Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Damn. 🙏

Would they be ok with us sending flowers too?

Glad you said something about this…I wish @Freak would make a forum spot for keeping up with anyone on here in bad health or just asking for prayers…this is the volunteer state…we not be able to bring a cure but we sure know how to make a life occurrence a little smoother as a whole…I’d love nothing more than to be able to send something to soda…because I know she’ll appreciate it when she pulls through from all of us.🥺😔🥲😭🤍🧡
I haven’t had the time and I don’t think this will find its way to her. SaS, @SweetasSoda, fight like hell like I’ve seen you done against posters that were wrong and tried to prove you wrong. They all fell by the wayside against your debate. I KNOW you can beat this and I’m sorry I can’t tell you at this moment. You are stronger than this. Fight girl, damn fight this. Please no one like this post. I just want this for her.
I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.
Glad you said something about this…I wish @Freak would make a forum spot for keeping up with anyone on here in bad health or just asking for prayers…this is the volunteer state…we not be able to bring a cure but we sure know how to make a life occurrence a little smoother as a whole…I’d love nothing more than to be able to send something to soda…because I know she’ll appreciate it when she pulls through from all of us.🥺😔🥲😭🤍🧡

Swear to the good lord I’m going to be purchasing tickets for either the FL or Bama (her choice) game this upcoming season for her and sending them her way.

Don’t care about the price, don’t care how she gets there, she’s going to be going to one of those games.
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Heavenly Father we come to you in this time praying you will heal Sweet as Soda. We pray you will comfort her family and all those that love her. Help us all to navigate this difficult time Lord. We pray that you will help all of us to accept your will and know that you are the rock and salvation for us all. I pray too that anyone struggling right now is comforted by all the beauty and light that Sweet as Soda shined into our lives. I pray that we will be reminded that she was a reflection of your love and light. Let none of us fear death knowing that you already won that battle. Please let my clumsy prayer be made more whole through your spirit, grace, and love.

In your name we pray - Amen.
She is still fighting and we will keep praying. If you haven't please let SaS's family know that her VN family is with them and her.
Yes Sir, I shared that Volnation was praying for her recovery!!! I’ve always been a believer in prayer!!! There’s times in this life when all you can do is Pray!!!
I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.
We all have. Be kind to yourself and you'll find it easier to be kind to others. Hate from people usually stems from a hatred of their own life. It's an easy trap to fall into.
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Thanks for the update…. I almost passed away from it when i was 2 years old…. SAS has got this…. We will be 🙏🙏🙏
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Thanks for update. She has been on my heart all day. Life is so precious. Yet, sometimes I take it for granted.
Based on some of her posts, she and I are very close in age. I pray that in a few weeks we can all be thanking the Lord for her complete recovery.
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