Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.

Kind of but only if they are not a paying customer. If you're paying me for my work you can say and act however you want, for the most part at least. Oddly enough I've never had a paying customer act way out of line rude/belligerent. It's always those that want something for nothing and if they're persistent or not in a position that I can just ignore them then it is what it is.
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Since he claims he has been reading the thread since the days of Kiffin, how did he come to be so shocked the day before yesterday? And how did he miss the football news posted in this thread on the very day he decided to reprimand the board? And why has he himself never posted about football in this thread at least once in the past 16 years? 🤔
I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.
I work in social services and had one client who repeatedly got belligerent with a particular staff member he didn’t like. I never understood it because she was a super sweet lady and always took it really hard when he started in on her. He was also a door slammer. So, he would tell her off and slam the door on his way out. Keep in mind that we’re a nonprofit providing free services that this guy and his family were benefiting from, and most of the things he was upset about were borderline ridiculous to begin with.

I set up a face to face meeting with him. When we sat down together he immediately started listing his complaints. He obviously thought I was there to hear him out and wanted the lady he was complaining about fired. I told him everything she had said and done was correct and appropriate and that if he ever raised his voice with our staff or slammed a door again he wouldn’t be allowed back on our property. To his credit he took it pretty well after some initial surprise, and we didn’t have any issues with him after that.
I came out smelling like a Rose as far as the material items. She got nothing, she didn’t even show up for court. What bothered me the most was walking out on my kids. My kids have not heard from her in over a year now. I could care less myself but my heart hurts for them 🤷‍♂️
My wife and I are going through this with our son. As parents and grandparents our hearts are broken by what we have witness. I’ve always know and believed that evil is real but to see it used against our son and grandsons😔
Our grandsons are being used as pawns in a game of revenge. It is beyond me how someone can do these things and still try to claim that it’s “for the good of the boys”
It will be two years in October and there’s no end in sight. Pray for our son our grandsons and most of all that her heart can be softened and changed🙏🏻
June 6, 1944
The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. The operation, given the codename OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France. The beaches were given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and their allies, landed on D-Day. Casualties from these countries during the landing numbered 10,300. By June 30, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores. Fighting by the brave soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the allied forces western front, and Russian forces on the eastern front, led to the defeat of German Nazi forces.

My wife and I are going through this with our son. As parents and grandparents our hearts are broken by what we have witness. I’ve always know and believed that evil is real but to see it used against our son and grandsons😔
Our grandsons are being used as pawns in a game of revenge. It is beyond me how someone can do these things and still try to claim that it’s “for the good of the boys”
It will be two years in October and there’s no end in sight. Pray for our son our grandsons and most of all that her heart can be softened and changed🙏🏻
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, there are plenty of crazy people out there and thus far, I've been fairly successful at keeping them away from my inner circle. But if they get in, oh the damage they can do. 🙏🙏
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
I have a cousin that this exact same thing happened to.
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