because of your weirdness and different.

Now. You have no idea if at that moment Weezer was about to race, yes, I said to race, because that’s what is in your mind at that moment to the hospital,
and if he just needed “thoughts and prayers” to PEOPLE on here that he interacts with on a daily basis like most of us.
@frank said you in particular were especially mean and that you should publicly apologize. That's what he said.
I am all about justice. I am the father of three daughters and a husband of my wife. If a POS raped one of them then I would want justice served just like in this situation. If he did it then let the Lord have mercy on his soul.
I've got 3 girls, I constantly worry about something bad like that happening. I'm afraid of what I'd do if it did. I don't say that like I'm big and bad, but I know me. We had someone try to break in once, and I almost went to jail for my reaction. I don't want trouble with anyone, but if trouble comes knocking, I'm willing to answer with violence.
If the evidence is that weak it will get over turned on appeal. All the more reason to keep out of situations where you can be accused of something like this.. Don't know if he did it or not. If he did, then he should be punished.
They have to have some procedural error or misconduct. Reversal can’t be based on not understanding the jury’s decision.
I would like to think I'd have more pressing thoughts than this board.
While I can understand that, there's many times I've come to this board to vent when my wife has been in the hospital. I've got friends here, ones I've actually been with outside of here, and the ones here that have just been there to listen, or pray. It may seem weird to you, but people react to stressful situations in different ways.
If they testify at trial it is. See, you're getting the hang of this....
I have no clue as to the veracity of the testimony from these women.

But false witness is as old as man.

I would certainly hope there is some corroborating evidence that supports their eye witness testimony. And if there is let him rot.
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