Recruiting Football Talk VII

Long time no see to everyone, I’ve logged on the ask everyone to pray for @SweetasSoda. I’ve just got word that they’ve called in the family. She and the family definitely needs prayer tonight. God Bless and TIA
So good to see you. So incredibly sad to hear this news. Praying now. I am very shook. Sorry for the rambling. Oh no.
I’m not sure. I’m getting second hand info, they said she had meningitis and strep at first. Today they said she was septic. So I don’t really know 🤷‍♂️

This pisses me the **** off. It’s their damn job to know or to find out.

My uncle has been in the hospital for two days now. At first they thought it was Cellulitis, been giving him medication, nothing has helped and they have no clue what it could be.

Frustrating as ****.

HUGE prayers to @SweetasSoda the most genuine person ever. 🙏❤️
This pisses me the **** off. It’s their damn job to know or to find out.

My has been in the hospital for two days now. At first they thought it was Cellulitis, been giving him medication, nothing has helped and they have no clue what it could be.

Frustrating as ****.

HUGE prayers to @SweetasSoda the most genuine person ever. 🙏❤️
Why actually find out when they can never look up from their laptops and shuffle you out as fast as possible?
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Much prayers for her and her family. I'll miss her very much and I know the rest of this forum will too. Go to her profile and read some of her last posts. She was awesome and one of a kind. I'm just heartbroken. 😪
Holding out hope. I don't believe she's gone yet. Prayers and hope can accomplish a lot.
Long time no see to everyone, I’ve logged on the ask everyone to pray for @SweetasSoda. I’ve just got word that they’ve called in the family. She and the family definitely needs prayer tonight. God Bless and TIA
What happened?
This morning, I was catching up from last night's posts and @VOLSONLY post about Oda floored me.

You can start reading from the post I quoted.

*I don't know her personally, just from VN
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A dad on my son’s travel ball team wore a Beamer Ball hat this weekend. Do I have to like him?

In my son’s little league baseball one season there were Dads from Auburn, bama, LSU, Tennessee, Georgia, and florida with kids all on the same team.

Within 2 weeks, the florida Dad had alienated all the other Dads. Even the non SEC Dads would not spend time talking to him. I thought it was hilarious 😂
good but not elite…. We have struggled with depth and against elite defensive lines such as Georgia. I’m happy with Elerbee but he does need to take the next step if we want to be a championship program.
Almost everybody in CFB struggles against Georgia's insane elite talent, and insane depth of elite talent..

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