Recruiting Football Talk VII

I didn't want you to miss Wilkerson's Applebee's joke on the UT radio broadcast when we clinched the Regional championship.

I want to know if you put him up to it. And whether they let you call him from jail or did you write?
Wilkerson knows good food joints. He celebrates the entire applebee catalog independently
This pisses me the **** off. It’s their damn job to know or to find out.

My uncle has been in the hospital for two days now. At first they thought it was Cellulitis, been giving him medication, nothing has helped and they have no clue what it could be.

Frustrating as ****.
Healthcare/big pharma is just a big cesspool of corruption and a scam. It’s a shame really
Happy Hump Day. God can help you over it.

June 5, 2024: Never fear. I will show you the way to resolve every issue that seems beyond your ability to solve. When you get afraid, remember the times that I have rescued you and set you on the right path again, and access that level of faith. Refuse to allow difficulties to become a road block instead of a detour. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Thank you for posting these daily
Are you talking about through the SEC tourney? I may go along with that...if not, what are you specifically talking about?
I felt like our pitchers showed signs of being tired toward the end of that season and especially adding on the SEC Tourney… I feel like he has done a much better job handling our arms this year. It doesn’t guarantee victory but you need guys as close to maximum effectiveness as possible.
@SweetasSoda is seriously ill. We are hoping and praying for her and her family. Details above in this thread. I know you are big friends in the recruit threads, but you're not in this thread often, and I know you would want to know.
@Orange thank you for making me aware. I will go back and get all the details. I will also be praying for her and the family. Thanks again.
You as well Brother 👊
Just saw the news this morning and have prayed for her and her family. I’m local to you guys (as I’m sure you guessed by the screen name) but I don’t know who either of you are. Good chance my kids were in school while she was at Swiss. Obviously she is well loved and respected on here. We appreciate any updates you can share.
I felt like our pitchers showed signs of being tired toward the end of that season and especially adding on the SEC Tourney… I feel like he has done a much better job handling our arms this year. It doesn’t guarantee victory but you need guys as close to maximum effectiveness as possible.
I agree with that...but we had so much depth that year I can see why it was handled that way.

I absolutely believe that is why Tony took the approach to the SEC tourney that did...but he would have gotten drilled here if it had not worked out.
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I agree with that...but we had so much depth that year I can see why it was handled that way.

I absolutely believe that is why Tony took the approach to the SEC tourney that did...but he would have gotten drilled here if it had not worked out.
Some don’t understand baseball… that tournament means little… We have our best chance ever to win it all… The field is wide open for us, imo.
Some don’t understand baseball… that tournament means little… We have our best chance ever to win it all… The field is wide open for us, imo.
It is...but Baseball is what it it's still a crapshoot at best...literally nothing would surprise me.
@SweetasSoda is seriously ill. We are hoping and praying for her and her family. Details above in this thread. I know you are big friends in the recruit threads, but you're not in this thread often, and I know you would want to know.
@SweetasSoda is seriously ill. We are hoping and praying for her and her family. Details above in this thread. I know you are big friends in the recruit threads, but you're not in this thread often, and I know you would want to know.
I went back in the thread and got all the details that I could. My heart hurts right now from getting this news. I don't think that I've met anyone on here in person, but there is a select group that I look forward to seeing post and have for years. She is among those. I really hope she pulls through. She has been such a bright light on here, so I'm sure that she shines even brighter to those in her personal life. I will continue praying and hoping that she makes it through this.
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I agree with that...but we had so much depth that year I can see why it was handled that way.

I absolutely believe that is why Tony took the approach to the SEC tourney that did...but he would have gotten drilled here if it had not worked out.
i think there are a couple of big take aways from the SECT that translate the rest of the way....this team has now been in some pressure situations, at the plate, defensively and on the mound, and they competed and made plays. sometimes you don't know how guys will do in those situations and now they've been in some, with something on the line. has to help the confidence all the way around i would think.

from a pitching standpoint, i get as nervous as the next guy....cause it is so non-traditional...but, i do like that we have so much depth that we can, and have, rolled out as many pitchers as it takes to stay in a game and win it. you can tell sometimes it's like "we just need to get to (whatever inning) so we can finish with (pitcher x)". and more times than not, someone steps up. and Tony's proved that he'll pull the trigger pretty quick if it ain't working.

and, as mentioned, we have the depth to where that doesn't kill you later on in a series. by all rights, most teams after losing game one in the SECT, wind up with lower tier guys on the mound, or guys with short rest.

we've been able to avoid that.

i think the only problem is you don't really know who is going to be the guy to step up until you get to him sometimes lol. who had Dillon Loy doing what he did against LSU last Sunday?? not me. then he comes out against USM and gets yanked relatively quickly a week later, and Behnke gives you some innings this time around, after being the one yanked early in the SECT....kinda crazy when you think about it.

from an opponents perspective...they don't know what they're getting either....we have a lot of options.

this is a great TEAM.

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